Mark Levin 4/5/17 – Mark Levin Show April 5,2017 Full Show … What If Trump was Not the First & Only Target of Obama Spying and Leaking?
THIS IS A MUST LISTEN … What if Donald Trump wasn’t the first or only target of an Obama White House campaign of spying and illegal leaking. Directed at domestic political opponents?
Partial transcript:
Because it’s five weeks ago. Tomorrow. We decided that the issue here, among other things is the Obama administration’s Surveillance activities and the politicization of surveillance. This is a very important piece I am about to read to you, hat tip my buddy Larry O’Connor. April 05 today. The accusation that the Obama administration used information gleaned from classified foreign surveillance, to smear and blackmail its political opponents at home has gained traction in recent days. If the reports that former national security advisor Susan Rice. May have been rifling through classified transcripts for over a year. They could’ve included information about Donald Trump and his associates. While using a resource is that are supposed to keep Americans safe from terrorism. For other purposes may be a dereliction of duty is no more of a crime than spending all day on Twitter instead of doing you’re gonna. The crime here would be if she leaked the names of US citizens to reporters. In the end, the seriousness of the accusation against Rice and other former administration officials. Who will be caught up in the unmasking scandal. Or rise or fall based on whether or not Donald Trump was actively engage in any conspiracy. To turn over the keys of the White House to the Kremlin. For true believers in the Trump-Kremlin conspiracy theories the Obama spying on line scandal isn’t a scandal at all. Just public officials taking prudent steps to guard against an imminent threat to the Republic. But what if Donald Trump wasn’t the first or only target of an Obama White House campaign of spying and illegal leaking. Directed at domestic political opponents. Let me repeat this, but what if Donald Trump was that the first or only target of an Obama White House campaign of spying and illegal leaks. Directed at domestic political opponents. By the way you fraud reporters and journalists so called at CNN you don’t need to listen. You can focus on not in Fox and Bill O’Reilly. And he December 292015. Article. The Wall Street Journal described how the Obama administration it conducted surveillance on Israeli officials. (more)
Posted April 6, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, collusion, Conspiracy, Corruption, Crime, Ethics, Radio | no comments |
Susan Rice Runs to MSNBC for Cover … “I Leaked Nothing To Nobody’ About Intelligence” (VIDEO)
Who honestly believes that there was nothing political about what former Obama National Security adviser did with regards to the unmasking of Donald Trump team members? Please, don’t insult our intelligence, But of course the uber-lib network MSNBC was all too quick to run cover for the Obama administration.
Hmm, she had no problem acting in a political manner when it came to Benghazi. There was nothing truthful about what Rice did then and you can make the same statement as to her actions today. She has been proved to be a political hack … leopards don’t change their spots.
Posted April 5, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Amb. Susan Rice, Barack Obama, Benghazi-Gate, Chicago-Style Politics, Gutter Politics, Partisan hack, Politics, Scandal | 4 comments |
Mark Levin: Susan Rice Requested to Unmask Names of Trump Transition Officials
During yesterday’s radio show, conservative talk show radio host Mark Levin discusses the breaking news that it is being reported that former Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice was the one who ordered the unmaking of Donald Trump transition officials. At 08:41 Mark Levin interviews Adam Housley of Fox News about the investigation into leaks coming from the Obama administration. At 34:20 Mark Levin interviews Eli Lake from Bloomberg News about what Devin Nunes is trying to get at.
All need to listen to this …
Posted April 4, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Amb. Susan Rice, Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump - Mike Pence 2016, Politics, Scandal | no comments |
Susan Rice Unmasked … Former Obama National Security Advisor Requested to Unmask Names of Trump Transition Officials
FOX News is reporting that it was Susan Rice, former national security adviser under then-President Barack Obama, who requested the unmasking of Trump official names from surveillance transcripts. We have been told that the surveillance had nothing to do with Russia. So why then would such a request be made to pierce the veil of privacy? As state by Rush Limbaugh, the Obama administration weaponized intelligence for use against Trump. This is what a police state looks like America. Yes, this is far worse than Watergate.
Multiple sources tell Fox News that Susan Rice, former national securityadviser under then-President Barack Obama, requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.
The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan – essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.
The names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of candidate and President-elect Trump and people close to him, including family members, for up to a year before he took office.
It was not clear how Rice knew to ask for the names to be unmasked, but the question was being posed by the sources late Monday.
“What I know is this … If the intelligence community professionals decide that there’s some value, national security, foreign policy or otherwise in unmasking someone, they will grant those requests,” former Obama State Department spokeswoman and Fox News contributor Marie Harf told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on “The First 100 Days. “And we have seen no evidence … that there was partisan political notice behind this and we can’t say that unless there’s actual evidence to back that up.”
Posted April 4, 2017 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, Amb. Susan Rice, Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Scandal | one comment |
WOW … Former Obama Administration Official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) Admits First Hand Knowledge the Obama Administration spied on candidate & President-Elect Trump
Former Obama Administration Official Evelyn Farkas stated in an interview on MSNBC that they were to “Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration.”
From The Conservative Tree House:
This is stunningly interesting and hopefully will be picked up by MSM and congressional investigators.
Sometimes when a person is deep inside an echo-chamber of like-minded ideologues, they might not realize what they’re saying is rather revealing to those on the outside. That’s the set up for former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.
Watch the below video and listen to Conservative talk show radio host discuss the comments made by former Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense, Evelyn Farkas, who admitted that they were spying on candidate and president elect Donald Trump.
From The Mark Levine Radio Show
Posted March 30, 2017 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, collusion, Conspiracy, Corruption, Cover-Up, Crime, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |