IRS Finally Reveals List of 426 Tea Party Groups Targeted in Scandal


As reported at the Washington Times, the IRS has finally released a list of the Conservative Tea Party groups that were illegally and purposely targeted for so-called “extra scrutiny.” The IRS, that acted like a political hit-man for the Obama administration, released names of 426 organizations. However, there was another 40 organizations that were not released as part of the list because they were not part of the class-action suit. This is a far cry from the number of 298 groups that the IRS identified back in 2013. Imagine that, the IRS lied. So in the run up to the 2012 presidential elections. the IRS willfully and purposely targeted over 400 conservative groups in an effort to affect an election. Mission accomplished. Not only should individuals have been fired, IRS officials should be in prison.

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More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet.

The tax agency filed the list last month as part of a court case after a series of federal judges, fed up with what they said was the agency’s stonewalling, ordered it to get a move on. The case is a class-action lawsuit, so the list of names is critical to knowing the scope of those who would have a claim against the IRS.

But even as it answers some questions, the list raises others, including exactly when the targeting stopped, and how broadly the tax agency drew its net when it went after nonprofits for unusual scrutiny.

The government released names of 426 organizations. Another 40 were not released as part of the list because they had already opted out of being part of the class-action suit.

That total is much higher than the 298 groups the IRS‘ inspector general identified back in May 2013, when investigators first revealed the agency had been subjecting applications to long — potentially illegal — delays, and forcing them to answer intrusive questions about their activities. Tea party and conservative groups said they was the target of unusually heavy investigations and longer delays.

As the Gateway Pundits opines, “Can you even imagine the outcry if George Bush or any other Republican had done this to liberal groups like Move On or Code Pink?” Maybe if The Donald is elected he should do just that to see what happens.

The Unconstitutional President Continues … Obama Administration Forces Transgender Bathroom Rules on Every School in America … Or Else!


What the hell happened to the country I grew up in and what happened to presidents taking oaths to uphold the U.S. Constitution? Barack Obama, bypassing the people, and the states, and the courts, has once again exercising executive authority to enforce his leftist ideologue will and vision on “We the People” and America. The New York Times is reporting that Obama will issue a “decree” ordering all public schools in the country to allow “transgender students” to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice. Hmm, so much for State’s rights. Now Obama is looking to rewrite laws himself and threaten states by withholding federal funding if they do not comply.

A note to parents, the Obama administration will order every public school in America on Friday to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex. In essence this is creating coed bathrooms and locker rooms. UNREAL.


The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping directive telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

A letter to school districts will go out Friday, adding to a highly charged debate over transgender rights in the middle of the administration’s legal fight with North Carolina over the issue. The declaration — signed by Justice and Education department officials — will describe what schools should do to ensure that none of their students are discriminated against.

It does not have the force of law, but it contains an implicit threat: Schools that do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.

The move is certain to draw fresh criticism, particularly from Republicans, that the federal government is wading into local matters and imposing its own values on communities across the country that may not agree. It represents the latest example of the Obama administration using a combination of policies, lawsuits and public statements to change the civil rights landscape for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people.

As stated at Red State, “So they cannot be required to use the bathroom of their genetic, physical gender, and moreover, cannot be required to use private or individual bathrooms which would avoid everyone’s discomfort. The decree is that if you’re a 12 year old girl, there may be a penis next to you in the bathroom. But don’t you dare complain.”

UnitedHealth Group to Exit Obamacare Exchanges in All but a ‘Handful’ of States


UnitedHealth Group plans to withdraw from many Obamacare exchanges leaving them only in a handful of states. Due to tremendous loses UnitedHealth plans to withdraw from health insurance marketplaces in Arkansas, Michigan, Connecticut and parts of Georgia. They are expected to lose $650 million in the exchanges in 2016 and due to these deep loses may leave the Obamacare exchanges altogether in 2017. We warned you from the outset of this fool-hearty, government take over of healthcare that Obamacare was a lie and affordable. The fact that Obamacare is really called the Affordable Health Care Act may just be one of the greatest lies and hoaxes every perpetrated on the American People. Recently insurance carriers warned that Obamacare was unsustainable.

As the Right Wing News opines, “If only someone had predicted this …”.


UnitedHealth Group, the nation’s largest health insurer, said Tuesday that in 2017 it will exit most of the 34 states where it offers plans on the Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges.

“We will be down to a handful of states that we will be actively participating in the exchanges,” Stephen J. Hemsley, chief executive officer of UnitedHealth Group said in an earnings call, noting that the small market size and greater expense of patients insured through the marketplaces led the insurer to make the decision.

UnitedHealth plans to withdraw from health insurance marketplaces in Arkansas, Michigan, Connecticut and parts of Georgia. The decision is a sequel to an announcement by executives late last year that the insurer had suffered financial losses and might leave the health exchanges altogether in 2017. UnitedHealth reported that it expects to lose $650 million in the exchanges in 2016.

Prior to the call, the Obama Administration attempted to downplay any departures from UnitedHealth.

Obama Family 2015 Honolulu Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $3,590,313 in Flight Expenses


Judicial Watch reports that the Obama Family 2015 Honolulu Christmas vacation cost taxpayers $3,590,313 in flight expenses alone. Good grief. As Americans struggle to get by and many have to work two and three jobs to keep their heads above water, let alone forgoing vacations, the Obama family lives the life of luxury on the back of hard working Americans. But wait, it’s not like they flew to Cuba to watch a baseball game as terrorism ripped across Belgium. Oh wait, he did.


Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained records from the Department of the Air Force revealing the Obama family 2015 Christmas vacation to Honolulu, Hawaii, cost the taxpayers $3,590,313.60 in flight expenses alone. According to the Air Force records, the Obamas used both Air Force One and a Boeing C-32A, the military equivalent of a Boeing 757, which was apparently use to transport the First Lady.

Judicial Watch also has obtained records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security revealing that President Obama’s four trips to New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Palm City, Florida in 2014 and 2015 cost taxpayers at least $286,416.64 for Secret Service travel and accommodations.  The Obama trips to New York and Los Angeles were solely for fundraising events. In Chicago, the president campaigned for Rahm Emanuel. The Palm City trip was a golf outing with no official activities.

Judicial Watch has previously reported the flight expenses of the New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and Palm City trips.

The records obtained by Judicial Watch for the Obama family’s 2015 Honolulu Christmas vacation reveal the following flight expenses totaling $3,590,313.60:

Air Force One, at $180,118 per hour for 18.2 hours – totaling $3,278,147.60

A Boeing C-32A, at $15,846 per hour for 19.7 hours – totaling $312,166

The C-32A is a specially configured upscale version of the Boeing 757 used for the vice president, the first lady, members of the cabinet and Congress. According the U.S. Air Force factsheet, the C-32A features, among other luxuries, “a fully-enclosed stateroom for the use of the primary passenger. It includes a changing area, private lavatory, separate entertainment system, two first-class swivel seats and a convertible divan that seats three and folds out to a bed.”

Justice Dept. AG Lynch Testifies Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers … But AG Lynch Indicates DOJ Not Required to Charge Hillary Clinton


See what happens when you on Obama’s enemies list and when you are not.

The Blaze reports that Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) said that he believes there are similarities between the tobacco industry denying scientific studies and climate change deniers. Really, is this how ignorant the debate has become with the climate change charletons that they are comparing tobacco dangers to fossil fuels and climate change? Are you kidding? Wait a minute, which one is the scheme? Sorry, it is far from settled science that climate change is man made and anything could be done to change climate change. Note to climate change wackos, its the sun stupid. The climate has been changing since the birth of the planet, with or without man. Imagine that?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change.

During Lynch’s testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said that he believes there are similarities between the tobacco industry denying scientific studies showing the dangers of using tobacco and companies within the fossil fuel industry denying studies allegedly showing the threat of carbon emissions.

Contract that tough talk with AG Lynch’s position as to the possibility of indicting Hillary Clinton for her private server/email crimes and risking US national security. If you are a Democrat criminal and the FBI recommends charges against you, then AG Lynch says that the DOJ is not required to prosecute you. Attorney General Lynch indicates DOJ not required to charge Hillary Clinton if the FBI recommends charges. Imagine that.

The Department of Justice would not be required to have to prosecute Hillary Clinton even if the FBI were to recommend charges be filed against her for the use of a private email server when she was secretary of state, Attorney General Loretta Lynch has indicated.

The Washington Examiner reports that the nation’s top law enforcer — answering a question from Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, as to whether her agency would be “required” to pursue criminal charges against Clinton — responded:

“It would not be an operation of law, it would be an operation of procedures,” Lynch said.

As well, according to Lynch, a decision to pursue a criminal case would be “done in conjunction with the agents” involved in the probe, and would “not something that we would want to cut them out of the process.”

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