POLITICO/Morning Consult Poll: Majority of Voters in Several Polls Don’t Think Oprah Winfrey Should Run for the White House
From The Politico, not Fox News, not Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, but from the liberal Politico comes the following, a presidential run for Oprah Winfrey gets low ratings from voter. Add to this the Trump polling effect where individuals are less likely to say they are voting for Trump or say anything positive in public for fear of retribution. How did the 2016 polling go when it came to Donald Trump? Then there is that little Oprah-Weinstein issue that many voters don’t even know about.
Americans love Oprah Winfrey. But they aren’t exactly clamoring for the media mogul and former talk-show host to challenge President Donald Trump in 2020.
A majority of voters across several polls don’t think Winfrey should run for the White House, according to polls conducted since Winfrey’s much-heralded speech at a Hollywood awards show launched a round of presidential speculation. Even among Democratic voters, more say she shouldn’t run for president than should.
Still, there’s enough evidence to continue fueling speculation about her political prospects. Winfrey performs well on polling ballot tests, tying or leading Trump in a number of surveys. The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows Democratic voters prefer her to a host of other potential candidates — except former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
And despite the persistent disapproval of Trump’s job performance thus far, voters are still open to political neophytes as presidential candidates — though Democratic voters are more likely to say they want candidates with experience in elected office.
Perhaps more interesting in the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll: Democratic voters actually prefer Winfrey to some of the party’s potential 2020 candidates. Winfrey would lead Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in a head-to-head primary matchup, 39 percent to 35 percent. And she has a big lead over Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), 44 percent to 23 percent.
But Winfrey trails both Biden, 54 percent to 31 percent, and Sanders, 46 percent to 37 percent — two of Democrats’ best-known possible candidates.
Posted January 17, 2018 by Scared Monkeys 2020 Elections, Celebrity, Donald Trump, Making America Great Again, Oprah - OWN, Polls, Presidential Contenders | no comments |
Florida Poll Shows President Donald Trump Would Easily Defeat Oprah Winfrey, 47.91% to 23.95%
Battleground state of Florida: In a poll commissioned by the Central Florida Post, and performed by Florida based polling outfit Dixie Strategies, between President Donald Trump and liberal fantasy candidate Oprah Winfrey, the results were rather startling to those on the LEFT. The poll showed that President Trump would win easily in Florida against Oprah, 47.91% to 23.95%. Although such a poll is far too early and obviously hypothetical, it does present a snap-shot in time and the thinking of a state’s electorate. Oprah may be the LEFT’s dream, presidential candidate, even though they stated when Trump announced his candidacy that he had no experience. But it shows in state polls, not skewed national ones, maybe Oprah isn’t the people’s choice. This might just be a reality check for Oprah.
Donald Trump in the must-win state of Florida, according to our poll conducted by Dixie Strategies of 785 likely voters, would trounce Oprah Winfrey.
How bad? President Donald Trump would win with a whopping 47.91% to Winfrey’s 23.95%, with a theoretical third party candidate getting 14.83% and 13.31% of voters undecided.
“Donald Trump continues to hold his base of supporters, while it appears Floridians are not viewing Oprah as a serious candidate.”
Trump not only retains very favorable views from 70% of Republicans in the must-win state of Florida, he also maintains a higher favorability across party lines. President Trump is viewed as “very favorable” by 42.42% of voters, while Oprah is viewed “very favorable” by only 25.87% of Florida voters.
When those 25.87% of Winfrey supporters were asked about her close personal relationship with Harvey Weinstein, nearly 45% of her supporters said it would make them less likely to support her candidacy.
Posted January 14, 2018 by Scared Monkeys 2020 Elections, Battle Ground States - Swing States, Donald Trump, Florida, Making America Great Again, Polls | no comments |
PPP Poll: GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Approval in Kentucky at 18 Percent
According to The Hill, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has an 18% approval rating in Kentucky. So before McConnell decides to mouth off and talk about President Trump’s demise, he might want to contemplate his own. If this swamp clown had any respect for the good people of Kentucky, the US Senate and the Republican party, he would step down and relinquish the reins to some one else who was up to the job. But instead, swamp creatures like McConnell just believe in m,maintaining power and could care less about the will of the people. Meanwhile, President Trump has a 60% approval rating in the Blue Grass state. McConnell represents all that is wrong with politics and the GOP, a tiring, old, dinosaur who is more worried about hanging on to power and doing nothing, than actually doing what he campaigned on. The issue Mitch isn’t that we and President Trump have “excessive expectations,” the problem is that you are a liar and an establishment politician who needs to go. The fact that you think that expecting our elected leaders to do what they campaign on for 7 years is excessive, more than tells us enough about you … DITCH MITCH!!!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has an 18 percent job approval rating in Kentucky, according to a new survey.
A Public Policy Polling survey found just 18 percent of respondents approve of the job McConnell is doing, compared with 74 percent who disapprove.
If McConnell were up for reelection today, 37 percent of respondents said they would vote for the Kentucky Republican. Another 44 percent would instead choose a Democratic opponent, according to the survey.
An additional 19 percent said they were unsure.
McConnell’s seat will be on the ballot next in 2020.
Earlier this month, President Trump took aim at McConnell after the Kentucky Republican vented about the president’s “excessive expectations” for his agenda.
Trump questioned why McConnell had not yet been able to pass a new healthcare plan and Trump’s top spokeswoman said there is “some frustration” with the Senate leader.
The poll also finds that just 27 percent of respondents approved of the Senate GOP’s healthcare bill that collapsed last month.
Nearly half, 49 percent of respondents, disapproved of the legislation.
President Trump has an approval rating of 60 percent in Kentucky. Slightly more than one-third of respondents, 36 percent, disapprove of the job the president is doing.
Posted August 23, 2017 by Scared Monkeys 2020 Elections, Approval Rating, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Polls, PPP | one comment |
Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) Says In Some Parts of the Country, Nancy Pelosi Is More Toxic Than Donald Trump (VIDEO)
Following the disastrous special election in Georgia this past week, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) openly criticized Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and said it was time his party did some soul-searching to figure out what the problem was. One problem is Nancy Pelosi and that in many areas of the country, she is more toxic than President Donald Trump. Ryan went on to say that Pelosi has become a focal point for the GOP to run against.
“The brand is just bad,” Ryan said. “I don’t think people in the beltway are realizing just how toxic the Democratic Party brand is in so many parts of the country.”
Lemon asked Ryan if he believed Pelosi was more toxic than Donald Trump.
“The honest answer is in some areas of the country — yes, she is,” Ryan said. ” I think that in certain areas, like in some of these special election districts, it doesn’t benefit our candidates to be tied to her. “
However, I have to disagree with Rep. Ryan’s overall premise. He thinks that Nancy Pelosi is the over-reaching problem. This is not true. Pelosi is a symptom of the problem. not the actual issue. The real issue is what the Democrat party has become. The Democrat party is far-LEFT, nearly half wanted a socialist like Bernie Sanders, not a Democrat, a self-proclaimed socialist to be their candidate. Had it not been for a rigged Democrat primary with “super delegates” pushing Hillary over the finish line, Sanders could have won. This is how far left the party has lurched. This is the problem with the party, they are toxic to the very blue collar workers that make up the electorate in once blue states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin. The Democrats are no longer the party of the working class. They have not been for many years. The Democrat party has become the party of the West coast/East coast elites, the party of Hollywood, the party of LGBTQ, the party of Black Lives Matters. The Democrat party is no longer the party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. Not even close.
Posted June 24, 2017 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, 2020 Elections, Democrats, Liberal Intolerance, Liberals, Nancy Pelosi, Progressives, Socialist, Special Elections, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Says She is Worth the Trouble (VIDEO)
Democrat House Minority leader, San Fran Nan defends herself against some of the recent critics in her own party that she is to blame for the Democrat’s recent string of losses to the GOP and that she needs to step down. Pelosi said, “she was worth the trouble”. She went on to say that she was not disrespectful of people’s views. Really? Unless you are a Republican with views. My person opinion is STAY!!! I don’t want you to go anywhere. She is the poster child why anyone in a red/purple district or a blue collar worker living in a blue state need never vote for a Democrat representative. For they will be beholden to Pelosi and her far-Left political agenda.
Wow, listen to how defensive Nancy Pelsoi gets to the question posed to her that some in the Democrat party feel its time for her to step down. She literally says, its not up to them (0:40) to determine when she leaves. OMG, she goes on to tout herself as a “master legislator” and a “strategic astute leader.” You just keep up that master legislating and astute leadership Nancy, Republicans and Conservatives in the United States are counting on it!
Not everyone thinks Pelosi should stay, some think there should be new leadership in the Democrat party. Nancy Pelosi’s time has ‘come and gone.’ Watch the liberal MSM on MSNBC defend Pelosi and question how dare they adopt the Republican notion that she is an out of touch California liberal. However, Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) stood her ground and stated, there comes a time and place for leadership change and to usher in the future.
“We can’t keep losing races and keep the same leadership in place. You have a baseball team that keeps losing year after year. At some point, the coach has got to go, right?” said Rep. Kathleen Rice, D-N.Y., on Friday.
The frustrated Democrats met in Rice’s office a day earlier to discuss their options as they face long odds of knocking out the woman who has led the Democratic caucus for nearly 15 years from minority to majority and back, raised tens of millions of dollars and has had multiple legislative successes. Their action plan: Keep talking. Keep raising the concern that something needs to change within the ranks of the party’s leadership.
Said Rice: “The Republican playbook has been very successful. It’s not fair. It’s not accurate in its attacks on our leader, but it’s effective. They keep winning and we keep losing.”
Posted June 24, 2017 by Scared Monkeys 2016 Elections, 2020 Elections, Democrats, Liberals, Nancy Pelosi, Progressives, Socialist, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |