Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry Says … Funds From Iran Sanctions Relief Could End Up In Terrorists’ Hands


Barack Obama White House and Secretary of State John Kerry both admit that some of the $100′s of billions of unfrozen Iranian assets could find its way to support terrorism. In other words, Barack Obama and John Kerry just negotiated a deal to fund terrorism against the United States. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? These same people will provide you with the twisted logic that the United States and its allies are now safer because of an Iranian nuclear deal, that most rational people know and understand that Iran will never keep its word, and having paid Iran billions, knowing that some of it will go to support and sponsor terrorism.

These people should be jailed for treason. They actually just admitted that they have funded terrorism. So if an individual person does it or is accused of it, they are arrested, thrown in jail, tried, founds guilty and imprisoned. But if Obama does it, he is hailed as a hero. Who is buying this BS?

“I’m not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that could be prevented, but I can tell you this, right now, we are not seeing the early delivery of funds going to that kind of endeavor at this point in time. I’m sure at some point some of it will, but that has never made the difference of what is happening there.”

“The only observation we’ve made on how they would spend the money is the observation from the secretary of state that it certainly seems possible, if not likely, that they will use some of those funds to support acts of terrorisms,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest added later in the day. “That possibility certainly exists.”

WSJ: American Tax Dollars for the Mullahs.

What a sick, twisted America we live in under the Obama regime. It took Barack Obama and his band of woefully ignorant and all too willing cronies to pay off Iran and the mullahs; however, the American hostages held in Iran got butkis as the State Department told us Wednesday the settlement isn’t connected to the claims of terrorism victims.

 Ali Khamenei congratulated Iran’s diplomats on Tuesday for making the “front of arrogance and bullying”—that would be the U.S.—retreat. Iran’s Supreme Leader has good reason to be happy. Having preserved the core of his nuclear capabilities, his regime is now on the receiving end of a financial windfall.

Take the financial component of the nuclear accord that took formal effect on Saturday. In addition to lifting most sanctions and releasing more than $100 billion in frozen Iranian assets, the Obama Administration over the weekend agreed to pay the mullahs a separate $1.7 billion to settle an Iranian claim dating to the 1970s.

That amount includes a $400 million trust fund used by the Shah to purchase American arms before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, plus $1.3 billion in interest. You can argue whether the trust fund properly belongs to the regime that overthrew the Shah, but at least that $400 million was originally Iranian money.

The $1.3 billion interest payment will come from U.S. taxpayers, which U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry claims “was fixed at a reasonable rate of interest.” Maybe so, but it happens that $1.7 billion is also the amount at issue in a case brought by American victims of Iranian terrorism against the Central Bank of Iran. The plaintiffs include victims and survivors of the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing and the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing, among other Iranian-directed atrocities.

Yet President Obama and Mr. Kerry didn’t press for fair settlements for these victims as part of the nuclear deal and now seem to be pre-emptively reimbursing Tehran for its potential losses from the claims. The State Department told us Wednesday the settlement isn’t connected to the claims of terrorism victims.

Barack Obama Sheds a Tear During his Gun Control Speech While Trying to Tear Down the Second Amendment and the US Constitution


The liberal MSM is a flutter that Barack Obama teared up as he gave his speech on gun control in America and assaulted the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Is it possible that these are not crocodile tears from Obama, sure it is. However, none of his power grab ideas would have prevented any of the mass murders that he is referencing. Also, so sorry if I don’t believe the actions of a man who’s sole purpose is to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. But just curious, why didn’t Obama cry or shed a tear on so many other occasions where people died at the hands of his policies, like Fast & Furious where he armed the bad guys, or in San Bernadino, CA where his lax visa checks allowed a terrorist in the country or the continues release of criminals from prison who used guns in the commission of their crimes?

I think I like the comment at Michelle Malkin.com the best when it comes to Obama pretending to care and trying to be truthful with the American people when it comes to guns,  “If you like your 2nd Amendment, you can keep it.”

 New York Times:

Mr. Obama will clarify that existing laws require anyone making a living by selling guns to register as a licensed gun dealer and conduct background checks. White House officials said the president would note that criminal penalties already exist for violating those laws.

“We have to be very clear that this is not going to solve every violent crime in this country,” Mr. Obama said on Monday, ahead of a formal announcement on Tuesday. “It’s not going to prevent every mass shooting; it’s not going to keep every gun out of the hands of a criminal.”

Mr. Obama will hire more personnel to process background checks in a timely manner, direct officials to conduct more gun research, improve the information in the background check system, encourage more domestic violence prosecutions and order better tracking of lost guns. He will also make it easier for states to provide mental health information to the background check system, which could bar a gun sale.

But officials said it was impossible to predict whether the new directives would have made any difference in recent shootings, such as the one in San Bernardino, Calif.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Says Barack Obama has ‘Deliberately Weakened America’ … Calls Hillary Clinton a “Liar”


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and 2016 GOP presidential candidate stated at a speak on Monday on national security at the American Legion in Hooksett, N.H. that Barack Obama has intentionally and deliberately weakened America both home and abroad. No kidding, really? Just curious, what has the establishment GOP done to prevent or stand in the way of Obama’s actions? Obama stated he was going to fundamentally change America, and sadly he has while Republicans in the House and Senate have done nothing. Rubio also called Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton a “liar” on foreign policy. Tell us something we don’t know. She is pretty much a liar in general. Red State opines, Marco Rubio Is More Right Than Donald Trump On Obama’s Foreign Policy. That may be, but he scared the GOP base on immigration.

Obama_Foreign policy for dummies

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is accusing President Obama of intentionally weakening America at home and abroad.

“It’s now abundantly clear: Barack Obama has deliberately weakened America,” Rubio said early Monday during a speech on national security at the American Legion in Hooksett, N.H.

“He has made an intentional effort to humble us back to size,” the GOP presidential hopeful said. “As if to say: We no longer need to be so powerful because our power has done more harm than good.”

“Happiest of all have been America’s enemies,” he added. “Because when America steps back, it gives darker forces the space they need to rise. And rise they have.”

He also criticized Obama for ignoring international challenges and eroding safety at home.

“America is in far greater danger today than it was eight years ago,” Rubio said. “Our president thought he could make America like Luxembourg or Switzerland. But he can’t.

“We are the United States of America — the highest-profile, most important, most powerful country in the world. And while we may ignore problems that exist far away, those problems do not ignore us.”

Rubio cited China, Iran, Russia, Syria and North Korea as some of the global hotspots that have deteriorated on Obama’s watch.

He also argued that Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is no better on foreign policy, again calling her a “liar.”

NBC/WSJ Poll: Terror Fears Cause Obama’s Poll Numbers to Fall as Americans Realize He is Weak on Terrorism


According to a recent NBC/WSJ poll, Barack Obama’s job approval rating is down to 43%, while 51% disapprove.  Making matters worse for Obama, Democrats and Hillary Clinton is that seven-in-10 Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, the highest percentage here since Aug. 2014. Gee America, you are just figuring this out now?

Americans have been rattled by the recent terrorist act in San Bernardino, California and are suddenly realizing that Obama has been all talk and no action when it comes to terrorism. One might call him the JV Commander in chief. Well America, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Obama promised to transform America and he has transformed it into a less safe place thanks to his moronic and weak policies in dealing with terrorism. How’s that ISIS JV team working out for you Mr. President?


The recent terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., have vaulted terrorism and national security to become the American public’s top concern, and they’ve helped drive President Barack Obama’s job rating to 43 percent — its lowest level in more than a year, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

What’s more, seven-in-10 Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction — the highest percentage here since Aug. 2014.

And 71 percent say the shootings and random acts of violence that have taken place this year — from Charleston, S.C., Oregon and Colorado, to the terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, Calif. — are now are now a permanent part of American life.

“For most of 2015, the country’s mood, and thus the presidential election, was defined by anger and the unevenness of the economic recovery,” says Democratic pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research Associates, which conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies. “Now that has abruptly changed to fear.”

That kind focus on security and terrorism “is a very different campaign than the one we thought we’d be running,” McInturff adds, referring to the 2016 presidential race.

Barack Obama Comments on Co-dictator Raul Castro, He is a Pragmatist, not “an Ideologue”


The socialist in chief … Well Barack Obama promised if elected he would transform America, he never said whether that transformation was good for America. The Washington Examiner reports that during an interview with Yahoo.com, Obama referred to Raul Castro, the co-dictator of Cuba, as a pragmatist, not “an ideologue.” UNREAL. But what else would you expect to come from the lips of an ideologue. Obama promised in an exclusive interview with Yahoo News that he “very much” hopes to visit Cuba during his last year in office, but only if he can meet with pro-Democracy dissidents there.Oh sure Barack, I am sure the Castro boys will let the pro-Democracy dissidents out of jail for your visit and then throw them back in when you leave. GOOD GRIEF. The Cuban government ha made no concessions, yet that did not stop Obama from making diplomatic relations with a communist, oppressive regime. Who needs human rights, and I thought liberals cared about the people.

Obama_Carter Sucked

President Obama is hopefully planning a visit to Cuba and sees longtime co-dictator Raul Castro, who has taken over for ailing brother Fidel, as a pragmatist, not “an ideologue.”

In a newly released Yahoo interview, Obama said, “I am very much interested in going to Cuba, but I think the conditions have to be right.”

The president told correspondent Olivier Knox, “My hope is that sometime next year we look at the conditions there and we say, you know what? Now would be a good time to shine a light on progress that’s been made, but also maybe to nudge the Cuban government in a new direction.”

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