Poll: 35% of Americans Don’t Know ObamaCare & Affordable Care Act Are the Same Thing


As reported at The Hill, 35% of Americans have no clue that Obamacare and the not-so Affordable Care Act are one in the same. How is that possible. The Times article bias tried to portray that people are confused between the two names for the same law, yet some how when we look at the numbers … among Republicans, a higher percentage of 72% said they knew Obamacare and the A.C.A. were the same. The liberal bias Times would have you believe that the high percentage is a reflection of the party’s longstanding hostility to the law. Sorry Times, maybe it’s because they pay attention more and are more informed.


More than one-third of Americans are unaware that ObamaCare and the Affordable Care Act are the same law.

The figure comes from a new poll by Morning Consult that found 35 percent of Americans do not know ObamaCare is another label — made popular by the GOP — used to describe the Affordable Care Act, enacted under former President Barack Obama in 2010.

About 17 percent of Americans polled thought they were two different laws, and 18 percent said the didn’t know whether they were the same policy or two different things.

The New York Times published the results from the survey on Tuesday. Morning Consult conducted the survey in late January with a sample of 1,890 adults.

The bias analysis of the polling data courtesy of the NY Times:

Sorry Libs, it’s not a matter of confusion, this is a matter of a voter electorate being willfully and woefully uninformed. When one side of the political spectrum is so uninformed regarding what was supposed to be Barack Obama’s signature piece of legislation, their is a problem and it has nothing to do with confusion. However, ask those same Obamacare-ACA challenged people who the Kardashian’s are and the number skyrockets.

This finding, from a poll by Morning Consult, illustrates the extent of public confusion over a health law that President Trump and Republicans in Congress hope to repeal.

In the survey, 35 percent of respondents said either they thought Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were different policies (17 percent) or didn’t know if they were the same or different (18 percent). This confusion was more pronounced among people 18 to 29 and those who earn less than $50,000 — two groups that could be significantly affected by repeal.

Among Republicans, a higher percentage (72 percent) said they knew Obamacare and the A.C.A. were the same, which may reflect the party’s longstanding hostility to the law.

This confusion may affect the public debate over health care policy. If many people think repealing Obamacare would not affect the popular provisions of the A.C.A., they might not understand the potential consequences of the proposals being considered in Washington.

ITS OFFICAL … BARACK OBAMA IS FINALLY GONE … Obams’s Departs Capitol on Executive One (VIDEO)


It’s the moment many of us have been waiting for 8 years … the long national nightmare is over, Happy Days are Here Again!!! Barack and Michelle Obama depart Washington, DC on Marine One Executive One.






Barack Obama Transfers 4 More Gitmo Detainees on His Way Out the Door, 41 Terrorists Left


Lame Duck Barack Obama has transferred out four more terrorists out of GITMO on his way out the door. Nineteen inmates have been transferred since Election Day. This now leaves 41 terrorists at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. So in the end, thankfully, Obama was never able to close GITMO as he promised back in 2008.


The Pentagon announced Thursday that four more inmates were transferred out of the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, marking the final such transfer under President Barack Obama and leaving the facility’s population at 41.

Thursday’s transfer concludes the Obama administration’s final push to empty the facility as much as possible prior to Friday’s inauguration, with 19 inmates being transferred since Election Day. One of the inmates is going to Saudi Arabia and the other three are being taken in by the United Arab Emirates.

There were 242 detainees at Guantanamo when Obama came into office in January 2009 and he had pledged to close the controversial center within one year in an executive order he signed shortly after his own inauguration. But in recent days, administration officials have acknowledged that this goal was out of reach.

“I don’t anticipate that we will succeed in that goal of closing the prison, but it’s not for a lack of trying — that, I assure you,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday.

Barack Obama Looked to Reduce Manning Sentence He Viewed as ‘Nuts’ as Common Sense Americans See Obama and Manning’s Actions as Damage to America


In what can only be described as the perfect metaphor to personify the Barack Obama presidency, Obama and his minions looked upon the 35 year sentence handed down to Bradly/Chelsea Manning as “nuts,” while others that like to refer to as those that live on this place I call Earth, looked upon the crimes that Manning committed as an extreme danger to the United States. Barack Obama and those in his ear would have us believe that Manning has already served enough time as the lame duck president commuted Manning’s sentence by 80% from 35 years to 7. Obama’s own Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter recommended against commutation, but Obama did it anyhow. Why? What would possess a President of the United States of America who took an oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, to do such a thing knowing the damage that Bradly Manning did? Maybe, just maybe we are seeing the real Obama and his agenda in his last days and his legacy of not only failure but intended damage and division to America.

Obama_Worst President2

The key question for the president was how much time Manning should serve. He and his advisers looked at other government leak cases, which indicated that 35 years was the longest sentence ever imposed for a leak conviction. By the time the second request came in, Manning had served six years, much of that time subjected to harsh treatment and solitary confinement.

In his decision to commute Manning’s sentence, made public this week, Obama knew he would face criticism, the person close to the president said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. “But he felt strongly it was the right thing to do.”

Most people think Barack Obama is nuts and much worse for commuting a sentence of an individual that committed an act of treason against the United States. Andrew McCarthy at National Review provides the basis of the damage caused not only by Bradly Manning, but Barack Obama as well.  Obama’s actions are breathtaking when one considers that in a different time and generation, Manning’s actions would have been cause for the death penalty. But as Instapundit opines, “look at the way Obama treats America’s friends and compare it to the way he treats America’s enemies, and it’s obvious that Obama’s interests and America’s only rarely coincide.”

  • First, it is also disgraceful for the New York Times to report without balance that “Prosecutors … presented no evidence that anyone was killed because of [Manning’s] leaks.” As the Times well knows, in cases involving classified information, the government frequently cannot reveal – let alone prosecute – the damage done.
  • Second, there is a logical way to deduce the damage caused. I laid it out in a column about Hillary Clinton’s reckless mishandling of our nation’s secrets:
  • Third, the degree to which Obama has wielded executive power in favor of America’s enemies and against his own political opponents and scapegoats is breathtaking. The treasonous Manning gets an 80 percent shave off his sentence. Now we learn Oscar Lopez-Rivera, an unrepentant FALN terrorist convicted of waging war against the United States, has also had his sentence commuted.

UNREAL, Barack Obama Commutes 35 Year Sentence of Traitor Bradley/Chelsea Manning


Lame duck president Barack Obama has commuted the 35 year prison sentence of traitor Bradley/Chelsea Manning. Why does nothing this president does surprise me anymore? Manning was found guilty in 2013 and her sentence was originally set to end on May 17, 2045. Now it will end in May of this year, taking 28 years off the conviction. My how the times have changed and the genders, Obama was singing a different tune in 2011, when he said Manning, then known as Bradley, “broke the law” and deserved punishment. Isn’t this quite amazing as the move comes at a time when WikiLeaks is in the cross-hairs of the Obama administration and Democrat lawmakers for its role in spreading hacked Wikileaks emails of Team Hillary Clinton  and the DNC. But to a double standard, divisive individual like Obama there are leak you praise and go soft on like the ones that threaten u.s. national security.

What kind of a message does this send to the world and our Allies? Obama, leave … just leave, before you do any more damage to this country.


President Obama on Tuesday commuted the prison sentence of former Army soldier Chelsea Manning, according to the White House.

Manning was convicted in 2013 of leaking classified information about U.S. national security activities that were later disclosed by WikiLeaks.

The 35-year sentence Manning received was the longest ever imposed for a leak conviction. Manning has already served seven years of her sentence and will now be released on May 17, 2017.

She was originally set to be released be released in 2045.

The New York Times tries to actually paint a sob story for Chelsea Manning discussing his/her attempts at suicide and the harsh sentence that Manning was given. Really, Manning committed treason against the United States and by all accounts should have been executed. But for a divisive trouble maker like Obama, its just one more act in a failed presidency that will cement is legacy of failure and division. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) probably said it best, “We ought not treat a traitor like a martyr.”

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