Barack Obama, the “Teleprompter” in Chief … We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address …”
Barack Obama, the “Teleprompter” in Chief… Looks like the Indian people were fooled to by Obama, we thought he was a trained orator. It would appear that many were fooled by Obama including those who voted for him in the 2008 Presidential election. As Jammie Wearing Fool states, he is not a trainer orator, he is a trained agitator instead.
Namaste India! In all likelihood that will be silver-tongued Barack Obama’s opening line when he addresses the Indian parliament next week. But to help him pronounce Hindi words correctly will be a teleprompter which the US president uses ever so often for his hypnotising speeches.
According to parliament sources, a technical team from the US has helped the Lok Sabha secretariat install textbook-sized panes of glass around the podium that will give cues to Obama on his prepared remarks to 780 Indian MPs on the evening of Nov 8.
It will be a 20-minute speech at Parliament House’s Central Hall that has been witness to some historic events, including first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s “tryst with destiny” speech when India became independent.
Obama will make history for more than one reason during the Nov 6-9 visit. This will be the first time a teleprompter will be used in the nearly 100-feet high dome-shaped hall that has portraits of eminent national leaders adorning its walls.
Indian politicians are known for making impromptu long speeches and perhaps that is why some parliament officials, who did not wish to be named, sounded rather surprised with the idea of a teleprompter for Obama.
“We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact,” an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
UPDATE I:Indian Congress Mesmerized by Obama’s speech and his teleprompter reading skills.YIKES! We completely agree wityh Weasel Zippers, they can thank their lucky stars that they did not have to suffer through an Obama non-teleprompter off the cuff speach filled wth ums and ahs.
India should have been at these Obama addresses
(WAPO) He thrilled them by calling for India to have a permanent seat on an expanded U.N. Security Council. He reassured them by demanding that Pakistan bring those responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks to justice. He flattered them by recalling India’s historic achievements in science, philosophy and the invention of the digit “zero”. And he amazed them by using that ubiquitous tool of modern American politics: the teleprompter.
President Obama used the electronic speech-displaying device Monday to deliver his 30-minute address to Indian lawmakers in the historic Central Hall of parliament, the same place where Britain relinquished power to a newly independent India in 1947. It was the first time a teleprompter had been used inside the chamber.
“It looks like a podium”, said one mystified lawmaker. “Where do they place the paper?” asked another.
Hey Barack, when it comes to those mad teleprompter skills, YOU D’A MAN!
Posted November 7, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Obamanation, Teleprompter, WTF | 12 comments |