UP IN SMOKE … Legalize Marijuana for Both Medical & Recreational use in Ohio Fails Miserably 65% to 35%



Imagine that, Ohio is not Colorado. The voters of Ohio decided to say JUST SAY NO to a the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use by a resounding 65% to 35%. Although, many probably voted against this terrible measure not only because of pot legalization but also they way it was written giving a monopoly to certain individuals to grow it. C’mon man, the last thing some stoners are going to want is being forced to by some weed from some politically connected wealthy backers. Next thing you know these privileges state appointed drug kingpins would have the market on the Doritos and moon pies.

Looks like Cheech & Chong will have to toke elsewhere (warning – adult language)

Issue 3, the effort to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use in Ohio, failed to create a buzz with voters Tuesday.

The legislation was rejected soundly, failing by a margin of 65 to 35 percent with 77 percent of precincts counted late Tuesday night.

WAPO: Ohio just rejected legalizing marijuana. What that means for the future of pot.

Ohio voters on Tuesday rejected a controversial marijuana legalization measure at the polls in that state. Recent surveys showed support in Ohio for marijuana legalization, but voters balked at the specifics of the ballot initiative, which would have created an oligopoly on marijuana production for a small handful of the initiative’s wealthy donors.

The initiative faced an uphill battle from the start. The first stumbling block was the nature of the ballot measure itself. It would have essentially written a marijuana oligopoly into the state’s constitution, with the measure’s wealthy backers as the only recipients of licenses to grow marijuana commercially. That didn’t sit right with many of the national advocacy groups that have backed successful legalization measures in other states.

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