George Zimmerman Attorney James Beasley Says All Ahead Full in Lawsuit Against NBC News Now that Verdict of “Not Guilty” Returned by Jury in Murder Trial


James  Beasley, George Zimmerman’s attorney in his law suit for defamation of character against NBC News for doctoring and mis-editing Zimmeramn’s 911 call, stated that they are going forward and full speed ahead now that the criminal murder case against Zimmerman is over and he was found “not guilty”.  Every one is talking about George Zimmerman’s legal troubles, a most certain civil lawsuit by the estate of Trayvon martin and a possible  federal civil rights charge by the DOJ, even though the FBI has previous found that Zimmerman was not racist and did not display any prejudice or racial bias. But it would appear the most immediate legal action is going to be that of George Zimmerman suing NBC News for defamation.


Last night’s not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial will enable the neighborhood-watch volunteer to resume his case against NBC News for the mis-editing of his widely distributed call to police. Back in December, Zimmerman sued NBC Universal Media for defamation over the botched editing, which depicted him as a hardened racial profiler.

The company also noted the pivotal nature of the second-degree murder case: “[I]f Zimmerman is convicted, that fact alone will constitute substantial evidence that the destruction of his reputation is the result of his own criminal conduct, and not of the broadcasts at issue which, like countless other news reports disseminated by media entities throughout the country, reported on the underlying events.”

That formulation is now null.

According to Zimmerman attorney James Beasley, the case against NBC News was stayed pending the outcome of the criminal case. Now that’s out of the way, and Beasley is ready to proceed. “We’re going to start in earnest asap, we just have to get the stay lifted which is a ministerial act,” says Beasley, a Philadelphia lawyer, via e-mail.

Brent Bozell and Sean Hannity discussing the media and political bias against George Zimmerman … the NBC doctored 911 tape

NBC News presented the 911 call as follows, in a March 27, 2012, broadcast of the “Today” show, abridged the tape of Zimmerman’s comments to a police dispatcher on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

However, the undoctored and full tape went like this:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

NewsBuster reminds us that NBC has since fired three employees because of this incident, but claims that it did not engage in a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. Oh, of course not. This was an obvious case of NBC News going out of their way to doctor a 911 call to present a narrative to the American people that would support the LEFT’s witch hunt of Zimmerman. It could not be more clear. As Patterico’s Pontifications opines, one of the biggest villains in this case was “Big Media” and NBC was at the head of the list.

EXIT QUESTION: When has the news media ever had to edit a 911 tape except to take out expletives or addresses?

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