CNN/ORC Poll Has Jeb Bush as 2016 Presidential GOP Frontrunner at 23% … Please, This RINO Wins and the GOP is Finished


CNN has released their most recent CNN/ORC poll that shows former Florida Governor Jeb Bush leads the long list of potential GOP candidates for the Republican nominee for president in 2016. Bush came in at 23%, a 10 point lead over his next closest competitor, fellow RINO, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%. Honestly, the last thing the GOP needs is another Bush to run for president. Sorry, but the United States is not a monarchy, no one family gets to monopolize the White House. That same sentiment goes to the Clinton’s as well.


Sorry, since when did the GOP need just one family to get presidential nominees?

Jeb Bush is the clear Republican presidential frontrunner, surging to the front of the potential GOP pack following his announcement that he’s “actively exploring” a bid, a new CNN/ORC poll found.

He takes nearly one-quarter — 23% — of Republicans surveyed in the new nationwide poll, putting him 10 points ahead of his closest competitor, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who tallied 13%.

Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%.

That marks a drop in support for all but Christie and Bush from the last CNN/ORC survey of the field, conducted in November. That poll showed Bush in the lead, but only taking 14% of the vote, while Carson came in second with 11% and Christie tied Rep. Paul Ryan for fourth with 9% support.

Bush’s 10-point lead is a milestone for the potential GOP field — it marks the first time any prospective candidate has reached a lead beyond a poll’s margin of error in the past two years.

Sorry, but it is hard to imagine that Jeb Bush will win the GOP nomination when the very policies he is for make him less likely to be voted for. Each of the 5 issues below of core Republican ones, amnesty for illegals, common core, tax pledge and increased spending. He might as well run for the Democrat nomination with his position on these policies. Oh yeah, and don’t forget Jeb just quit the for-profit hospital chain Tenet Healthcare that  has benefited greatly from the Affordable Care Act. You know that Obama thing that Republicans claim they want to repeal.

CNN poll_Jeb Bush 122814

Ferguson Police Officer Placed on Unpaid Leave After Calling Damaged Michael Brown Memorial a “Pile of Trash” … Media creates own MSM Story

So much for the First amendment when you are a police officer … They will get their pound of flesh no matter who it is.

Ferguson police department spokesman, Officer Timothy Zol, has been placed on unpaid leave after calling the damaged Michael Brown memorial, “a pile of trash.” The memorial for Michael Brown, which resides in the middle of the road near the Canfield Green apartment complex, where Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson, was run over by a car. After first stating that he was misquoted, Zoll admitted that he made the statement. For that he was placed on unpaid leave. WOW, UNREAL. I have just one question, what happens if this memorial cause an accident and someone gets injured or killed? Wouldn’t that be ironic. The damn memorial is in the middle of the street, not on the side of it or the sidewalk. How is that even legal?

Most likely the comment, although could have been worded differently, was in reaction to the stupidity of the WAPO to even make this a news worthy issue. With everything else going on in the world that is news, the WAPO wanted to know what the Ferguson police was going to do about a memorial in the middle of the street that was run over by a car. Maybe the officers comment should have been, are you frigging kidding, go report a real story.

First Amendment

Well, at least it is supposed to be …

A Ferguson police spokesman was placed on unpaid leave after acknowledging remarks to a Washington Post blogger in which he called the Michael Brown memorial a “pile of trash,” city officials said Saturday.

One day earlier, the city stood behind the spokesman, Officer Timothy Zoll — claiming he had been misquoted — after an inquiry into the damaged memorial in the middle of Canfield Drive. But officials retreated in a one-page statement issued Saturday.

Zoll was “confronted with the results” of a department investigation into the remarks attributed to him, city officials said.

The officer “admitted to department investigators” that he made the statement attributed to him” and had “misled” superiors about the interview.

The scapegoating by Ferguson PD. Who thinks that Zoll will be fired to appease the black community? A more secure location, You mean like out of the frigging street? Negative remarks do not reflect the Michael Brown memorial. HUH? Who actually thinks fellow police officers think that Michael Brown is a hero that deserves to be memorialized after he attacked and had his way would have harmed a police officer?

“The City of Ferguson wants to emphasize that negative remarks about the Michael Brown memorial do not reflect the feelings of the Ferguson Police Department and are in direct contradiction to the efforts of city officials to relocate the memorial to a more secure location,” the statement reads. The department noted that even after the officer’s initial denial, it “continued the investigation until the truth was discovered.”

Just so that we have the facts correct, let’s get this correct. So Ferguson protesters can call police officers “pigs,”‘ they are allowed to taunt the police, and make death threats against them as well as throw bottles and other objects at them. And of course it was perfectly A-O-K for Ferguson protesters to express their First amendment rights of freedom of speech and chant in Ferguson, Missouri after the ambush shooting deaths of two NYPD officers, “Pig’s in a blanket, smells like bacon.”

But a police officer call the memorial that was run over by a car to a teen who robbed a store, assaulted a store owner, resisted arrest and attacked a police officer threatening to take his gun, a pile of trash is evil. REALLY? Seems like night and day when one compares the two. But only the police are supposed to give in, never the protesters. Hate speech is okay, but not this. How are the police even suppose to do their job when every little thing is going to be examined with a microscope, because one way or another, THEY are going to get a pound of someone’s flesh.

Maybe the police in Ferguson should just go on strike and let the citizens fend for themselves.

24 Year Old Police Officer Tyler Stewart Shot & Killed in Flagstaff, AZ While Investigation a Domestic Violence Call … Murdered by Robert W. Smith


24 year old Flagstaff police officer Tyler Stewart was shot and killed on Saturday as he responded to a domestic violence call in Flagstaff, Arizona. Officer Stewart while responding to an earlier domestic violence call in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue in Flagstaff when he encountered suspect Robert W. Smith of Prescott, AZ. Officer Stewart was ambushed and shot dead by Robert W. Smith. The cop killer then turned the gun on himself and shot himself dead.

Officer Stewart, Rest in Peace. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family, friends and Flagstaff police department.

Tyler-Jacob-Stewart_Photo Flagstaff Police Department

Flagstaff police officer Tyler Jacob Stewart, 24, was shot and killed during a confrontation
with a domestic violence suspect Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014, in Flagstaff, Arizona

Officer Tyler Stewart encountered a suspect at a home in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue during an investigation of an earlier domestic-violence call, spokeswoman Sgt. Margaret Bentzen said. Robert W. Smith of Prescott, fired several shots at Stewart, who was outside his patrol car, police said. Smith then shot himself dead, according to police.

Additional officers were dispatched after Stewart’s emergency button went off and dispatchers could no longer get a verbal reply from him, Bentzen said. He was rushed to Flagstaff Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

“This is an enormous tragedy for our department and the family of our officer,” Flagstaff Police Chief Kevin Treadway said in a statement. “We are a very close-knit organization, and know that all members of the Flagstaff Police Department are grieving at this time. With that being said, all of the men and women of the Flagstaff Police Department extend our prayers and condolences to the family of our Officer Tyler Stewart.”

VIDEO – ABC15 Arizona

Flagstaff officer risked his life for us … routinely.

I could not have said it any better than AZ Central columnist EJ Montini, when it comes to what police officers routinely do in putting themselves into harms way no matter how deadly or not the common person thinks it is.

“Every ‘routine’ call is routine until it’s not,” a police officer told me once. “Which is why you have to assume that every call is not routine. And even then… it might not save you.”

This was decades ago. I was standing in the back parking lot of a convenience store where a Phoenix police officer has been killed after a “routine” confrontation with a shoplifter.

This is what they do for us.

They risk everything each time they pull over a driver for speeding or a broken taillight, not knowing what to expect when they approach the driver’s window. Each time they answer a “routine” call for a shoplifter, an aggressive panhandler, a disorderly drunk, a possible domestic dispute.

Every “routine” call represents their willingness to put their lives on the line.

That’s what they do for us.

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 from Indonesia to Singapore Goes Missing with 162 On Board Over Java Sea

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 Missing:

AirAsia Flight QZ8501 from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore with 162 individuals, 155 passengers (17 children & 1 infant) and 7 crew members, aboard has gone missing Sunday over the Java Sea. According to reports, the AirAsia plane took off Sunday morning from Surabaya, Indonesia and was about halfway to its destination to Singapore. The plane lost contact about 42 minutes after takeoff. According to Djoko Murjatmodjo, Indonesia’s acting director general of transportation, the last communication between Flight QZ8501 pilot and air traffic control was at 6:13 AM, when the pilot “asked to avoid clouds and bad weather by turning left and going higher to 34,000 feet.” The plane  was last seen on radar at 6:16 AM and a minute later was no longer. A search for the missing airplane has found no sign of the plane.

Several hours of searching Indonesian waters turned up no sign of an AirAsia plane that disappeared Sunday with 162 people on board in airspace possibly thick with dense storm clouds, strong winds and lightning, officials said.

Aircraft searching for AirAsia Flight 8501 called off the effort for the night and will resume at Monday morning, said Achmad Toha of Indonesia’s search and rescue agency. Some ships were continuing the search overnight, he said.

The plane took off Sunday morning from Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, and was about halfway to its destination, Singapore, when it vanished from radar.

The last communication between the pilot and air traffic control was at 6:13 a.m., when the pilot “asked to avoid clouds by turning left and going higher to 34,000 feet.” It was last seen on radar at 6:16 a.m., and a minute later was no longer there, Djoko Murjatmodjo, Indonesia’s acting director general of transportation, told reporters.

More than 12 hours later, shocked family members huddled at the Surabaya airport from where the Airbus A320 had taken off, awaiting any news of the jetliner, operated by an airline whose parent company is based in Malaysia.


The following is a statement from the AirAsia airline’s Facebook page:

AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact with air traffic control at 07:24hrs this morning.

At the present time we unfortunately have no further information regarding the status of the passengers and crew members on board, but we will keep all parties informed as more information becomes available.

The aircraft was an Airbus A320-200 with the registration number PK-AXC.

At this time, search and rescue operations are in progress and AirAsia is cooperating fully and assisting the rescue service.


An AirAsia passenger jet carrying 162 people lost contact with Indonesian air traffic control early Sunday, gripping Southeast Asia with a second missing plane crisis in less than a year.

The search operation for the missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501 has been halted for the night, but big ships won’t return to shore and will leave their searchlights on, according to the Indonesian Transportation Ministry.

Before communication was lost, one of the pilots asked to fly at a higher altitude because of bad weather, officials said.

The aircraft, flying from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore, went missing as it flew at 38,000 feet over the Java Sea between the islands of Belitung and Borneo — a heavily traveled shipping channel with shallow waters, according to Indonesian authorities, who are leading the search and rescue operations.

UPDATE I: Authorities called off the aerial search for the night.

Rescuers scouring Indonesian waters for an AirAsia plane that went missing with 162 people aboard had turned up no sign of the missing jet more than 10 hours after it lost contact with air-traffic control, officials said Sunday.

After hours of scouring the Java Sea, Indonesian authorities called off the aerial search for the night. Achmad Toha of Indonesia’s search and rescue agency said some ships in the area would continue looking for the missing plane overnight, according to The Associated Press.

UPDATE II: ABC News - Time Line of Events.

AirAsia missing plane

  • Take off scheduled: 5:20 a.m. Sunday Surabaya time (5:20 p.m. Saturday ET)
  • Take off actual: 5:36 a.m. Sunday Surabaya time (5:36 p.m. Saturday ET)
  • Indonesia lost contact with plane, according to Indonesian transportation ministry: 6:17 a.m. Sunday Surabaya time (6:17 p.m. Saturday ET)
  • Scheduled to land: 7:57 a.m. Sunday Singapore time (9:57 p.m. Saturday ET)
  • Normal flight duration: 1 hour 21 minutes
  • Duration of flight from takeoff to lost contact: 41 minutes

Joshua Williams … Ferguson, MO’s “Peaceful” Protester Charged with Setting Fire at Berkeley Quik Trip During Riot

IT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW ONE DEFINES PEACEFUL: It is safe to say, anything you hear that the protesters are in Ferguson, Missouri, you can almost count on the opposite.

19 year old Joshua Williams has been arrested by St. Louis police on Friday after several local media outlets and store surveillance captured images of him trying to set a pile of wood on fire outside the QuikTrip on North Hanley Road in Berkeley early Wednesday during the riots following the police shooting of an armed black teenager.  According to court documents, Williams confessed to setting fires at the store in a videotaped interview.  Williams was charged with arson in the first degree, a felony. He is also charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor stealing for allegedly taking a lighter, gum and money from the store. Williams was being held Saturday on $30,000 bond.


One of the most frequently quoted and photographed Ferguson protesters was charged Saturday with setting fire to a Berkeley convenience store last week.

St. Louis County police arrested Joshua Williams, 19, of St. Louis, on Friday after several local media outlets and store surveillance captured images of him trying to set a pile of wood on fire outside the QuikTrip on North Hanley Road early Wednesday.

Williams confessed to setting fires at the store in a videotaped interview, according to court documents.

Police say Williams entered the QuikTrip shortly after looters shattered its glass doors during protests of the death of Antonio Martin, 18, who a police officer had shot earlier at the Mobil station across the street. Surveillance footage from the Mobil store shows Martin point what police say is a gun at a Berkeley officer before the officer fatally shoots him.

Williams can be seen in videos both inside and outside the looted QuikTrip, authorities said.

Joshua Williams St. Louis County PD photo

Joshua Williams (St. Louis County PD photo)

MSNBC profiled Joshua Williams as an advocate of peaceful protests. Of course they did. They also employ race hustler Al Sharpton and call him a journalist and doctored the George Zimmerman 911 calls to make him sound like a racist. Once again, those that the liberals make out to be heroes, turn out to be frauds.

Williams has been quoted as an advocate for peaceful protests.

An MSNBC profile of Williams in September quoted him as saying, “We have to come together as one and show them we can be peaceful, that we can do this. If not, they’re going to just want us to act up so (police) can pull out their toys on us again.”

Later, he continued: “I learned that we have to stand up and that you can’t get nowhere with violence but you can always move people without it.”

MSNBC – Portrait of a protester in Ferguson, Missouri:

When someone from the crowd threw a rock or a bottle, the officers fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd of overwhelmingly peaceful protesters.

During one emotionally raw moment, Williams, also 18, screamed at officers until his eyes were red and wet. Beads of sweat bubbled from his brow and his body grew tense. His voice strained under the shrill of pain swelling from his throat.

As he stepped closer and closer to the police line, a young pastor, Willis Johnson, wrapped Williams in a hug and pleaded with him to calm down. Williams broke down in the older man’s arms and a single tear tumbled down each of their cheeks.

“I don’t know if most people will get over this or want to get over this,” Williams said, sitting across from the police station earlier this week. “I think we can be better if we can all come together. We might have to come together and show that we can work together and overthrow the system. But we have to come together as one and show them we can be peaceful, that we can do this. If not they’re going to just want us to act up so they can pull out their toys on us again.”

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