Tony Podesta Stepping Down from Lobbying Giant Podesta Group Amid Mueller Probe



As reported at The Politico, Tony Podesta is stepping down immediately from lobbying giant, the Podesta Group, amid special counsel Robert Mueller probe. Tony Podesta, the brother of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, has been a larger than life figure on K Street for some time. Now in the wake of the Mueller investigation  into Podesta and his firm grew out of investigators’ examination of Manafort’s finances, he is out. Maybe the media might want to keep their eye on the ball. Who is to say that just like with the Russian collusion that pointed by to Hillary Clinton and the DNC with the Russian dossier, the Mueller investigation is also appears to be closing in on the Clinton circle. For Washington D.C. lobbyist Tony Podesta to resign so immediately like he did, this is big.

Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Group, is stepping down from the firm that bears his name after coming under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Podesta announced his decision during a firm-wide meeting Monday morning and is alerting clients of his impending departure.

Podesta’s decision to leave the firm came on the same day that former Donald Trump campaign aides Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were indicted on multiple charges, including money laundering, operating as federal agents of the Ukrainian government, failing to disclose overseas bank accounts and making false statements to federal authorities. Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty earlier this month for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials, according to court records.

The investigation into Podesta and his firm grew out of investigators’ examination of Manafort’s finances. Manafort organized a PR campaign on behalf of a nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. Podesta Group was one of several firms that were paid to do work on the PR campaign to promote Ukraine in the U.S.

Podesta Group filed paperwork with the Justice Department in April stating that it had done work for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine that also benefited the same Ukrainian political party that Manafort once advised. Podesta Group said at the time it believed its client was a European think tank untethered to a political party.

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    One Response to “Tony Podesta Stepping Down from Lobbying Giant Podesta Group Amid Mueller Probe”

    1. Remember this from Last Week … Tucker’s Inside Source REVEALS Podesta Brothers as the REAL Russia Colluders (VIDEO) | Scared Monkeys on October 31st, 2017 11:23 am

      [...] what is the real Russian collusion … Manafort worked with the Podesta’s, not [...]

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