Incumbent Democrat Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor Says Barack Obama Has “Been a Drag” on His Campaign”


Incumbent Democrat Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor tries in vain to distance himself from President Barack Obama as he finds himself well behind by 7% in the recent RCP average polling to Republican challenger Tom Cotton. Unfortunately for Pryor, it is hard to suddenly call Obama a drag on his campaign and distance one’s self when Sen. Mark Pryor had voted with Obama 93% of the time. However it has been even worse this year … Roll Call lists Pryor in their 10 Most Vulnerable Senators of 2014 and has him voting in support for Obama’s agenda 97% of the time.

 In recent days, Pryor has gone farther than he ever has to put daylight between himself and the president, telling Fox News that the biggest liability in his re-election bid is Obama.

“Well, you know, he has been a drag. I mean, I am just going to be honest about that,” Pryor said. “People here know that I have had my fair share of disagreements with him. You can look at gun control issues, Keystone pipeline. I have never supported one of his budgets.”

Sorry Mark Pryor, it is not Obama that is a drag on your campaign, it is that you voted with Obama’s failed policies that the good people of Arkansas soundly reject. You do not represent the folks in Arkansas and much like Blanche Lincoln in 2010, you will be retired from the US Senate.

Isn’t that interesting that Mark Pryor considers President Barack Obama a drag on his campaign, because in2008 Pryor said that Barack Obama  was “exactly the right guy for this moment in history”. REALLY? So Sen. Pryor, do you still feel the same? Challenger Tom Cotton has stated that Pryor has voted with Obama 93% of the time and it has been proved by Politifact to be a true statement.  Make no mistake about it, Pryor voted to pass Obamacare. Also, he voted for the Obama illegal’s amnesty plan.

Sen. Mark Pryor cast the deciding vote on Obamacare and says he would do it all over again and vote for it, even though the people of Arkansas strongly disapproved of it and the so-called Affordable Health care law is not affordable and does not ensure you can keep your doctor or your insurance, if you liked it. Pryor does not represent Arkansas, he represents the Obama agenda.

Here’s Pryor’s presidential support rate since 2009, when Obama took office.

Year – Presidential support rate

2009 – 95 percent
2010 – 92 percent
2011 – 95 percent
2012 – 91 percent
2013 – 90 percent

Pryor’s votes have lined up with Obama’s stated position on that vote between 90 and 95 percent of the time for the past five years. Cotton’s figure — 93 percent — is right smack in the middle. (The average is 92.6 percent.) So it’s pretty accurate.

It was not that long ago when Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor was singing the praises of Barack Obama and stumping for him asking others to vote for him. Pryor stated that Obama had the leadership skills, the vision and the hope that America needs. Pryor went on to say in 2008 that elections have consequences. Pryor asked those in attendance to go out and work as hard as they can for Barack Obama and “let’s bring the chance to America that we need”. Flash-forward to 2014 and I guess Pryor has had a change of hear. Guess what Sen. Pryor, elections do have consequences and the change that America needs includes removing you from office.

EXIT QUESTION: Pryor says Barack Obama has been a drag … is that racist?

Will Socialist Senator from VT Bernie Sanders Run for President in 2016 … He Could Be Hillary Clinton’s Worst Nighmare


Will socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of the People’s Republic of Vermont run for president in 2016? Sanders proudly embraces the moniker as a a Democratic socialist. Why shouldn’t he, the man is a socialist. One might as embrace what they are. He states in his interview that he describes his credo as a fight to protect America’s working class from what he sees as the threat of an approaching “oligarchic form of society.” In other words, capitalism is evil. Maybe this is exactly what the Democrat Presidential primary needs, an individual who actually reflects what the party has become, socialist. If Sanders puts his socialism where his mouth is, it could represent Hillary Clinton’s, the anointed one, worst nightmare. Many have been looking for Elizabeth Warren to run in 2016, some one that would run left of Hillary. Bernie Sanders certainly fills the bill.

This should be interesting. The reality is that Bernie Sanders more represents what the Democrat party has become these days.


Though Sanders isn’t making any secret of his possible 2016 presidential bid, he said he’s still determining whether he could generate a sufficient level of grassroots support on which to build a campaign.

“Look, it’s easy for me to give a good speech, and I give good speeches,” he said. “It is harder to put together a grassroots organization of hundreds of thousands of millions of people prepared to work hard and take on the enormous amounts of money that will be thrown against us.”

One of Sanders’ most likely competitors, should he choose to seek the Democratic nomination, is Hillary Clinton. And while Sanders praised Clinton for a successful career, he was critical of the Democratic Party’s seeming coronation of the former secretary of state.

“She has accomplished a lot of very positive things in her career, but I’m not quite sure that the political process is one in which we anoint people,” Sanders said.

Though he stopped short of criticizing Clinton directly, he said she is not a sufficient champion of his message for the middle class.

NBC/WSJ Poll: Barack Obama Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low … Also, 71% Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction


In the most recent NBC/WSJ poll, Barack Obama’s approval rating has hit an all-time low as only 40% approve while an overwhelming 54% disapprove.  It appears the American people have finally grown weary of Obama’s disastrous presidency and 6 years into “Hope and Change,” Barack Obama has no one else left to blame but himself. He has had his opportunity to make positive change, and has only made things worse. An amazing 71% say that the country is headed in the wrong direction, while only 21% say we are on the right track. This number can be easily explained when individuals looks at the domestic and foreign policy issues and see nothing positive. The recession continues as the real unemployment rate is closer to 18%, the US debt continues to spiral out of control, median incomes are down, the US-Mexican border crisis, scandals abound and the the Middle East on the brink, failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, rise of terrorism and Obama siding with, not our allies. Even liberal Democrats have come to the reality that he is nothing but a liar.


Other poor poll results for Barack Obama handling domestic and foreign policy issues:

  • The economy: 53% disapprove – 42% approve
  • Foreign policy: 60% disapprove – 36% approve

Full poll results (pdf.)

Poll_NBC-WSJ 080614

Six in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the U.S. economy, more than 70 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and nearly 80 percent are down on the country’s political system, according to the latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

The frustration carries over to the nation’s political leaders, with President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up.

“We’re in the summer of our discontent,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. “Americans are cranky, unhappy… It is with everything going on the world.”

What’s more, a combined 71 percent say the recession personally impacted them “a lot” or “just some,” and 64 percent say it’s still having an effect on them.

Then there are these numbers in the poll:

  • 40 percent say someone in their household lost a job in the past five years;
  • 27 percent say they have more than $5,000 in student-loan debt for either themselves or their children;
  • 20 percent have more than $2,000 in credit card debt they are unable to pay off month to month;
  • 17 percent say they have a parent or a child over 21 years old living with them for financial or health reasons.

Check out the average job approval polling at RCP, if not for that bias Republican Rasmussen poll, Obama’s average approval would be at 40%.


Source – Real Clear Politics

Sean Hannity Blasts President Barack Obama in Blistering Monologue … ‘It’s Time for a Wake-Up Call’ … “It Is Time for You to Get Engaged.”


Last night Sean Hannity blasted Barack Obama in a blistering monologue begging, asking and demanding that this president ‘WAKE UP” and get engaged in the turmoil in both domestic and foreign policy. Much of which Obama has no one to blame but himself. Although he will try and pass the buck. It is becoming evident that Obama is the “Bystander” in Chief and refuses to step up to the plate and lead. But instead Obama attends fundraisers, plays golf and goes on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard.

Hannity stated that our world is in an alarming state of emergency, between Israel’s ground war into Gaza to protect itself from Hamas, Malaysia flight ML17 blown out of the sky in an unspeakable act killing innocent men, women and children, ISIS on the rise, Al-Qaeda on the move, the Middle East on fire, Russia and Putin flexing its muscles, Obama administration scandals like IRS-gate and Benghazi-gate, and a US domestic policy of out of control national debt and a discouraged work force. Let us not forget the crisis we have on our Southern border caused by Obama’s lack of protecting or borders. Then there is that Obamacare thing.

Hannity said, “It is shocking to see a president of the United States, the free world, with such a lack of urgency and priorities. So I say to the president tonight: It is time for action, it’s time for urgency. It is time for you to get engaged.” Hannity went on to say, “Mr. President for you to stand up. It is time for you to lead. It’s time to skip for once your lavish million dollar Marha’s Vineyard vacation. It’s time for you to put down those golf clubs. I thing 180 rounds of gold is quite enough. It is time for you to lead by example. [...] You need to spend more time in The Oval Office. You need to be in the Situation Room. You may be surprised to learn what has actually happened in the six years since you have become the leader of the free world.”

Hannity_screen Grab_mono

Click HERE to watch VIDEO

The Blaze:

“It is shocking to see a president of the United States, the free world, with such a lack of urgency and priorities,” Hannity said. “So I say to the president tonight: It is time for action, it’s time for urgency. It is time for you to get engaged.”

Hannity then skewered the president over his handling of domestic matters.

“Mr. President, why don’t you consider the events of these past 24 hours to be a very, very costly and deadly wake up call,” Hannity said. “And while all this was happening yesterday, you spent 40 seconds dealing with the killing of nearly 300 innocent people and for your secretary of state to tell Israel to restrain itself again and again. It’s time for a wakeup call.

Sarah Palin Says … “It’s Time to Impeach” President Barack Obama … “If after all this He’s not Impeachable, Then no one is.”

NO MAS  … It is time to impeach Barack Obama.

From, former Alaska governor and Republicans Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin says, “Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president.” Honestly, I could not agree with Palin more. Obama has been either the most inept president ever or worse, he is intentionally trying to destroy America from within. There have been one too many scandals, one too many purposeful harmful polices and one too many dereliction of Obama’s duties. As Sarah Palin wrote, “President Obama’s rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the foundational problem here.” As Palin ended her oped with, “If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.”


Enough is enough of the years of abuse from this president. His unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, “no mas.”

Without borders, there is no nation. Obama knows this. Opening our borders to a flood of illegal immigrants is deliberate. This is his fundamental transformation of America. It’s the only promise he has kept. Discrediting the price paid for America’s exceptionalism over our history, he’s given false hope and taxpayer’s change to millions of foreign nationals who want to sneak into our country illegally. Because of Obama’s purposeful dereliction of duty an untold number of illegal immigrants will kick off their shoes and come on in, competing against Americans for our jobs and limited public services. There is no end in sight as our president prioritizes parties over doing the job he was hired by voters to do. Securing our borders is obviously fundamental here; it goes without saying that it is his job.

The federal government is trillions of dollars in debt; many cities are on the verge of insolvency; our overrun healthcare system, police forces, social services, schools, and our unsustainably generous welfare-state programs are stretched to the max. We average Americans know that. So why has this issue been allowed to be turned upside down with our “leader” creating such unsafe conditions while at the same time obstructing any economic recovery by creating more dependents than he allows producers? His friendly wealthy bipartisan elite, who want cheap foreign labor and can afford for themselves the best “border security” money can buy in their own exclusive communities, do not care that Obama tapped us out.

It’s time to impeach; and on behalf of American workers and legal immigrants of all backgrounds, we should vehemently oppose any politician on the left or right who would hesitate in voting for articles of impeachment.

The many impeachable offenses of Barack Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this he’s not impeachable, then no one is.

Sarah Palin reminds us … How’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff workin’ out for ya?

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