Barack Obama Plagerizes Ford Motors Ad During SOTU Speech … “Built to Last”
Wow, Obama’s SOTU was not only flat and predictable lame, there appears to have been other issues with it was well.
Are you serious, did President Barack Obama rip off a Ford Motors ad during the State of the Union last night … America, Built to Last. The Daily Mail seems to think so. What is even more ironic is that Obama and his speech writers managed to plagiarize the one car company that did not take any government bail out money. It would appear that Biden is not the only gaffe prone individual in the White House.
“An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded.”
“Tonight, I want to speak about how we move forward, and lay out a blueprint for an economy that’s built to last – an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values.”
“You see, an economy built to last is one where we encourage the talent and ingenuity of every person in this country.”
“An America built to last insists on responsibility from everybody.”
“That’s an America built to last.”
The America we had lasted more than 200 years. It was built, in part, on the sweat and vision of Ford Motors Company.
And not on its slogans.
I pray that nothing lasts from this terrible presidency.
Full transcript of Obama’s SOTU.
Who needs SOPA/PIPA and on-line piracy when we have a US President plagiarizing a car companies commercial ad. I guess Obama can always blame the TOTUS.
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5 Responses to “Barack Obama Plagerizes Ford Motors Ad During SOTU Speech … “Built to Last””
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This is THE most obviously revealing statement of the
entire so-called SOTU address: “The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”
Overt attempt to shirk his sworn support for our Constitution and a blatant attempt at a total POWER GRAB. This is
outrageous and WRONG!!
i’m sure Jan Brewer cause him to pee his panties. he’s probably never been put in his place by a woman until now.
AMEN rightknight
I’m sure rightknight would have prefered this version: “The executive branch also needs to stay the same. Most often, it’s efficient, up to date and up close and personal. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress NOT to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”
rightknight would reply:
Covert attempt to shirk his sworn support for our Constitution and a blatant attempt at a total POWER GRAB. This is
outrageous and WRONG!!
There it is stated both ways, rightknight is anti Obama, just like the Tea Party, not pro US
Well-stated, Public Enemy… as a former republican (20 years) and an Iraq vet, I think Obama’s still doing a better job than Bush -to my knowledge, he has not put any wars on the government credit card (“the war will be paid for by Iraqi petroleum revenues” -nice little lie a lot of Americans swallowed)
Also, Bush said his tax cuts would benefit the middle class primarily and they went to high income earners.
SM: Yea Obama is doing such a great job with Iraq that we are seeing it spiral out of control with the premature removal of US troops.
As for tax cuts, all groups got them. I am hardly part of the 1%; however, it sickens me to see the envy and jealousy of those who would begrudge those who earned their money and put themselves at risk. Honestly, I think it is more greedy to think what others have earned is yours thru redistribution of wealth, rather than those that make big money and pay their taxes. Folks, get a clue there is a thing called an income tax and a capital gains tax. Learn what the difference is.