President Barack Obama Defends & Offers No Apologies for His VP Biden’s “going to put y’all back in chains” Comment remarks
Hey America pay attention, as Biden would say, this is a big “F’n” deal. Look what Obama is defending, the reelection smear campaign …
Amazing isn’t it? President Barack Hussein Obama found away to apologize for America in foreign country after after foreign country, but he can’t find it in himself to apologize for Vice President Biden’s remarks “put y’all back in chains”. Instead, Obama doubled down and defended Biden. So many, like Sarah Palin and John McCain, have said that Obama should dump Biden from the ticket. However, as I stated yesterday, why would Obama want to do such a thing? Biden is just following his Obama marching orders.
Sorry Dems, you’re stuck with Biden because Obama wants him as VP
PEOPLE sat down with President Obama one day after Biden’s remark to voters in Virginia on Tuesday – that GOP running mates Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan are “going to put y’all back in chains” – and asked the President if he’d spoken to Biden about the controversial comment.
“Joe Biden has been an outstanding vice president. He is passionate about what’s happening in middle-class families,” he said. “So I will be talking to him a whole lot about the campaign generally.”
Biden’s comment sparked Romney to call the Obama campaign one of “division and hate and anger.” But Obama, speaking to PEOPLE in Dubuque, Iowa, seemed unrattled by the controversy. He said Biden’s words needed to be considered in context; that he was only saying “you, consumers, the American people, will be a lot worse off if we repeal these [Wall Street reform] laws as the other side is suggesting.”
What else is Obama going to say? When Anvil Joe goes off and a gaffe or makes a hateful comment, the media jumps on it and when they do … they are not talking about the poor Obama economy, the poor Obama job recovery and the poor Obama out of control spending and record national debt. Get used to it America, as reported at The Hill, Biden’s comments were not off script, they are the theme of the Barack Obama reelection campaign. For Obama, Biden is a useful idiot.
Posted August 16, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Joseph Biden, Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012, Presidential Election, Smear Campaign, WTF | 9 comments |
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9 Responses to “President Barack Obama Defends & Offers No Apologies for His VP Biden’s “going to put y’all back in chains” Comment remarks”
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When you campaign on an open ended, no substance theme of hope and change it is easy to fool the people. Now there is a failing record to defend and Barry is willing to make Joe into the court jester in order to make himself look better.
First class people are not afraid to hire others of their caliber. Second class people will only hire those they consider less able than themselves. Thus, we have Barry hiring Joe as proof of this concept.
I cant stand Biden but I believe people make too much out of comments made like this. It seems everyone wants to “feel sorry for black people”
Many black people dont give a crap about whats in the past.
Since when does Joe Biden, who is from Pennsylvania, say, “Y’all”?
“They gonna put y’all back in chains…”
How disrespectful and demeaning, especially toward the constituancy the Democrats are hoping to attract – and keep!
Have another drink Biden….have another smoke with Obama! “Y!all disgusting!!!!!
Sorry correct post #4 Y”all disgusting “.
Oh crap….”Y,all disgusting”
Obama and Biden are complete idiots….what a pair….dumb and dumber…..We need to resource your finances to pay for the damages you’ve have done!!!!
Obama, if proven not to be an American, everything he has signed is revoked…..null and void!!!!
He has hidden under Barry Sorento ….impeachment, prison and deportation lies ahead….
Is VP Biden just projecting his own feelings here, about putting a certain race of people “back in chains?”
[...] and clean and a nice-looking guy. However, Biden’s racially charged comment, they’re “going to put y’all back in chains,” meant to instill fear into blacks and a not [...]