Another Comical Faux Poll From CNN … Obama Up on Romney 50% to 47% … Romney Winning Independents By 8 Points, Huh?
More “FAUX” polling from CNN … CNN says that race remains close, but Obama ahead, REALLY? The in the tank for Obama media trting to sway an election.
The polls are starting to resemble a SNL skit.According to the most recent CNN poll, Obama garners 50% of the vote and GOP Presidential challenger Mitt Romney captures 47%. However, this lead has diminished from from a CNN poll taken after the conventions, Sept. 7-9, 2012, where Obama had a 52% – 46% lead.
Obama lead? He is losing Independents by 11% to Romney
Fifty-percent of likely voters questioned in the CNN survey, which was released Monday, say that if the election were held today, they would vote for the president, with 47% saying they would support Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. The president’s three point margin is within the poll’s sampling error.
Full Poll results can be seen HERE.
However, buried in the details of the polling data is the following …Romney has as 11 point lead with Independents, but trails in the poll by 3. How is that possible? Haven’t we been told that it would be the “Independent” vote that would decide the election? This is what happens when a bias media affects polling data and weights the polling sampling by +8 Democrat.
As stated at Powerline, The Parade of Bad Polls, Continued. Is Romney surging in the CNN poll? Nope, they cut the sampling from +12 D to +8 to get an Obama 3 point lead. So what happens when CNN takes the poll sampling to a more reasonable+2D? Why that would mean a Romney 3 point lead of course.
Today the Romney campaign is trumpeting the latest CNN/ORC poll which shows President Obama with a three-point lead over Mitt Romney among likely voters, 50%-47%. The Romney campaign likes this result, apparently, because it represents a significant improvement over the last CNN/ORC poll, which came out three weeks ago. In that survey, CNN/ORC found a six-point Obama lead.
I wrote about the earlier poll here, pointing out that it obviously over-sampled Democrats. A reader calculated that, given other data in the survey, the six-point difference was consistent with a breakdown of D-38%, R-26% and I-36%. I wrote that the most significant point in the CNN poll results was that independents favored Romney over Obama by a remarkable 14 points.
So today’s CNN/ORC poll has Obama’s lead cut in half, to three points. Does that mean that Romney is surging? Not really. It means they didn’t call quite as many Democrats. This time, the pollsters gave us the partisan breakdown of their sample: D-37%, R-29% and I-34%. So when the partisan gap in the sample narrowed from D +12 to D +8, Romney did three points better. Well, yeah.
Posted October 2, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, CNN Opinion Research, Democrat/Obama Propaganda, Faux Polls, Media Bias, Polls, Skewed Polling, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |
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3 Responses to “Another Comical Faux Poll From CNN … Obama Up on Romney 50% to 47% … Romney Winning Independents By 8 Points, Huh?”
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However, buried in the details of the polling data is the following …Romney has as 11 point lead with Independents, but trails in the poll by 3. How is that possible?
Short Answer:
Fat Cats would rather make money than register new voters!
Longer answer:
President Barack Obama has received unexpected help from the unlikeliest of quarters: The Republican National Committee. Devoted to bashing Obama, the RNC gave the president’s reelection campaign a political contribution of sorts by insisting that state parties, such as Florida’s, hire a vendor that’s now under investigation for voter-registration fraud by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in as many as 10 counties involving at least 220 suspect forms.
Remember all that talk from Republicans about voter fraud?
Well, it ain’t just for ACORN anymore.
Republicans this year in Florida have added about 46,000 new voters to the rolls. Democrats have added 220,000 — and a good deal of that work was done by the Obama campaign and unpaid volunteers, Democrats say.
Read more here:
Read more here:
The Communist News Network (aka CNN) never tells a lie, do they?
where’s FOX new’s voter fraud outrage … not reporting news harmful to the GOP? Thanks to this outfit the GOP can’t use voter fraud without this crime being mentioned. Now the GOP is bringing Rev. Wright into play. Will Mitt’s subservance to a LIVING phophet come into play?
God has called prophets to lead His Church in our day, just as He did anciently. The current prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Thomas S. Monson.