Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman’s Attorney Withdraw from Case … Lost Contact With Client … Zimmerman Contacted Prosecutors


The saga continues in the case of the death of Trayvon Martin …

As everyone waits to see if George Zimmerman will be charged with murder in the death of Trayvon Martin there is news from the defense. As reported at the Orlando Sentinel, the defense attorneys of George Zimmerman have withdrawn from the case. According to accounts, the defense team has lost contact with their client and some thing occurred that is much worse. The defense attorneys stated that “as of the last couple days he has not returned phone calls, text messages or emails.” It would appear that Zimmerman had contact with the state prosecutor.

Zimmerman has not talked to or communicated with them since Sunday, said Craig Sonner, one of his lawyers.

Worse, Zimmerman has done two dangerous things, his lawyers said: He telephoned a special prosecutor who’s trying to put together a criminal case against him, and he called Sean Hannity of Fox News.

Both were bad ideas, said Sonner and co-counsel Hal Uhrig.

The call to the office of Special Prosecutor Angela Corey apparently did no harm, Uhrig said.

At the news conference,Zimerman’s former attorneys went on to say that they believed in his innocence and that he was no racist. Also they stated that Zimmerman has gone underground for fear of his safety.

Sonner and Uhrig said that they still believe in Zimmerman’s innocence and that they would probably represent him again if he contacted them and requested it. They said Zimmerman is in the U.S., but wouldn’t say where because they fear for his safety.

They said Zimmerman has been under extreme pressure and is basically alone, having gone underground because of the furor.

UPDATE I: Zimmerman’s family responds to attorney’s withdrawal from case.

Benjamin Crump, the attorney for Martin’s family, expressed surprise over the announcement and issued a statement to TIME.

Trayvon’s family was always concerned that Zimmerman doesn’t try to skirt his legal responsibilities and become a flight risk. We always wanted this before a judge and a jury. We hope that [authorities] will take this under consideration that this a flight risk. If they go to press charges, is he really going to face them?

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  • Comments

    11 Responses to “Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman’s Attorney Withdraw from Case … Lost Contact With Client … Zimmerman Contacted Prosecutors”

    1. NGBoston on April 11th, 2012 1:22 pm

      Obviously, Zimmerman is a flight risk. Now I am getting less likely to support the Man. He took a life, now he needs to stand up and take responsibility for his action before (with the help of the MSM flaming the fires, Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, et al)—why should the rest of innocent(s) in Society pay the price and risk possible violent protests and other acts?

      Wake up, Zimmerman! While I’m NOT saying Zimmerman intentionally murdered Trayvon Martin—does anyone remember the name RODNEY KING??

      WAKE UP! And, NO! I will not give one red cent to this Man’s defense—-you made your bed—now lie in it like a MAN.

    2. Carpe on April 11th, 2012 5:09 pm

      Zimmerman did what he had to do. Just like a lot of people will have to do soon. God Bless him for a giving a parasite a dirt bath.

    3. Miklo on April 11th, 2012 7:23 pm

      Zimmerman should have been arrested, the 911 dispatcher instructed Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon Martin…

      Zimmerman dismissed the instruction and provoked the unfortunate confrontation.

      Zimmerman should have been detained – if for his own safety from the crazies who were seeking revenge.

      It’s a tragic set of circumstances for everyone involved.

      But for Zimmerman’s decision not to heed the instruction of the 911 dispatcher – none of this would have happened.
      SM: I think you might want to wait for all if the facts to come out. I think it is going to be hard to prove the second degree murder charges. Surprised they did not do a lesser charge.

    4. Dolf on April 12th, 2012 6:29 am

      @2 and whats that? shoot an unarmed kid?

    5. brie. on April 12th, 2012 7:55 am

      The facts needed to come out before all the vile and violence began….Zimmerman lived on the premise…and saw something that looked suspicious…the dispatcher said not to follow him and he didn’t…Trayvon attacked him and he defended his life…He and his wife are mentor’s for two African-American children.


    6. claude on April 12th, 2012 1:39 pm

      No. 2: Pretty fast and loose with God’s name, aren’t you?

    7. claude on April 12th, 2012 1:41 pm

      No. 3: Wait for the facts to come out like Carpe’s doing? Why no tag-on comment for his little outburst? Can you say inflammatory rhetoric?

    8. brie. on April 12th, 2012 2:09 pm

      A man trying to protect the people and their property in his community. Trayvon had weapons, he had his fists and beat Zimmerman with them. Second degree murder charges….absurb. Afraid of the media and the protesters seems to be the case.

    9. NGBoston on April 12th, 2012 4:52 pm

      #8-Brie. Sorry to tell you, but I completely disagree.

      You are not stating the facts. You don’t know the facts. Most of America doesn’t know ALL the facts either, but it is obvious to me you believe this Teenager should have died?

      Shame on you.

      The Prosecutor’s office stated today when he was arraigned that they have found reason to charge Zimmerman because he was the AGRESSOR.

      You are wrong also about Zimmerman listening to the Dispatcher when he was told NOT to follow Martin. Even if Zimemrman did go back to his car- he was NOT PULLED out of the vehicle by the teen and they were on a pathway, behind the buildings, onlay about 70 to 80 feet away from his Father’s Fiance’s back door. The kid was just trying to get back home for a visit with his Father.

      Ease up, Brie because your TRUE COLORS are showing. I remember, vividly, and years back when the Editor of this blog had to warn you for racist comments you made in your posts, more than once.

      You can try to cover it up and deny it, but I am calling you out on it. Regardless of a person’s ethnicity or skin color, I play no favorites when it comes to crime. You, on the other hand—I have no idea what anyone did to you in your life time or if it is just how you were raised, but you obviously don’t like anyone who isn’t Caucasian. That’s your choice but in this day and age, it’s an embarrassment!

    10. brie. on April 12th, 2012 5:24 pm

      Traymon begged his father numerous times to let him walk to the 7-11….while it was raining, why didn’t he take him to the store…Zimmerman assisted the police numerous times on criminal cases…..

    11. NGBoston on April 13th, 2012 11:02 am

      #10- So what is your point? That because (like any Teenager who is adamant about something silly they want and likely to disobey their parents at any given time) so you believe this Crime wasn’t preventable?

      And why should any Parent always have to be in servitude to any kid who doesn’t drive yet and be Transported around? You can’t be serious with these comments.

      I am not even saying Zimmerman was a Racist. It is a fact that he and his wife Sponsored black Teens in the past. I am also not saying that in the past Zimemrman was not helpful in the Neighborhood Watch.

      I am saying, simply, on this night- Zimmerman over-reacted, took his job waaaaaayyy too seriously and did not follow instructions AFTER he called LE. He just should have stayed in his car, PERIOD! Call, report the “suspect” and stayed in the Car.

      I can assure, had REAL Law Enforcement showed up on the scene to check out his “lead” the Teen would have been questioned and sent on his way. He would not have been shot in the chest by a Professional LE.

      Give it a Rest, Brie you are wrong. Really wrong.

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