POROUS SOUTHERN BORDER: Increase in Sex Offenders Crossing the Mexican Border into the United States



When is the United States government actually going to care enough to actually prevent illegals for entering into the United States unlawfully? Now we have the US Border Patrol reporting that we have a spike in sex offenders entering illegally into the United States through Mexico. But I guess this is just more of those folks that Jeb Bush says come to America as an “act of love.”  I guess this is a special kind of love, Jeb. The Border Patrol is discussing the sex offenders that have been apprehended, imagine the number of the ones that have not? When will we ever wake up and protect our borders? We are supposed to be a sovereign nation with laws and borders, yet we act as if we do not care. First illegals. now sexual predators and coming soon … ISIS.

When is our government ever going to protect We the People? It is bad enough we let illegals into the country for political purposes in an effort to bolster the Democrat vote and to create low wager earners by the Corporate capitalists. Now we let sexual predators in to rape and sexually assault women and children. WHEN DOES IT END!!!

US Border Patrol

The Border Patrol is reporting a severe spike in sex offenders sneaking into the U.S.

According to the feds, illegal immigrant sex offenders have been caught in every corner of the Rio Grande Valley.

Border Patrol agents are running into more sex offenders this year than last year.

Within the last five months, 144 apprehended.

During the same time last year, 93 sex offenders were caught trying to fly under the radar.

In December, a woman from El Salvador was picked up, who was convicted of child sex assault back in 2009. It reportedly happened in Dallas County.

Later that month, three Mexican nationals were caught near Harlingen.

In February, seven sex offenders were rounded up near McAllen, Harlingen, Falfurrias and Kingsville.

Less than a week later, another two Mexican nationals were caught. Two days ago, two Guatemalan men were arrested.

The sex offenders go to great lengths to avoid capture. Agents said they often travel through South Texas brush and try to blend in with large groups of illegal immigrants.

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