GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Says … I Will Rebuild Our Military, Kill the Terrorists & Never Apologize For America
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and GOP Presidential candidate rolled out a a series of TV ads in Iowa on Saturday, taking aim at the the incompetence and weak handed approach of dealing with terrorism by both Barack Hussein Obama and former Secretary of State under Obama, Democrat front runner for the party nomination, Hillary Clinton.
“Under Presidential Obama and Secretary Clinton, the world is more dangerous and America is less safe
If I’m elected to serve as Commander-in-Chief, we won’t cower in the face of evil. America will lead. We’ll rebuild our military. We’ll kill the terrorists. And every Islamic militant will know, if you wage jihad against us, you’re signing your death warrant. And under no circumstances will I ever apologize for America.”
The ad is particularly timely as law enforcement is investigating Wednesday’s San Bernardino, Calif., shootings as an act of terrorism.
Cruz and rival presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) have recently exchanged national security jabs after Cruz supported a National Security Agency reform bill this year, which is touted by privacy advocates but opposed by some Republicans who believe it will weaken U.S. intelligence activities.
Cruz also debuted a second ad touting an endorsement from Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).
Ahead of the Iowa caucuses in February, Cruz ranks third in GOP presidential polls in the Hawkeye State, trailing Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
UNREAL … Barack Hussein Obama Says of Mass San Bernardino Shootings by Two Radicalized Islamists … “It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know, It’s also possible this was workplace-related”. (VIDEO)
When you have a president who cannot even see or admit to terrorism when it smacks him in the face, Houston, we have a problem …
It is unbelievable that this president can not just call terrorism, terrorism. During a presser seen below, Barack Hussein Obama refused to call this for what it was, radical Islamic terrorism as he stated, “It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace-related.” REALLY? Hmm, so an act of workplace violence consists of body armor, GoPro cameras, an apartment that was said by authorities to be a bomb making factory and an stockpile of guns an ammunition to arm those right wing extremists you are so found of calling domestic terrorists.
A duh, well it could be workplace violence and ah, duh, maybe it was Republicans …
No Barack, your first order of business was to demand more gun control and it was Democrats that said, it was not to offer prayers to the families. Do you might want to get your talking points straight next time. How sad is it that we have a president that is so quick to rush to judgement and call certain actions racist with no facts whatsoever, but when it comes to obvious acts of terrorism, he is cautious and plodding? At this point, when it comes to the safety of Americans and this president fails to recognize the obvious … one has to say he is derelict in his duty as President of the United States.
President Obama sought to assure Americans that investigators will get to the bottom of the San Bernardino shootings, even as he noted that investigators know little about what motivated the shooting spree that killed 14 people and injured at least 17.
“It is possible that this is terrorist-related, but we don’t know. It’s also possible this was workplace-related,” he said. “There may be mixed motives in all this, which makes the investigation more complicated. But rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this.”
Obama noted that the attackers were “equipped with weapons and appeared to have access to additional weaponry at their homes, but we don’t know why they did it.”
Rasmussen Reports: Voters Say to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats … Yes, We Are at War with Radical Islam
It would appear that “We the People” are fed up with Obama, Clinton and Democrats telling them that they are racists, bigots and Islamophobes when it comes to the war on terror against radical Islam. According to a recent Rasmussen Report poll, 60% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the United States is at war with radical Islamic terrorism and just 24% share the president’s position and disagree. This is rather interesting heading into a presidential election in 2016 as Obama and Democrats refuse to use the term “radical Islam” for fear of hurting the feelings of Muslims. But as BPR opines, its not just Republicans voters who feel this way, 56% of Democrats believe America is at war with radical Islamic terrorism and 54% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
ISIS and terrorism under Obama isn’t going away any time soon as Barack Obama refuses to take the issue seriously which means that this will be a huge campaign issue in 2016 and the Democrats are not even close to being on the right side of the issue with the American people.
Click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO
President Obama, Hillary Clinton and other senior Democrats refuse to say America is at war with “radical Islamic terrorism” for fear of insulting all Muslims, but voters beg to disagree.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the United States is at war with radical Islamic terrorism. Just 24% share the president’s position and disagree. Sixteen percent (16%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Even 56% of Democrats believe America is at war with radical Islamic terrorism, a view shared by 70% of Republicans and 54% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
A staggering 92% of all voters now regard radical Islamic terrorism as a serious threat to the United States. This includes 73% who say it is a Very Serious one, up 23 points from 50% in October of last year.
Voters are also more reluctant now to agree with Obama that the radical Islamic State group (ISIS) which masterminded the massacres in Paris last weekend is not a reflection of Islam itself. A plurality (46%) still thinks the president is right when he says ISIS does not represent true Islamic beliefs. But that’s down noticeably from 58% who felt that way in February after the president gave a speech equating the atrocities committed by ISIS with past sins of Christianity. Thirty-five percent (35%) now believe ISIS does represent Islamic beliefs. One-in-five voters (19%) are not sure.
Posted November 21, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Act of War, al-Qaeda, America - United States, Apologist in Chief, Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Democrats, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, Incompetence, ISIS, Islamist, Jihad, Liberals, Misleader, Polls, Progressives, Radical Islam, Rasmussen, Terrorism, War on Terror, We the People | 2 comments |
Bloomberg Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement, NBC Poll Supports More Troops to Fight ISIS … Obama on the Wrong Side of the American People Once Again
Bloomberg Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement:
Bloomberg released a poll on Wednesday that voices the opinion of the national attitudes on America’s commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees following the terror attacks in France and ISIS’s statements that they will infiltrate the Syrian refugees to America. But once again, the ideologue, dense, obtuse and and incompetent Barack Obama says, the hell with the facts and the American people, we are going forward.
One would almost think that he is trying to put America at risk. Barack Obama states that he was going to fundamentally transform America if elected, guess what .. he is doing just that. Say goodbye to what you used to call America.
Most Americans want the U.S. to stop letting in Syrian refugees amid fears of terrorist infiltrations after the Paris attacks, siding with Republican presidential candidates, governors, and lawmakers who want to freeze the Obama administration’s resettlement program.
The findings are part of a Bloomberg Politics national poll released Wednesday that also shows the nation divided on whether to send U.S. troops to Iraq and Syria to fight the Islamic State, an idea President Barack Obama opposes, and whether the U.S. government is doing enough to protect the homeland from a comparable attack.
Fifty-three percent of U.S. adults in the survey, conducted in the days immediately following the attacks, say the nation should not continue a program to resettle up to 10,000 Syrian refugees. Just 28 percent would keep the program with the screening process as it now exists, while 11 percent said they would favor a limited program to accept only Syrian Christians while excluding Muslims, a proposal Obama has dismissed as “shameful” and un-American.
REALLY, ITS UN-AMERICAN TO WANT TO PROTECT AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE DANGERS? Barack Obama might want to check out his presidential oath of office and that he is beholden to the American people, not refugees. I must have missed the part of the US Constitution where it says we have to put ourselves at risk for refugees from a region of the world that chants, death to America. Did Obama have his fingers crossed when he took the oath?
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
And even though The Bloomberg poll is mixed on sending ground troops, a new NBC poll shows that Americans are heavily in favor of sending more troops to fight ISIS. An amazing 70% believe that the US and its allies are losing the war against ISIS. Way to go Barack Obama. You are an inept and total failure. The NBC poll also has a majority of Americans against bring Syrian refugees to the United States.
Roughly two-thirds of the country (65 percent) want more troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria to combat IS, which took responsibility for the attacks in Paris, France, last week that killed more than 120 people. When broken down by political party, a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and two-thirds of independents agree on sending more troops to combat the terrorist group.
President Obama had previously said that putting troops on the ground would be a mistake and stood by his current strategy on fighting IS.
Since the spring a majority of Americans, 53 percent, feel the the United State government is not doing enough to eradicate the threat of terrorism, which is up from 37 percent in April. Meet the Press Daily’s Chuck Todd said that the number was not surprising given the amount of coverage of the recent Paris terrorist attacks.
Posted November 19, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Incompetence, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Polls, Radical Islam | 4 comments |
CNN’s Christine Amanpour Gives Brutal Review of Obama’s Islamic State Claims at G-20 Summit … She Says, “ISIS is not Contained”
Following Barack Obama’s speech at the G-20 Summit in Turkey and defensive Q&A on ISIS, many have criticized his comments and his strategy on ISIS. However, no one could have seen this coming. Just how bad has Barack Obama been with his plan to defeat ISIS, if he even has one? Even uber-leftist Christine Amanpour criticized Barack Obama for his comment that his (Obama’s) strategy on ISIS was working. She then went on to same that it is not true that ISIS is contained. Did one of the most liberal MSM individuals just call Barack Obama a liar? But what should we expect from the Liar in Chief who told us that with Obamacare, you can keep your healthcare plan and doctor if you like them.
Now he wants you to believe that ISIS is contained and his plan is working, REALLY?
“If anybody was expecting to hear in the passion and eloquence and speech patterns of President Obama a tipping point, they did not hear that today,” Amanpour said, adding that he was “defensive” when pressed on American leadership.
In dismissing critics of his Islamic State strategy, Amanpour said Obama is also dismissing the “very palpable fear among citizens” in France, Britain and the United States that terrorists could target their cities next.
“He said something that is pretty incredible, according to many of the military experts here and around the world who I have spoken to — that our strategy is working,” she added.
Pushing back against the assertion, Amanpour argued only the ground troops strategy has worked to battle the Islamic State. She pointed to operations to reclaim territory from the terrorist group in Sinjar, Kobane and Tikrit as evidence of that.
“He’s saying that ISIS is contained. This is also not actually true,” she said. “ISIS is not contained because ISIS attacked a Russian plane, attacked Beirut” and now attacked Paris.
Posted November 17, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Act of War, Barack Obama, Bystander in Chief, Community Agitator, Incompetence, ISIS, Islamist, Jihad, Leading from Behind, Lost in Smallness, Misleader, Radical Islam, Terrorism, The Lying King, War on Terror | 2 comments |