Barack Obama’s Civility, a President of the People? Will Obama Condemn Hoffa & Biden for Calling Republicans/Tea Party Barbarians & Son’s of Bitches?
America … is this the “Hope & Change” you voted for? Just curious Barack Obama … would this be an example of You putting Party before Country?
It would appear that Barack Obama, Joe Biden nor James Hoffa Jr. could care less about 9 year old Christina Taylor Green. For that matter, the Democrat party. Would a President of all the people allow such hostility and hate to be spewed prior to their own speech? The answer is no and thus the reason why Obama is nothing more than a partisan hack beholden to Big Labor Unions.
Just this past weekend during his Weekly Presidential Address Barack Obama called for Congress to skip the political posturing. Of course we also remember when Obama said at the Tuscan, AZ Memorial following the senseless killings of six innocent individuals including 9 year old Christina Taylor Green.
I believe we can be better. Those who died here, those who saved lives here – they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us. I believe that for all our imperfections, we are full of decency and goodness, and that the forces that divide us are not as strong as those that unite us.
However, after months of Democrats calling the Tea Party and Republicans racists, Nazis, supporting racism and telling them they can go to hell … today President Barack Obama showed his true colors and why America does not consider him a leader of “We the People”.
At a Labor Day speech in Detroit, Michigan that was said by the WH not to be a political campaign speech, was nothing but. Prior to Obama’s partisan speech to a crowd of union workers, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. riled up the union masses by saying the following,“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” Only to be followed up by Joe Biden, the VP of the United States acting in a partisan manner, “You Are The Only Folks Keeping The Barbarians From the Gates.” Nice partisan comments from Biden at an AFL-CIO event in Ohio.
This President is a joke. He tells Republicans to put country before party and then attends a pro-Union Labor Day political rally where insults are made toward the GOP. Barack Obama has no credibility. The UK Telegraph asks whether Barack Obama is going to condemn the comments made by Hoffa and Biden. Condemn? He embraced them.
Biden, whose mouth has long been a liability for Obama, was at an AFL-CIO rally when he told union members: “You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates…the other side has declared war on labour’s house.”
Newsflash, Obama was present at the same rally and could have said something during his speech to stop the over the top rhetoric. Of course he did not. Obama is pandering to his base and what was said to not be a political campaign speech, was obviously nothing but one.
We are waiting Barack, are you going to condemn others for going against the very things that you asked for? Or is it different because they agree with you? This is one of the major reasons why Barack Obama has lost the Independents. Many realize he does not represent them and he speaks with a forked tongue. President Obama, if you want others to put Country before Party, you might want to lead by example and do the same first, then inform the Democrats to do the same. That is was a leader does. Of course, you are no leader, you are a divider.
And it’s utter nonsense. Offensive nonsense too. Obama isn’t truly asking Republicans to put country before party. He is asking them to elevate the interests and ideas of the Democratic party higher than their own ideas, their sense of what is best for the nation, and their deeply held convictions about the moral hazard posed by a too-large government and a populace too reliant on it.
Agreeing with Obama’s failed economic policies is hardly putting Country before Party. To be honest, to disagree and prevent Obama and the insane Far Left economic agenda is putting America first. Obama has been a failure as president … the 2010 midterm election was a repudiation of Obama’s polices. Obama’s present job approval is almost in the 30′s. As a matter of fact, I would dare say that there will be many Democrats fleeing away from Obama in the 2012 election for self preservation.
Posted September 5, 2011 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Hope and Change, Jimmy Hoffa, Lost in Smallness, Obamanation, Presidential Election, Racism, Republican, Tea Party, Unions, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 22 comments |
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22 Responses to “Barack Obama’s Civility, a President of the People? Will Obama Condemn Hoffa & Biden for Calling Republicans/Tea Party Barbarians & Son’s of Bitches?”
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Hoffa needs to be locked up. A real thug! Obama said nothing. He must want violence. The unions are Obama’s Gestapo.
SM: Jr thinks he is his dad and he ain’t even close.
left insults right
right insults left
SM: Dolf, a little different when the President of the US is at the function and then comes on next. Obama has called for civility. He has claimed he is a Prez of all. He has a responsibility to act accordingly.
However, because he thinks he is so much better than us peons and above us all, that makes it ok.
Obama has so diminished the Office. Wait til he is tossed out on his ear in 2012 and the inappropriate, lack of class comments he will make.
[...] that union labor declared war on yesterday? To make matters worse, at a separate event, VP Joe Biden said to union workers, “You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the [...]
Obama flaunts his mob connections and his democrats applaud his criminal intentions. he might as well have said to kill all republicans and tea party members. this is why he wants all our guns and ammo. they are scared to death of those who would defend life and liberty and will back jump like most yellow democrats and liberals.
Someone needs to tell Hoffa and Biden it takes one to know one? ;>)
I agree, Obama pretends to want to unite us but has divided us more as a people than anything since the Civil War. Difference is this time is NOT about race, it’s about American values as they were meant to be to sustain us as a nation.
Obama shuns upholding little things such as being willing to work for what you have and not reach into another’s pocket. Or taking responsibility for your dumb mistakes that have put you in the poor-house. Or most importantly realizing the government works FOR the people. HE works for US and not the other way around. That has long been forgotten with this administration and their goal is to silence anyone who remembers it to be fact.
For the ‘Regular Working Person’ in a Labor Union,
it must be hard to swallow the characterization of
Union Members and their supposed attitudes being
blabbered by Hoffa Jr. Union ‘leaders’ like this uncultured
slob are nothing more than rabble rousers in suits.
Barry isn’t going to say a thing about the “war” comments by Hoffa. When you “lie down with dogs” all of your life, it gets to be a natural and comfortable place to be.
The Unions are way past the point, say sixty years, where they stood for something worthwhile. The average American has recognized that unions are all about power and money to one group,the leaders.
Dolt you twig…
You can’t prove nor can the left prove once that the Tea Party rallies ever carried the violent and war mentality threats and vitrol that is coming from the left at these events of which where the President is campaigning. Al Sharpton is still searching for evidence just like OJ was out looking for Nicole’s killer and Casey Anthony gave her child to a fictional nanny.
It’s Euro trash like you for one who is hurting the global economy with your government owned socialist policies…keep it up….
Once again, you prove your ignorance.
“R” – you believe talk like this is appropriate when said by a republican. You hve written numerous times that you don’t want/care about civility. So…why the f do you care?
Your manufactured outrage is a joke.
Dear yoyo. Your muffin is half-baked. R was simply noticing their hypocrisy the same as I notice yours.
Yoyo – your manufactured EXISTENCE is a joke.
All I gotta do is read your stupidity in #5 to not really give a crap what you write Moi. Now why don’t you point out that hypocrisy you write of short eyes. My guess is you can’t.
Still sucking off the public teet #11? Haven’t your fellow tea baggers eliminated your job yet?
post in spamfolder?
SM” found it.
See we got to you yoyo.
As for answering your questions you are wrong again. It’s not that I can’t…it’s that I don’t want to. You’re also wrong about me being short sighted. I’m far sighted according to my eye doctor.
No…it’s you who is sucking off the public twit your half twit bimbo…still getting your money from head start to pay your electric bill while your drive around in an SUV with your gucci bag and ignorant looking nails done? Aren’t you one of the 50 million Americans on food stamps? Stop begging on the street; I would bet you couldn’t even be sold on the street you twinkie eating; Dick Gregory; Jenny Craig needing fool.
Ahhh…you leftist libtards are so afraid of the Tea Party and their growing existence and force in Congress to get this country back to when it was GREAT again. This is why you and your libtard idiot friends in the MSM need to make violent threats against other Americans.
Screw you; your libtard friends; Hoffa and all the other Union heads. They don’t scare me.
is that – or +
(have – myself)
Re #15: Take a deep breath, and go here, Scott:
I rarely agree with Yoyo, but he’s right on the money here. The hypocrisy is appalling. When I first posted anything here, it was a call for civility in these discussions. I was met with howls of “libtard,” kool-aid drinker,” insults to my mother, and accusations of the vilest sexual perversions. Never once did Red step in and call anyone down for it. To the contrary, he said if I was going to stick around I’d better grow some thicker skin or something to that effect. There was a time when conservatives were known for decency and family values. Now this site, which purports to be supportive of such values, has a category of posts titled “What the F___.” I find Hoffa’s remarks to be appalling, but they don’t rise to the level of vitriol found here. He just has a larger audience.
lol@ 12
Elmer….look in the mirror; find the nearest bridge and take a leap….
yes, you are probably a “have” minus yourself and minus quite a lot of other things as well.
Thanks for giving an answer Scott style Moi.