Barack Obama’s Labor Day … Pandering to Unions in Detroit … What a Partisan, Political Hack … Hoffa Says to Obama, “Let’s Take These Son Of Bitches Out”


Barack Obama’s Labor Day … nothing more than a partisan, political campaign speech. NICE LABOR DAY CIVILITY BARACK.

Define Irony … Barack Obama having the nerve top make a speech on labor day when 14 million Americans are out of work.

Today President Barack Obama spoke on Labor Day, not to Americans, but to Labor Unions and workers. Wasn’t it just the other day that this partisan hack said that Washington, DC needed to have  less political posturing? This is why Obama is a total and complete failure, he is not a leader of the people … he only cares for a select few. Barack Obama sees America as the United States of Unions, not the United Sates of America.  Michelle Malkin reminds us of Obama’s Unions Top 10 Thug moments of the Year.

Remember in 2008 when Barack Obama said that this is not about red states, its not about blue states, its about the United States. Really? Sorry Barack … you are only about your political ideology, not about Americans. I wonder how non-union Americans feel about this beholden union President? Wait, more union thuggery for Michelle Malkin occurred today … this might go to the head of the list.

This is just unbelievable if you think about it. It was Barack Obama who called for civility, yet at an Obama event today in Detroit, MI Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa said that Watch the unreal VIDEO at Real Clear Politics. Get a good glimpse America of the name calling and viciousness that is going to come from Team Obama for the 2012 Presidential campaign. Obama cannot run on his record of job growth, spending, lowering unemployment or Obamacare. When a President has failed on every objective … all they have is name calling and mud slinging.

Click on pic for Video

We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war,” Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd.

“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong,” Hoffa added.


So Barack Obama has no problem with this kind of speech? Hoffa was the opening act to Obama today. How divisive could an American President possibly be? Hoffa called for a war on Republicans for jobs. Really sir, because you boy Barack Obama has done what exactly for job growth in America? A note to Hoffa, union workers ain’t the only workers in America. Those Tea Party folks that you are so quick to call names work as well. As a matter of fact, more individual in America are non-Union than union workers.

How pathetic is Jimmy Hoffa and the unions. What America really thinks its the Tea Party’s fault why 14 million Americans are out of work, there is 9.1% unemployment and there was ZERO job growth in August 2011? It is President Barack Obama, the first elected black President, who resides over the worst black unemployment rate in 27 years.


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  • Comments

    9 Responses to “Barack Obama’s Labor Day … Pandering to Unions in Detroit … What a Partisan, Political Hack … Hoffa Says to Obama, “Let’s Take These Son Of Bitches Out””

    1. TurtleShroom on September 5th, 2011 3:39 pm

      I disagree with you on the fact that the union leader is alleging a PHYSICAL war on the Tea Party.

      Personally, I think he means a war in its punditry sense: legal battles, fundraising, fighting back before the law and in the law, tooth and nail, two opposing ideas. I don’t think he LITERALLY means that union minions should go and FIGHT Tea Party goons.

      Still, he should have chosen his words better.

      I agree with you on the fact that his swearing at the Tea Party wasn’t “civil”, and the way he worded it certainly would suggest physical confrontation.

      It’s probably not what he meant, but intent and what the audience hears are two different things. I personally heard a call to arms as well!
      SM: Who said it was a physical war? Of course its not like Union goons have not attacked Tera party folk in the past.

      Unions are useless in this day and age. They used to actually provide protection for their workers. Now the union employees need to fear the Unions bosses just as much if not more than business.

      There was a time when unions were the heroes of the blue collar worker. I read glorious and beautiful tales of fighting and dying for the perks we all- especially modern unions -take for granted.
      Years’ worth of stuggle, though, has now been corrupted by greed and unending demands from union bosses that shed their history, shame their past, and act as greedy, if not greedier, than any “capitalist swine” they oppose. Hypocracy at its absolute highest!

      A labor union used to MEAN something. Solidarity used to be noble, not perjorative. There was a time when you looked for a “MADE IN UNIONIZED WORKPLACE” like you do “MADE IN USA”.

      That’s no more. What have unions done for us in the past sixty years? They’ve killed textiles, steel, and now automobiles. They hold ransom the taxpayers and demand even more, in the heart of budgetary collapse.

      It’s sick. It really is.

    2. Barack Obama’s Civility, a President of the People? Will Obama Condemn Hoffa & Biden for Calling Republicans/Tea Party Barbarians & Son’s of Bitches? | Scared Monkeys on September 5th, 2011 4:33 pm

      [...] speech, was nothing but.  Prior to Obama’s partisan speech to a crowd of union workers, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. riled up the union masses by saying the following,“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take [...]

    3. » The coming 2012 battle? on September 5th, 2011 4:51 pm

      [...] Government,, Proof Positive, And So it Goes in Shreveport, Associated Press, Scared Monkeys, Pajamas Media, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Sipsey Street Irregulars, The Lonely Conservative and [...]

    4. Barack Obama Putting Party Before Country … Proud of Jimmy Hoffa for his War on Tea Party, Those Son’s of Bitches … Hoffa Says He Has No Regrets | Scared Monkeys on September 6th, 2011 5:43 am

      [...] President Barack Obama might want to take his own words to heart when it comes to over the top political rhetoric and partisan politics. But if he did, that would make him a leader, not a hypocrite. Barack Obama talks about how the GOP should put Country before Party. How come the same is not true of Barack Obama? Where is your apology for what happened yesterday when Obama spoke to union members in Detroit, MI? [...]

    5. President Barack Obama Sinks to All-Time Job Approval Low in Washington Post-ABC News Poll | Scared Monkeys on September 6th, 2011 10:02 am

      [...] Only 36% of Americans polled approve of Obama’s handling of the economy. Is it any wonder why Obama and his union minions have been set out to attack the GOP and Tea Party to divert attention from the President’s [...]

    6. Dolf on September 7th, 2011 5:47 am


      The unions didn’t kill them (didn’t help either).

      steel got killed because they didn’t invest in better tech, same goes for automobiles.
      Textiles is a wage thing.

      You know what I hate most: former union guys turning capitalistic.

      1 of our former pm’s (Wim Kok) from the PvDA (Labour) who rose up through the unions and fumed against overpaid corperatecommissionaires.

      Guess what was the first thing he asked when becomming a commisionaris after his terms as Dutch pm….

      you gotto love those former socialists
      SM: Unions used to serve a purpose when there was an out of control abusive employment situation in the US. However, the Unions have become just as abusive. There is a reason why only 9% belong to Unions. They create an artificial employment structure.

      Sure there are scenarios where business operate in a manner that might need a private union, public one’s … no way.

      What was most telling about the other day was Obama and Biden’s “WE” with the union speeches. Does that mean that O and B do not represent the other 90% of workers that are non-union?

    7. Dolf on September 7th, 2011 8:14 am

      no politician represents the working class anymore.

      you have to be rich to become 1. (at DC level)

      Unions here have been declining for the last 2o years, but we don’t strike that much…thats more a French thing

    8. Scott on September 7th, 2011 10:53 am

      Once again a euro trash like Dolt trying to explain our American system…you don’t know jack SQUAT! SQUAT! Get lost!

    9. Dolf on September 8th, 2011 1:14 am

      Once again Scott shows his reading skills and his class.

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