Gallup Poll: Smaller Majority “Extremely Proud” to Be an American


On the eve of the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day … The LEFT is ruining this country.

According to a recent Gallup poll, only 54% of people say that they are “extremely proud” to be an American. This is down sharply following the 911 terror attacks in 2001 and the 70% who stated that they were extremely proud to be an American in 2003. The poll also showed that 27% say they are “very proud,” 14% say they are “moderately proud,” 4% are “only a little proud” and 1% state that they are “not at all proud.” The South is the most proud at 61%, then comes the Midwest, East and West at 55%, 50% and 46%, respectively.

Remember what Michelle Obama said in 2008, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country …”

So what is the reason why so many Americans are no longer extremely proud to be Americans? One would think that it could be a result of Barack Obama being President and his efforts to change America. But in looking at what parties say they are extremely proud to be an American. it is the Republicans at 68%, Independents at 53% and the Democrats bringing up the rear at 47%. So why are Democrats not proud? Is it because the Democrat party now resembles more socialism that the Democrat party of JFK?

Gallup_2015 Proud to be an American

As Independence Day approaches, most in the U.S. say they are proud to be an American, including a slight majority, 54%, who are “extremely proud.” The percentage saying they are “extremely proud” is slightly lower than in recent years and down from peaks at and around 70% between 2002 and 2004, after 9/11.

In addition to the 54% who are extremely proud to be an American, 27% say they are “very proud,” 14% say they are “moderately proud,” 4% are “only a little proud” and 1% state that they are “not at all proud.”

Gallup_proud to be an American2

What is most telling of this Gallup poll is the age breakdown of those who say they are most proud to be an American. The younger the age demographic of this poll, the lower the level of being proud to be an American. With those who are 65 years of age and older, they are 64% “extremely proud” to be American, while the 18-29 crowd is at 43%. What else should we expect when they have been continually told be the LEFT, the liberal MSM, politicians, race-baitors and liberal politicians and educators that America is bad?

Once again we should send a shout out and a sarcastic thank you to the public schools and the liberal indoctrination that has passed for the education of children over the years. The liberals have successfully made the young not be proud of the country that provided them liberty and freedoms that they could never comprehend.

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Gallup Poll: Smaller Majority “Extremely Proud” to Be an American”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on July 3rd, 2015 11:33 am

      There are three principle reasons that the numbers are less than fifty percent in the age groups below sixty-five.

      The first is a public school system that fails to teach the proper material to the students. This includes college and university curricula too.

      The second in the concept of multiculturalism where the immigrants legal and illegal are allowed to keep their flawed culture and not learn the proper American values.

      The third is the media who have a propaganda agenda of left wing values that does not tell the truth.

      While not primary, our own federal and some state governments are responsible for aiding the three primary causes with programs that are anti-american.

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