Podesta Squirms After CBS ‘Face the Nation’ Host Asks ‘How Did the Russians Know to Focus on Wisconsin But Hillary Didn’t?’ (VIDEO)


Yesterday on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation,’former Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta became visibly rattled after guest host Nancy Cordes questioned and pressed him with regards to the indictments against Russian nationals and the effect of their attempts to interfere in American elections. As Podesta tried to blame the Russians for Hillary losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump,  ‘Cordes asked, “But it does beg the question, how is it that these Russian operatives knew to focus on purple states like Michigan and Wisconsin and your campaign didn’t?” Hmm, good question.

Podesta stammered to answer the question as it is not often that the MSM ever asks a posing and tought follow up question. What it proves is the real reason why Hillary lost, she was a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign.

POLITICO/Morning Consult Poll : GOP Gains on Generic Ballot & President Trump’s Approval Moves Upward


2018 midterm election blue Democrat tsunami? It appears that the so-called blue tsunami may not even be a small wave. It would seem according to the trending polls, it might just be a red wave. What a difference a Trump/GOP tax plan and growing economy makes. Or as Nancy Pelosi and Democrats call it, a “crumb” plan. According to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll, Republicans now lead Democrats in the Generic ballot 39% to 38%. The tide is changing as Americans are realizing Donald Trump is Making America great again.

Who would actually want Nancy “crumbs” Pelosi to be the Speaker?

The change in the electorate is remarkable. President Donald Trump has led the way with the GOP with a robust economy, low unemployment numbers, optimism from business and employees, a tax cut law that will affect 90% of Americans and bonus checks to millions of people. Trump and the GOP has been right on immigration and the dismantling of ISIS and their caliphate. Previously, in mid-December, 39% of voters said they trusted Democrats more to handle the economy, compared to 38% who said Republicans. Today following a booming economy, 43% say Republicans and only 32% say Democrats. Congressional Republicans also have a 9-point advantage on handling jobs, a 6-point lead on dealing with immigration and a 19-point lead on handling national security. These numbers for Republicans are only to get more positive as the economy grows.

Republicans have erased the Democratic advantage on the generic congressional ballot in a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that, for the first time since April, also shows President Donald Trump’s approval rating equaling the percentage of voters who disapprove of his job performance.

Fully 39 percent of registered voters say they would support the GOP candidate for Congress in their district, while 38 percent would back the Democratic candidate. Nearly a quarter of voters, 23 percent, are undecided.

Voters are split almost evenly along party lines. Democratic voters break for their party, 85 percent to 5 percent, while Republicans similarly favor the GOP, 84 percent to 8 percent. Among independent voters, 26 percent would vote for the Democrat, 25 percent for the Republican and nearly half, 49 percent, are undecided.

The GOP’s 1-point advantage comes after three months of tracking in which Democrats maintained a lead ranging between 2 and 10 points on the generic ballot. That has been generally smaller than the party’s lead in other public surveys: The most recent RealClearPolitics average shows Democrats ahead by 7 points on the generic ballot, though that’s down from a high of 13 points late last year.

A previous Monmouth poll had Democrats only ahead by 2 points, after previously having a double digit lead. Who in their right mind would want Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House again? If America actually makes that choice, say good bye to the gains of the economy.

SCOTUS Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says Election 2016 too ‘Macho’ for Hillary Clinton to Win … The LEFT Still Whining about their Loss (VIDEO)


When will the LEFT let it go? Folks, its been more than a year since Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election in an electoral landslide. An election that many said she could never lose. However, that’s why they play the game and the LEFT still cannot get over it. In an interview this past Sunday at Columbia University during a Women’s Conference Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said,  “I think it was difficult for Hillary Clinton to get by even the macho atmosphere prevailing during that campaign, and she was criticized in a way I think no man would have been criticized.” This was a doubling down on comments she made last year that sexism “no doubt” played a role in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election defeat. Good grief, REALLY? Where does this 84 year old Supreme Court justice get off being so political? She needs to step down if she is going to act in such a political and bias manner because obviously, by her own words and actions she can no longer be fair and just.

A note to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate. In a change election, the Democrats nominated the most establishment candidate ever. America had Clinton fatigue and were tired of her corruption, scandals and lies. It is only those in Leftist group think that blame sexism for her loss. As it was she rigged the Democrat system against Bernie Sanders in the primaries, of which she barely won. I am curious, was it also sexism that caused Hillary to lose to Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries?

Ginsburg: ‘Macho Atmosphere’ & ‘Sexism’ Hurt Clinton in 2016 Election

Via Washington Times:

Hillary Clinton has spent most of her days, post-election, pining about her loss and blaming it on the deplorables who followed President Donald Trump — the so-called sexist, misogynist atmosphere she perceives as marking her race to the White House.

Well now, here comes Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, tossing the same gender card. And not for the first time, either.

When asked by CNN’s Poppy Harlow during a Columbia University forum to clarify her previously made comments about sexism during the election year — that it was a “major factor” in determining the outcome — Ginsburg didn’t walk back, but rather ran head-first forward.

“I think it was difficult for Hillary Clinton to get by the macho atmosphere prevailing during that campaign,” Ginsburg said, The Hill reported. “[S]he was criticized in a way I think no men would have been criticized. I think anyone who watched that campaign unfold would answer the same way I did, yes, that sexism played a prominent role.

In other words, Clinton was held to account on pretty much gender neutral political platforms. She was questioned about most of the same issues as Trump — except Trump, of course, was slapped hard for his past treatment of and remarks about women. If anyone was subjected to gender-based questioning, it was Trump, not Clinton.

Ginsburg, however, has described herself as a “flaming feminist litigator,” CNN reported. And she’s a flamer, apparently, who made widespread news for her inappropriate — for a supposedly unbiased court justice — who spent the pre-election weeks condemning the idea of a Trump presidency, wondering “what the country would be” with him in the White House, and threatening, maybe somewhat jokingly, maybe somewhat not, to move to New Zealand.

How long is the LEFT going to whine over Hillary Clinton’s loss? GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!!!

How satisfying is it going to be when a Republican, preferably President Donald Trump gets to nominate her replacement on the Supreme Court?

Democrat Sen. Mark Warner Texted with Russian Oligarch Lobbyist in Effort to contact Dossier Author Christopher Steele … “rather not have a paper trail”


One might want to ask why Warner was being so secret? Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Warner had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele. If this was supposedly bi-partisan, why throughout the text exchanges did Warner seem particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop? If one is being open and transparent, why would a text message to a Russian lobbyist state, “rather not have a paper trail?”


Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.

“We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country,” Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.

“I’m in,” Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Steele famously put together the anti-Trump dossier of unverified information that was used by FBI and Justice Department officials in October 2016 to get a warrant to conduct surveillance of former Trump adviser Carter Page. Despite the efforts, Steele has not agreed to an interview with the committee.

Secrecy seemed very important to Warner as the conversation with Waldman heated up March 29, when the lobbyist revealed that Steele wanted a bipartisan letter from Warner and the committee’s chairman, North Carolina Republican Sen. Richard Burr, inviting him to talk to the Senate intelligence panel.

Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop — at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would “rather not have a paper trail” of his messages.

Posted February 9, 2018 by
Donald Trump, Russia, Texting | one comment

The Double Standard & Hypocrisy of the LEFT … President Trump Calls for Parade and Democrats Scoff … Yet Schumer Did the Sane thing in 2014 and Crickets from the MSM (VIDEO)


Just curious, what is wrong with a little patriotism?  In a January 18, 2018 meeting President Donald Trump expressed his wish to hold a military parade like the one he witnessed in France with President Macron on Bastille Day. The NY Times reported that Mr. Trump said he told President Emmanuel Macron of France that he was considering the idea of a similar spectacle in the United States. But the liberal MSM appears to be against such a parade. However, as you will learn to borrow a phrase from John Kerry … The LEFT for for it before they were against it.

Liberal media makes fun of Trump’s military plan

However, Democrats and their liberal media hacks scoffed and made fun of the idea making reference to Trump as a dictator. On MSNBC’s the Morning Schmo, Mika and Joe said that countries like the Soviet Union and North Korea do things like this. They called it autocratic, among other derogatory things. Imagine that. But I thought liberals like the French?

BUT THE LIBERAL MEDIA HAD NO ISSUES WHEN DEMOCRAT SENATOR CHUCKY SCHUMER OF NEW YORK CALLED FOR A MILITARY PARADE IN 2014. Where was the criticism and outrage from the LEFT then? It all goes back to the LEFT’s never ending attacks on President Trump no matter what. Even when the LEFT has said the same thing. What, does the Left not understand there is this thing called Google and other search engines that record all that they say and folks that take the time to find out the truth? Once again Schumer and the LEFT look like the frauds they truly are.

Chuck Schumer calling for a Military Parade in 2014

From The Daily Caller:

Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier called Trump’s idea of a military parade “authoritarian,” while Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse compared the practice to something that would be done by North Korea.

But in 2014, Schumer suggested that New York’s Ticker Tape Parade be used to honor the military.

“Now as military operations in Afghanistan draw to a close, some are calling for the Ticker Tape Parade to honor those who fought in the war on terror,” a reporter explained in a video posted to YouTube.

“After all, these men risked their lives to protect us,” Schumer said at the time. “They experienced terrible trial and tragedy along the way.”

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