16 Year Old Ashley Lyon Missing Since 6/11/14 from Valrico, FL … Believed to be With 41 Year Old Registered Sex Offender Steven Patrick Myers (Update: Missing Teen Found with Sex Offender after car chase in Louisiana)

16 year old Ashley Lyon has been missing since Wednesday, June 11, 2014 in Valrico, Florida. Lyon was last seen around 4 p.m. on Wednesday at her home on the 4000 block of Water Lark Way in Valrico. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued a statewide missing child alert on Saturday afternoon for Ashley Lyon who police believe is in the company of 41 year old registered sex offender, Steven Patrick Myers. Ashley Lyon has been diagnosed as bipolar and is without her medication. Authorities say that they two may be traveling in a 1989, dark-colored, Ford Ranger truck with flames painted on the front and sides with Florida tags  CSJM45.

Ashley Lyon_missing

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued a statewide missing child alert on Saturday afternoon for Ashley Lyon, who has not been seen or heard from since leaving her Valrico home.  Lyon has been diagnosed as bipolar and did not take her medications with her.

Deputies said Lyon may be in the company of 41-year-old Steven Patrick Myers, who the sex offender registry indicates moved to Plant City after two convictions on sex charges in Georgia.

Lyon was wearing a black tank top, black gym shorts and black shoes. She has brown eyes and black hair. She weighs 175 pounds and is 5 feet, 6 inches tall.

Myers has brown hair and blue eyes. He weighs 156 pounds and is 5 feet, 11 inches tall.

They might be traveling in a 1989, dark-colored, Ford Ranger truck with flames painted on the front and sides. The tag number is CSJM45.

UPDATE I: Parents of missing Valrico teen: ‘We’re not angry, we’re terrified’.

Ashley’s parents said they recently found out she had been spending time with Myers, who lives in Plant City, but has relatives in their neighborhood.

The Lyons grounded Ashley but she disappeared while her mother Michelle had jury duty and father Roger was at work.

“I returned home from work at approximately 4:30 that afternoon. I heard music on in her room. My assumption was that she was in the room. When my son and I finished barbequing dinner, I said go get your sister, it’s time to eat and at that point he said she’s not in her room,” said Roger Lyon.

The family said she hasn’t been heard from since and her phone is off.

“Quite honestly, we’re not angry at this point,” he said. “We’re terrified. We just want our baby daughter to come home.”

UPDATE II: $5,000 reward offered in missing teen case.

Hillsborough County, Florida – A father is making an emotional plea on this holiday weekend. His 16-year-old daughter has been missing since Wednesday and he is asking for the public’s help in finding her.

A $5,000 reward is being offered for any information that leads to finding Ashley Lyon.

Ashley’s family spent the evening passing out flyers at businesses near their home in Valrico. They also passed fliers out near a gas station in Plant City, where 41-year-old Steven Myers, a two-time sex offender, lives. Ashley’s family believes she is with Meyers.

UPDATE III: Parents of missing teen spend Father’s Day distributing fliers.

The parents of a missing Valrico teenager spent Father’s Day distributing fliers to businesses and neighborhoods all over Hillsborough County.

Ashley’s parents say the community and thousands on social media have been helping in the search and they won’t rest until their daughter’s home safe.

“There are so many, I mean, I’ve had my daughter’s teacher call and anything she can do she wants to help.  And so many online shares, like the missingcase.com that was posted last night – they already had close to 5,000 shares,” said Michelle Lyon, Ashley’s mother.

“Today isn’t Father’s Day. Today’s Ashley’s day and it will be Father’s Day when I get her back home,” said Roger Lyon, her father.

Anyone with any information regarding the whereabouts of Ashley Lyon is asked to call the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office at 813-247-8200, Crimestoppers at 1-800-873-TIPS or the FDLE Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse at 888-FL-MISSING.

UPDATE IV: Missing teen found with sex offender after car chase.

A truck stop cashier spotted a sex offender and a Florida teen who’d been missing for a week, setting off a 40-mile chase across Louisiana swampland that ended when the man’s truck burst into flames, officials said Thursday.

The Florida man — Steven Myers, 41, of Plant City — and the 16-year-old girl both had stab wounds and were in serious but stable condition, police said. Investigators believe but have not confirmed that Myers stabbed the girl and then himself, said Cpl. Paul Mouton, spokesman for the Lafayette City Police Department.

UPDATE V: Tampa Bay-area teen girl stabbed, sex offender in custody in Louisiana.

The missing Tampa Bay area teen found in Louisiana early Thursday was stabbed 10 or 12 times after the registered sex offender she was traveling with “realized he wasn’t getting away” during a high-speed pursuit, a sheriff’s official said.

Ashley Lyon, 16, Valrico was upgraded to serious but stable condition at a Lafayette, La., hospital, police said.

The man she was with, Steven Myers, was also hospitalized after the 40-mile pursuit with law enforcement. He was in serious but stable condition with apparent self-inflicted stab wounds and K-9 bites after confronting officers with a knife, police said.

Hate Crime: 10 Year Old White Girl Danielle Fair, Assaulted by Black Female Teen in Cleveland, OH … Witness Says Victim was Called a “Cracker”

Cleveland, Ohio police are investigating the following assault as a hate crime.

10 year old  Danielle Fair was assaulted while riding a scooter by a 13 year old black girl on Leeila Avenue off Bellaire Road on the west side of Cleveland. The attack appears to have been an ambush as the girl on the scooter never had a chance to defend herself.  A neighbor says she saw it all, and she heard the attacker use a racial slur … “Cracker. She called her a cracker.”  Although there have been no arrests yet, a Cleveland police spokesman said officers are investigating the attack as a juvenile assault and the police report lists the case as a “hate incident.”

19 Action News|Cleveland, OH|News, Weather, Sports

Cleveland Police are investigating an attack on a 10-year-old girl as a hate crime, and the attack was captured on video and posted on-line.

It happened on Leeila Avenue off Bellaire Road on the west side.

A video posted on YouTube shows a white girl on a scooter ambushed and beaten by a black girl. The beating went on for about 12 seconds until you hear voices in the background calling for it to stop.

A Cleveland Police report shows the attacker is 13 years old. The victim, Danielle Fair, says she felt bullied.

A neighbor says she saw it all, and she heard the attacker use a racial slur.

“Cracker. She called her a cracker,” said Jessica Jaworski.

#YOU LIE!!! Obama Administration’s Claim that Lois Lerner’s Emails Were Lost in Computer Crash, What a Crock of $hit


The IRS stated on Friday that they lost and cannot locate many of Lois Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed that year. Image that, what a coincidence. House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) suggesting the Obama administration is being dishonest by saying these emails are lost stating, “Isn’t it convenient for the Obama Administration that the IRS now says it has suddenly realized it lost Lois Lerner’s emails requested by Congress and promised by Commissioner John Koskinen?” Ya think? Issa went on to comment,  “Do they really expect the American people to believe that, after having withheld these emails for a year, they’re just now realizing the most critical time period is missing?” WHAT A JOKE. Imagine telling the IRS that you lost the necessary paperwork in a computer crash that they are requiring, which is more plausible than an email.

So let’s understand this … the government & NSA has a right to look at your emails, but some how they can’t retain their own? Who honestly believes this bullshit?

Liar, Liar – The Castaways

Liar, liar, pants on fire
Your nose is longer than a telephone wire

Ask me, baby, why I’m sad
You’ve been out all night, know you’ve been bad
Don’t tell me different, know it’s a lie
Come kill me, honey, see how I cry

The Internal Revenue Service says it has lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure in the agency’s tea party controversy.

The IRS told congressional investigators Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed that year. Lerner headed the IRS division that processed applications for tax-exempt status.

The IRS acknowledged last year that agents had improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups.

“The fact that I am just learning about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable and now calls into question the credibility of the IRS’s response to congressional inquiries,” said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. “There needs to be an immediate investigation and forensic audit by Department of Justice as well as the inspector general.”

The Ways and Means Committee is one of three congressional committees investigating the IRS over its handling of tea party applications from 2010 to 2012. The Justice Department and the IRS inspector general are also investigating.

House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is suggesting the Obama administration is being dishonest by saying these emails are lost.

Obama_IRS scandal

I could not agree more with Powerline and their post, Obama Administration’s Claim that Lois Lerner’s Emails Are “Lost” Is Ludicrous. Actually, it is beyond ludicrous, it is an outright lie. Who honestly thinks that emails are kept on your hard drive? They are collected and saved on an email server that has a redundancy of backups. Do they really think we are that stupid? If Lois Lerner’s emails really do not exist, then some one would have had to gone to the email servers and the back up tapes and purposely deleted them. There is a thing in corporate America and government called “DRE”. That is short for “Disaster Recovery Exercises”. All do it to prepare for catastrophic events like fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc to ensure that there is no data lost in case of a disaster and that business can get back up and running ASAP. I should know, I have participated in them for the past 4 years to ensure such efforts are effective. Guess what … emails are apart of that to check list.

The Obama administration’s claim that the IRS has “lost” two years of Lois Lerner’s emails is implausible to anyone who understands how email systems work. This is what the administration said:

The IRS told congressional investigators Friday it cannot locate many of Lois Lerner’s emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed that year.

This statement, on its face, is silly. Emails are collected on email servers. Each user (e.g., Lois Lerner) has an account on an email server, where that person’s emails are collected. It is common for emails to be deleted from the user’s own desktop or laptop computer, but no one worries about that. When it is time to collect emails–something I do all the time in my law practice–you go to the email server and pull out the user’s entire account. A crash of the user’s computer is irrelevant and will not cause emails to be “lost.”

Further, emails are universally backed up in some other medium, often electronic tape, for long-term storage. Thus, even if an email server is destroyed, or all emails are deleted from a server after a specified length of time, the emails are still recoverable from back-up storage media.

IRS_Lerner_emails lost

These people are nothing but liars. The IRS would destroy you if you ever came back and said, you did not have the data they are looking for because it is lost. Now that’s what they are claiming … BS!!! This is simply a coverup because it is obviously that there are damning emails that connect the IRS’s Lois Lerner to the Obama White House. If this is the way that government agencies like the IRS are going to conduct themselves and act in a political manner against Americans, no matter if they are on the right or the left, then they must be dismantled and be ended permanently … if a government agency is going to act this rogue, they need to be abolished.

Legendary Radio Icon of ‘American Top 40′ & ‘Casey’s Top 40′ Fame Casey Kasem Dies at Age 82 … “Keep Your Feet on the Ground and Keep Reaching for the Stars”


Casey Kasem, the man who entertained radio listeners for decades as the host of his weekly countdown shows such as “American Top 40″ and “Casey’s Top 40,” and let us not forget the voice of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, died early Sunday morning. Long before the days of internet music downloads and CD’s there was Casey Kasem counting down the hits, doing long distance dedications and telling us at the end of each broadcast to “”Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars”. The announcement of Kasem’s death came from his children. Kasem died Sunday surrounded by family and friends of Lewy body disease, a common form of progressive dementia.

Casey Kasem2

 (April 27, 1932 – June 15, 2014)

“Early this Father’s Day morning, our dad Casey Kasem passed away surrounded by family and friends,” Kasem’s children — Kerri, Mike and Julie — wrote in a statement released by Kasem’s representative, Danny Deraney.

“Even though we know he is in a better place and no longer suffering, we are heartbroken … The world will miss Casey Kasem, an incredible talent and humanitarian; we will miss our Dad.”

Casey Kasem had been suffering from Lewy body disease, the most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s.

Casey Kasem Wiki

Casey Kasem was the voice of so many cartoon characters, the most famous being Shaggy Rogers of Scooby-Doo fame. Buts he was also the the voice of Mark from ‘Battle of the Planets’, Robin, the Boy Wonder from ‘The Super Friends‘, Jana of the Jungle, Hong Kong Phooey and Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space.

AP Obit:

The son of Lebanese immigrants, Kasem was active in speaking out for greater understanding of Arab-Americans – both on political issues involving the Mideast and on arts and media issues.

“Arab-Americans are coming out of the closet,” Kasem told The Associated Press in 1990. “They are more outspoken now than ever before. People are beginning to realize who they really are, that they are not the people who yell and scream on their nightly newscast.”

Kasem was born Kemal Amin Kasem in 1932 in Detroit. He began his broadcasting career in the radio club at Detroit’s Northwestern High School and was soon a disc jockey on WJBK radio in Detroit, initially calling himself Kemal Kasem.

In a 1997 visit with high school students in Dearborn, Michigan., home to a large Arab-American community, he was asked why he changed his name to Casey.

“It didn’t sound like a deejay; it wasn’t hip. So we decided I’d be `Casey at the Mike’ – and I have been since,” Kasem said.

America’s Top 10 June 21, 1981 Casey Kasem Stars On 45 # 1

45 records … remember those America!

Sadly at the end of his life. Casey Kasem had been the subject of a bitter court battle involving three of his children by a previous marriage and his wife, Jean. Casey is obviously in a better place where he can truly “reach for the stars”.

On a person note, the death of Casey Kasem does feel like of personal loss of my childhood days. I can remember tuning in weekly for American Top 40 and listing to the countdown of the top songs of record sales and air play. If you couldn’t listen to it live, you would tape it on a cassette or dare I say 8-track tape. For the youth of today who only know of iPods, you might want to Google 8-tracks :-) .  For a generation of kids, in days gone past, we made sure we were near a radio for Casey Kasem and his countdown. You will be missed Casey and thank you so much for everything you did and the enjoyment you gave to so many. God Bless and Rest in Peace.

Barack Obama Goes Golfing & Fund Raising as Iraq Implodes & All the Sacrifices of Americans Soldiers are Lost to ISIS Terrorists Thanks to Obama

Barack Obama, a complete and epic failure as Commander in Chief … Obama just doesn’t care about America, the military or Americans!

It was said from the outset by many intelligent and common sense thinking people that a premature exit from Iraq by the US military would result in the fall of the Iraq government to insurgents. However, Barack Obama was never one of those intelligent people either as a US Senator or as a president. In order to keep his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq, he sacrificed any victory and all of the sacrifices and lives of those brave American soldiers who fought, died and were injured. Now Iraq is in dire straights as Islamic jihadists take over the country.

In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his foreign policy brilliance stating, “One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, this notion that we have future catastrophe to look forward to if we start phasing down troops.” Guess who was wrong, Epically Wrong! Has there ever been a worse Commander in Chief, ever? Iraq is in complete chaos. City after city are falling in Iraq as Iraq implodes.

Barack Obama stood by and watched Iraq fall to terrorists. There were multiple requests from Iraq for United States airstrikes against the insurgents in staging areas; however, they were turned down. What is up with our Commander in Chief refusing to help militarily in Iraq? Why is he emboldening terrorists? As Ralph Peters said on Fox News, the Jihadi conquest of Iraq the biggest Islamist victory since 12th century. Welcome to Obama’s Jihadi state.

“Patty Ann, this is President Obama’s real legacy. The creation of the first jihadi state in modern history stretching from central Syria to Central Iraq and now approaching Baghdad all because President Obama saw everything through a political lense. He’s gonna end the War in Iraq. He refused to negotiate seriously for residual US presence.

And now, just to put this in perspective for viewers, with this jihadi conquest of Mosul and jihadi forces approaching Baghdad, this is shaping up to be the biggest Arab jihadi victory since the 12th Century, 1187, and the fall of Crusader Jerusalem. This is momentous.

I can’t overstate the importance of Obama’s jihadi state in the heart of the Middle East.”

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

So what exactly is Obama trying to accomplish except to try and dispirit America? Barack Obama released 5 Taliban insurgents from GITMO for one military deserter, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Something that the American people are against, and the number will only continue to grow, the more and more the truth comes out. Obama has all but lost Iraq. All of the gains from brave American military soldiers all seem for naught. Sadly, many veterans feel their accomplishments were a waste. A note to the US military veterans of Iraq, what you did was not a waste, your actions were destroyed by Obama more hellbent on a political ideology than winning a war.

Instead, this joke of a president continues and doubles down on his failed foreign policy.Obama spoke on Friday from the White House with some of the most gutless talk from a US president ever. Instead of taking decisive action to help Iraq, Obama is going to continue to dither. UNREAL.

‘We will not be sending US troops back into combat but I had asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. And I’ll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. I do want to be clear though. This is not solely or even primarily a military challenge.”

Barack Obama stated on Friday, he would be reviewing options from his national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support Iraq security forces. Hmm, really? Looks like as Iraq falls to ISIS terrorists, Barack Obama is going to go golfing and fundraising. For the love of God, are you serious? After all, aren’t we glad that our US president has his priorities straight?

The president’s handlers scoped out some golf courses and gave a list to Obama just in case he wants to spend Father’s Day on the links.

Obama plans to take a short flight to Orange County Saturday to raise money for the Democratic National Committee at a closed-door event at a private home.

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