ABC News/WAPO Poll Gives Barack Obama Poor Grade on Handling Crisis of Illegals Coming into the United States Over Mexican Border
Imagine that, President Barack Obama gets low marks on yet another important key issue.
A recent ABC News/WAPO poll gives Obama extremely poor marks on dealing with illegals crossing the US-Mexican border as only 33% approve of his handling of the situation while 58% of all respondents disapprove and 60% of registered voters. How could anyone agree with Obama’s handling of this when he thought going to a fundraiser in Texas was more important than seeing the crisis for himself, first hand?
It’s one of the hottest national debates this summer: What to do about the influx of unaccompanied and undocumented children from Central America who are crossing from Mexico into the U.S.
A new national poll indicates that a majority of Americans approve of President Barack Obama’s short term remedy, but most give the President and his GOP critics in Congress a thumbs down on how they’re handling the crisis along the country’s southern border.
Barack Obama Goes Golfing & Fund Raising as Iraq Implodes & All the Sacrifices of Americans Soldiers are Lost to ISIS Terrorists Thanks to Obama
Barack Obama, a complete and epic failure as Commander in Chief … Obama just doesn’t care about America, the military or Americans!
It was said from the outset by many intelligent and common sense thinking people that a premature exit from Iraq by the US military would result in the fall of the Iraq government to insurgents. However, Barack Obama was never one of those intelligent people either as a US Senator or as a president. In order to keep his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq, he sacrificed any victory and all of the sacrifices and lives of those brave American soldiers who fought, died and were injured. Now Iraq is in dire straights as Islamic jihadists take over the country.
In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his foreign policy brilliance stating, “One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, this notion that we have future catastrophe to look forward to if we start phasing down troops.” Guess who was wrong, Epically Wrong! Has there ever been a worse Commander in Chief, ever? Iraq is in complete chaos. City after city are falling in Iraq as Iraq implodes.
Barack Obama stood by and watched Iraq fall to terrorists. There were multiple requests from Iraq for United States airstrikes against the insurgents in staging areas; however, they were turned down. What is up with our Commander in Chief refusing to help militarily in Iraq? Why is he emboldening terrorists? As Ralph Peters said on Fox News, the Jihadi conquest of Iraq the biggest Islamist victory since 12th century. Welcome to Obama’s Jihadi state.
“Patty Ann, this is President Obama’s real legacy. The creation of the first jihadi state in modern history stretching from central Syria to Central Iraq and now approaching Baghdad all because President Obama saw everything through a political lense. He’s gonna end the War in Iraq. He refused to negotiate seriously for residual US presence.
And now, just to put this in perspective for viewers, with this jihadi conquest of Mosul and jihadi forces approaching Baghdad, this is shaping up to be the biggest Arab jihadi victory since the 12th Century, 1187, and the fall of Crusader Jerusalem. This is momentous.
I can’t overstate the importance of Obama’s jihadi state in the heart of the Middle East.”
Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit
So what exactly is Obama trying to accomplish except to try and dispirit America? Barack Obama released 5 Taliban insurgents from GITMO for one military deserter, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Something that the American people are against, and the number will only continue to grow, the more and more the truth comes out. Obama has all but lost Iraq. All of the gains from brave American military soldiers all seem for naught. Sadly, many veterans feel their accomplishments were a waste. A note to the US military veterans of Iraq, what you did was not a waste, your actions were destroyed by Obama more hellbent on a political ideology than winning a war.
Instead, this joke of a president continues and doubles down on his failed foreign policy.Obama spoke on Friday from the White House with some of the most gutless talk from a US president ever. Instead of taking decisive action to help Iraq, Obama is going to continue to dither. UNREAL.
‘We will not be sending US troops back into combat but I had asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. And I’ll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. I do want to be clear though. This is not solely or even primarily a military challenge.”
Barack Obama stated on Friday, he would be reviewing options from his national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. Hmm, really? Looks like as Iraq falls to ISIS terrorists, Barack Obama is going to go golfing and fundraising. For the love of God, are you serious? After all, aren’t we glad that our US president has his priorities straight?
The president’s handlers scoped out some golf courses and gave a list to Obama just in case he wants to spend Father’s Day on the links.
Obama plans to take a short flight to Orange County Saturday to raise money for the Democratic National Committee at a closed-door event at a private home.
Barack Obama Receives ‘Icy Reception’ from Cadets at West Point Visit … It was Not a Commander in Chief Speaking to his Troops
Maybe Barack Obama should have sat down and be made to listen to the graduating US Military cadets on foreign policy … Obama receives icy reception.
The cadets at West Point gave Barack Obama an “icy reception” yesterday at their commencement ceremonies as he rambled on with a meandering, nonsensical foreign policy speech that has drawn bi-partisan criticism. Even the NY Times questioned his big moment on foreign policy speech. The Washington Times reports that less than 25% of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction. OUCH. According to a recent poll, Obama’s approval rating among the military is at 32%, look for that to go down further. During his speech Obama said, “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.” The problem is that this is the same man who said, if you like your healthcare plan and doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD. No one believes Obama anymore because his actions do not follow his words.
President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported.
“Receiving tepid applause and a short standing ovation from less than one-quarter of the audience upon his introduction, Obama argued for a contradictory foreign policy that relies on NATO and the United Nations while insisting that ‘America must always lead on the world stage,’ the paper reported.
VIDEO – Washington Free Beacon
From The Washington Free Beacon:
CNN’s international correspondent Jim Clancy called the West Point response to President Obama’s meandering foreign policy address “pretty icy” Wednesday.
Clancy said it was “not really a great speech to give at the U.S. Military Academy,” and the address has drawn bipartisan criticism.
“It was a philosophical speech,” he said. “It was not a Commander-in-Chief speaking to his troops. And you heard the reception. I mean, it was pretty icy.”
UPDATE I: Just how bad was this Obama speech? From The Politico … Editorial boards at three major U.S. newspapers are criticizing President Barack Obama’s foreign policy speech at West Point as incomplete and failing to recognize America’s international standing.
- New York Times: President Obama Misses a Chance on Foreign Affairs
- Wall Street Journal: The President skipped a few world events in his big foreign policy speech
- Washington Post: At West Point, President Obama binds America’s hands on foreign affairs
Barack Obama Skipped Aunt Zeituni Onyango’s Funeral … Goes Golfing Instead
I guess he will go golfing over anything …
President Barack Obama did not attend the funeral of his late aunt Zeituni Onyango. But instead, he went golfing. Hmm … how compassionate. You remember Zeituni Onyango, she was the Obama relative that was living in the United States illegally and a deportation fugitive, while illegally contributing to the Obama campaign.From calling some one Auntie, to not attending their funeral. Okay, things happen in life that cause families to go their seperate ways, but did he really have to disrespect her by golfing on the day of her funeral?
After Zeituni Onyango, the woman President Obama once called Auntie, died in a South Boston nursing home this month, her closest relatives gathered her belongings at her nearby apartment. There, framed photographs of her with the president covered the wall.
Weeping before a polished wood coffin at her wake this past Saturday, they described Ms. Onyango, the half sister of the president’s father, as “the spirit of the Obama family” and talked about raising money to send her body back to Kenya. Mr. Obama helped pay funeral expenses and sent a condolence note, Ms. Onyango’s family members said, but the president did not attend, as he was golfing.
Posted April 23, 2014 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, Deceased, Golfer in Chief, Misleader, Obamanation, WTF | one comment |
UNREAL … Barack Obama Skips National Security Team Meeting on Russia and Ukraine, But He Declares “Happy Hour” for Democrats
This president is just not serious about anything unless it has to do with Obamacare … God Help Us!
As reported at The Weekly Standard, President Obama’s team met the other day to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine as Russia is invades the and Barack Obama was no where to be found. But don’t worry, Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security adviser, briefed him. Yes, the same Susan Rice. Former Democrat President Bill Clinton played the sax; however, it looks like Nero Obama is playing the violin.
A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama’s team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.
According to Time magazine’s Zeke Miller, Obama skipped the meeting. “Obama did not attend the meeting, but WH official says he has been briefed by Susan Rice and his national security team,” says Miller.
But wait, on Friday after the Russians sent troops in Ukraine, Barack Obama completed his “Russian Speech”, he did find the time to declare an official ‘happy hour’ with Democratic Party. What is wrong with this guy? He finds the time to go on ‘The View’ and do NCAA Basketball bracketology, but foreign policy meetings as the Russians invade is off limits.
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