The Woman Who Faked Rape … Infamous Hoaxster Tawana Brawley Court Ordered to Pay 431,492 for Her False Rape Accusation in 1987 … Maybe Al Sharpton Can Lend Her a Dime


It would appear it is finally time to pay the piper for Tawana Brawley …

After 25 years, the woman who  perpetrated one of the  most vile hoaxes upon the American people has been slapped with a court order to pay up for her crimes. For years  Tawana Brawley had been hiding from her lies and her past living under the assumed name of Tawana Vacenia Thompson Gutierrez in Hopewell, VA.  She was working as a licensed nurse at The Laurels of Bon Air, a nursing home in nearby Richmond. Hmm, how does one become a licensed nurse under an assumed name. I am sure no fraud or HIPAA violations were committed there. I wonder if her pal Al Sharpton will come to her aid? After all, it was the Tawana Brawley false accusation rape charges that fanned the flames of racial tensions in 1987 that brought Sharpton to national prominence. Its hard to believe that it has been 25 years since this rotten episode of deceit, lies, character assassination and slander took place.  Isn’t that something though, an incident of nothing more than lies, race baiting and racist accusations, and fraud is what is behind Sharpton’s fame. I guess that explains why he presently is employed at MSNBC. Only in America.


Infamous hoaxster Tawana Brawley — whose outrageous rape lie 25 years ago inflamed racial tensions nationwide — yesterday was finally slapped with a court order to settle a hefty defamation case against her.

“For at least 25 years, she has been living a major lie,” said former Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones, who was falsely accused of raping Brawley in 1987 and finally tracked her down, thanks to The Post.

“To me, this has always been about responsibility and accountability,’’ added the former ADA, who won the $190,000 defamation lawsuit against Brawley, 40, now a nurse in Virginia, more than a decade ago.

At 9 percent interest, that debt, which Brawley never attempted to pay off, now totals $431,492, according to the wage-garnishment papers filed in Virginia’s Surry County Court.

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “The Woman Who Faked Rape … Infamous Hoaxster Tawana Brawley Court Ordered to Pay 431,492 for Her False Rape Accusation in 1987 … Maybe Al Sharpton Can Lend Her a Dime”

    1. Claude on January 31st, 2013 10:13 pm

      I don’t understand how anyone who can remember the Tawana Brawley incident can take Al Sharpton seriously. Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t understand how *anyone* can take him seriously…..

    2. mc on February 1st, 2013 8:58 am

      It says volumes that MSNBC’s PoliticsNation is hosted by Al Sharpton.

    3. Matthew on April 17th, 2013 7:25 am

      It’s good to see justice served finally, but that’s not nearly enough in my opinion. She should be locked up.

    4. After 25 Years It’s Pay-up time for Tawana Brawley, the 1987 Rape-hoaxer finally Sends Checks for Slander … Al Sharpton Still Goung Strong | Scared Monkeys on August 4th, 2013 10:12 am

      [...] life. Under Virginia law, she can appeal the wage garnishment every six months. A Virginia court ordered Brawley to pay this money after she had been found hiding from her lies and her past living under the assumed name [...]

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