Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Wired $100,000 to Philippines Last Week Prior to Massacre (Update: Marilou Danley Returns to US for Questioning as Person of Interest)



NBC News is reporting that the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in his live-in girlfriend, Marilou Danley’s, home country, the Philippines, just one week before he unleashed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Was such an action a common occurrence for Paddock? Was the money meant for Marilou Danley or someone else? The Daily Caller speculates, “it remains unclear whether the money was intended for Danley, her family members, or for some unknown purpose. With so little known about Stephen Paddock, all of his actions seem to just lead to more questions and few answers. The death toll from the Las Vegas massacre now stands at 59, 60 if you count Paddock. However, officials unfortunately believe that number will continue to rise.

Marilou Danley

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in his live-in girlfriend’s home country, the Philippines, in the week before he unleashed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, according to multiple senior law enforcement officials.

But while officials have confirmed that Marilou Danley was in the Philippines on Sunday when Paddock opened fire on a crowd attending a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, it was not known whether the money was for her or her family or for another purpose.

Danley, 62, who had traveled to Hong Kong on Sept. 25, could fill in some of the blanks after returning to the United States on Wednesday, the officials said. She arrived at Los Angeles International Airport escorted by FBI agents late Tuesday, multiple law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation said.

“We anticipate some information from her shortly,” Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. “She is currently a person of interest.”

Paddock’s still-stunned brother, Eric Paddock, said he suspects the money was to take care of Danley.

“One hundred thousand dollars isn’t that huge amount of money,” he said. “Condemn Steve for gambling. Steve took care of the people he loved. He made me and my family wealthy.”

UPDATE I: Las Vegas gunman’s girlfriend returns to US for questioning.

 The Las Vegas gunman’s girlfriend returned to the U.S. overnight after a weekslong trip abroad and was met by investigators seeking to question her for clues to what drove Stephen Paddock to slaughter 59 people from his high-rise hotel suite.

Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, 62, who was in the Philippines at the time of the Sunday night shooting, was met by FBI agents at the Los Angeles airport late Tuesday, according to a law enforcement official who wasn’t authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, who has called Danley a “person of interest” in the attack, said on Tuesday that “we anticipate some information from her shortly” and that he is “absolutely” confident authorities will find out what set off Paddock.

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Wired $100,000 to Philippines Last Week Prior to Massacre (Update: Marilou Danley Returns to US for Questioning as Person of Interest)”

    1. Larry on October 5th, 2017 5:23 pm

      The whole family seems to be troubled. This is a video of Eric’s son who currently is a choir director at a church in MI. Another brother has a long rap sheet, Bruce. Only brother Patrick is currently silent.
      I remember seeing their father’s FBI poster in post office.
      It seems they had a bad time as children. I don’t say that as an excuse. There is none.
      The shooter video poker player liked to think he was very smart. I am curious is there real evidence he was a millionaire? Seems to me, he was more a scammer and a very sick person. Drinking himself to death. Was Valium only drug they found?

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