Harvard-Harris Poll: 73% of Voters want to see Democrats work with President Donald Trump


According to the new Harvard-Harris poll provided to The Hill, an amazing 73% of voters stated that they wanted to see Democrats work with President Donald Trump, while only a mere 27% said they should resist and block him. It is a shot across the bow of Democrats like Senate minority leader Schumer and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi who have obstructed Trump every in of his new presidency. Democrats in the House and Senate have done the bidding of the 27%. Keep it up those of you on the LEFT, the carnage in the 2018 midterm elections with be swift, especially in the US Senate.

We the People want to make America great again, those on the LEFT, you had you chance for the past 8 years and you failed. It is time for you to get on board with Donald Trump and let him help make America great again!!!

trump lll

A strong majority of Americans say Democrats should look to cooperate with President Trump to strike deals, according to the inaugural Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively by The Hill.

The survey found that 73 percent of voters want to see Democrats work with the president, against only 27 percent who said Democrats should resist Trump’s every move.

The findings are significant as Democratic leaders in Congress are under growing pressure by their liberal base to obstruct the president’s agenda. The poll shows the party is divided on how to deal with Trump: 52 percent of Democrats polled say they should cooperate with him on areas of agreement and 48 percent saying they shouldn’t.

Those figures are nearly identical when the question is flipped – 68 percent of those polled say that Trump should be willing to compromise and find ways to work with Democrats in Congress. Thirty-two percent said Trump shouldn’t bend at all, even if it means finding ways to achieve his agenda without congressional approval.

Republicans are similarly divided here, with 48 percent wanting compromise and 52 percent saying Trump should be unwavering.

“This shows that voters want Trump and Democrats to compromise and if they don’t, they both may pay a heavy price with the electorate,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard-Harris poll.

POLL: Americans Very Optimistic on the Trump Economy


From The Hill comes the following new Harvard-Harris poll that states that 61% of Americans say the economy is  strong, while just 39% say it is not. It is rather obvious, except to the LEFT and the Never-Trumpers that the optimism comes from the fact that a business man is in the White House.

Donald Trump thumbs up

A strong majority of Americans say the U.S. economy is running strong, and most believe the upward trend will continue under President Trump, according to a Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively to The Hill.

The survey found that 61 percent view the economy as strong, against 39 percent who say it is weak.

A plurality, 42 percent, said they believe the economy is on the right track, versus 39 percent who said it is on the wrong track.

Trump and congressional Republicans have claimed credit for the turnaround, noting numerous polls in 2016 that showed that many Americans wanted change in the nation’s capital. Democrats counter that former President Obama handed a healthy economy to Trump and point out that the unemployment rate has dropped under 5 percent. At a press conference on Thursday, Trump said he inherited “a mess.”

As I have said from the outset, what are Democrats like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the MSM and the LEFT going to do and say when the economy and jobs explode under President Donald Trump and they are still whining about every little thing and looking to obstruct his policies? The 2018 elections are going to be a political bloodbath for the LEFT.

First Lady Melania Trump Recites The Lord’s Prayer & Speech at President Donald Trump Rally in Melbourne, Florida (2/18/2017) (VIDEO) … The Hateful, Godless LEFT Loses their Minds


First lady Melania Trump led the rally yesterday in Florida with the Lord’s Prayer, provided a brief speech and then introduced her husband, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  Melania Trump told the crowd, she will “always stay true to myself, and be truthful to you, no matter what the opposition is saying about me.”

Before introducing her husband, the first lady described the country she and the president envision as “one that works for all Americans … and where all Americans can work and succeed.”

“A nation committed to a great civility and unity between people from all sides of the political divide,” she said.

The first lady then made a passing reference to recent attacks aimed on her, saying she will “always be truthful” with the American people “no matter what the opposition is saying about me.”


But of course this caused the unhinged lunatics on the LEFT to spout off with their typical moon-battery. Only the Godless LEFT could find fault and attach someone for doing something as innocent as reciting the Lord’s prayer. Not only has the LEFT lost their minds, they also can’t seem to educate themselves either. You might want to brush up on the “Establishment clause” and learn something, instead of consistently making fools of yourself. But the hateful LEFT could not help themselves on Twitter, the troll universe. The LEFT actually attacked Melania for reading the Lord’s prayer from a piece of paper, yet had no issue for 8 years of Obama reading from a teleprompter. The hypocritical outrage is comical.

President Donald Trump Rally in Melbourne, FL – Full Speech (VIDEO) … ‘I want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news.’


President Donald Trump took his message directly to the American people yesterday at a campaign event in Melbourne, Florida telling a cheering crowd: ‘I want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news.’

I also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. The dishonest media which has published one false story after another with no sources, even though they pretend they have them, they make them up in many cases, they just don’t want to report the truth and they’ve been calling us wrong now for two years. They don’t get it. By they’re starting to get it. I can tell you that. They’ve become a big part of the problem. They are part of the corrupt system. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln and many of our greatest presidents fought with the media and called them out often times on their lies. When the media lies to people, I will never, ever let them get away with it. I will do whatever I can that. They don’t get away with it.

Full transcript of Trump’s speech.

VIDEO – CSPAN (full speech)

I also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. The dishonest media which has published one false story after another with no sources, even though they pretend they have them, they make them up in many cases, they just don’t want to report the truth and they’ve been calling us wrong now for two years. They don’t get it. By they’re starting to get it. I can tell you that. They’ve become a big part of the problem. They are part of the corrupt system. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln and many of our greatest presidents fought with the media and called them out often times on their lies. When the media lies to people, I will never, ever let them get away with it. I will do whatever I can that. They don’t get away with it.

They have their own agenda and their agenda is not your agenda. In fact, Thomas Jefferson said, “nothing can be believed which is seen in a newspaper.” “Truth itself,” he said, “becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle,” that was June 14, my birthday, 1807. But despite all their lies, misrepresentations, and false stories, they could not defeat us in the primaries, and they could not defeat us in the general election, and we will continue to expose them for what they are, and most importantly, we will continue to win, win, win.

We are not going to let the fake news tell us what to do, how to live, or what to believe. We are free and independent people and we will make our own choices.

Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll … Trump Approval Rating at 55%

According to the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, President Donald Trump as a 55% approval rating.

Trump Thumbs up

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 36% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +2. (see trends).

Nearly half (48%) also believe most reporters are biased against the president.   Only 12% think they are biased for Trump, while 31% feel most reporters try to be fair and balanced. Needless to say, Republicans and Democrats strongly disagree in their assessments of the media.

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