US Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) Says Racism Fueled Democrats’ 2010 Midterm Losses

Democrats call for civility … yet they continue their hateful rhetoric, when will the GOP ever learn?

Once again Democrats claim they want a more civility political rhetoric, yet keep playing the shameful race card. Lucy, the Dems, have once again pulled the football out from Charlie Brown, the GOP. It would appear that US Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) did not get the message of civility and political rhetoric. Moran stated that is the Democrat  party’s losses in the 2010 midterm elections occurred because President Barack Obama is black. These sad pathetic politicians are still playing the race card. making matters even worse, he made his comments on the Arab television network Alhurra.

When will Republicans ever learn?

A Democratic congressman is attributing his party’s losses in the 2010 election cycle to the fact that President Barack Obama is black.

Speaking to Arab television network Alhurra, Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) said Republicans made big gains in November in part because “a lot of people in this country … don’t want to be governed by an African-American.”

Even more objectionable to some Americans, he said, is that Obama is a black president “who is inclusive, who is liberal, who wants to spend money on everyone and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society — that’s a basic philosophical clash.”

Moran’s remarks came Tuesday in an interview conducted after Obama delivered his State of the Union speech. Democrats, Moran said, lost for “the same reason the Civil War Happened in the United States … the Southern states, particularly the slaveholding states, didn’t want to see a president who was opposed to slavery.” Virginia, of course, is one of those Southern, formerly slaveholding states.

 Is it Jim Moran or Moron? I thought the Democrats and Obama stated prior to the election that President Barack Obama was not on the ballot in 2010? Of course the “shellacking” taken by Democrats had nothing to do with the poor economy, over the top government stimulus spending, unemployment near 10% and the Democrat controlled House and Senate, coupled with Barack Obama not listening to the will of the American people and forcing Obamacare down their collective throats.

Will Democrats police their own and call out Jim Moran for these hateful and untrue comments? Time will tell. Keep it up Democrats; it is exactly this kind of nonsense and dismissiveness of the American people that caused the shellacking in 2010. It is a center-right country, not a racist one. That is why Democrats got their political butts kicked in 2010.

US House Votes 245-189 to Repeal Obamacare, More Votes than the 219 that Passed Obamacare

The US House of Representatives voted 245 – 189 to repeal Obamacare. Republicans and 3 Democrats made good on a GOP campaign promise that swept them into office following the 2010 midterm elections. The repeal legislation gained more votes than did the original passage of Obamacare which only had 219 votes. Three Democrats, Boren (OK), Mike Ross (AR) and Mike McIntyre (NC) crossed party lines and voted for the repeal. The full vote can be seen HERE.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the healthcare law on the books would increase spending, raise taxes and eliminate jobs.

“Repeal means paving the way for better solutions that will lower the costs without destroying jobs or bankrupting our government,” Boehner said in remarks on the floor before the vote.

“Let’s stop payment on this check before it can destroy more jobs or put us into a deeper hole.”

As stated at the American Spectator, although the House vote to repeal Obamacare may not go much further as the Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will never allow this to go to a vote, even after the challenger set forth by GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Obama would certainly veto the bill, the House repeal passage has significant political ramifications. 

At the same time, there were 13 Democrats who voted against the original health care bill who are still in the House, meaning that Republicans can now paint the 10 who didn’t vote for repeal as supporters of the law.

Also aptly pointed out by The Other McCain, “10 Democrats who voted ‘no’ on passage in 2009 also voted against repeal, which gives the GOP ammunition against them in the next election cycle: If you wouldn’t vote to pass it, why won’t you vote to repeal it?”

 The vote for Obamacare against the will of the people caused great pain for Democrats in the 2010 elections and appears will be a political hot potato for them in 2012 as well. In the 2010 campaign cycle Democrats ran from the President on this issue. What is in store for them in 2012 to defend their vote, or lack thereof.

Sarah Palin Targets on Map Considered a Death Threat, Joe Manchin “Taking Dead Aim” and Shooting Bill with Real Gun … Perfectly OK for the LEFT

Can this nonsense get any more ridiculous … The Democrats and the loony LEFT have yet another Paul Wellstone Memorial moment.

Fake targets, cross-hairs or bulls-eyes on a map to show politically targeted states or districts are evil, bad and make “registered Independents” go crazy, however, using a rifle complete with scope and real cross-hairs to “take dead aim”at a piece of legislation is perfectly ok. I think we can see the hypocrisy of the LEFT once again on display.

Just another example of PDS and a double standard for Democrats. The LEFT actually made references that Sarah Palin, Michelle Bauchman, Fox News are accessories to murder. Just how insane has the LEFT become?  Oh but it’s different for Democrats, Palin is inciting violence by putting cross-hairs on a map, however, newly elected Senator Joe Manchin (WV-D) was using a gun shooting as a metaphor.

Manchin said in a statement today.

“The act of a deranged madman who commits a horrific act should not and cannot be confused with a metaphor about a piece of legislation. I have never targeted an individual, and I never would,” he added. “This tragedy, I hope, serves as call for common sense, and wake-up call that we should all come together with common purpose to do what is best for our country.”

 Manchin Takes Dead Aim


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Jared Loughner, the Face of Deranged, Murderous Evil – Charged With 5 Federal Counts… A Registered Independent Who Never Voted in 2010

Today, deranged gunman Jared Loughner appeared in federal court for the first time since the Arizona Sageway massacre where 6 people were murdered and numerous others injured including US Rep Gabby Giffords. As if this loner screw ball was not deranged enough, he appeared in court today with a shaved head as was reported that he smirked during the proceedings.

Jared Loughner charged with five federal counts:

The charges are one count of attempted assassination of a member of Congress, two counts of killing an employee of the federal government, and two counts of attempting to kill federal employees.

“Yes, I am Jared Lee Loughner,” said Loughner, with a freshly shaved head, when the Judge Lawrence Anderson asked him to confirm his identity.

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US Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) Says He Has No Interest in Being Republican VP

Tea Party favorite and new Florida US Senator Marco Rubio says he has no interest in being a Republican VP nominee in 2012. And why should he? Fresh off his landslide victory in the 2010 Florida Senate race over Crist and Meeks, the political world is Rubio’s oyster.  Marco Rubio is a star in the GOP and has a shining carrer ahead of him. There is no reason why the conservative Rubio should spend 2 years in the Senate and bolt for the useless position of VP. The 39 year old Rubio has a tremendous future and will be a power player in the Republican party for years to come. Rubio should not be concerning himself with 2012 …

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R) said Monday that he has no interest in becoming his party’s vice presidential nominee in 2012.

Rubio, a newly elected senator who’s considered a rising star in the GOP, rejected running on the Republican Party ticket in two years.

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