What VIDEO Do You Prefer, Hurricane Irene Reporter Covered in Sea Foam Sewage or Classic Geraldo Rivera Knocked Down Covering Hurricane Ike?

You make the call …

Probably the most bizarre VIDEO of the Hurricane Irene media coverage was the Fox reporter that was in the middle of having sea foam sprayed on him during an interview with both the reporter and news anchors joking about it. WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates of Hurricane Irene as foamed sprayed on him that even got in his mouth, saying “it doesn’t taste great”. You never know though, it might be less filling. OMG, he got it in his mouth, hope his vaccines are up to date.

He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material.  That “organic material” was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm.

“It doesn’t taste great,” he said.

He said it had a sandy consistency and added, “I can tell you first-hand, it doesn’t smell great.”

The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria

Reporter Gives Update Covered In Sea Foam: MyFoxNY.com

Which VIDEO do you think is better, the above of “sewage” boy for the below timeless classic of Geraldo Rivera being knocked over by waves after being warned by fireman to be careful? Personally, my choice would be a morph of Geraldo covered in sewage, it would certainly be a metaphor for his news reporting of late.

Heck, add captions as well if you like. This is meant to be fun, hopefully the Fox reporter does not get ill from all of this.  And I thought the streakers on the Weather Channel was the most bizarre, not even close.

Gallup Poll: Barack Obama, the Incredible Shrinking Job Approval President … Disapproval Rating Hits All-Time High of 55%

The Incredible Shrinking Job Approval President …

The latest Gallup poll has Barack Obama at a 55% job disapproval rating, the all-time highest of his presidency. His approval job approval rating, a mere 38%.OUCH!!! What is most damning for Obama is that many individuals still blame Bush for the economy. The closer we get to the 2012 Presidential election, the campaign for the White House and the continued poor economy, the more Obama will be held responsible.

“Don’t they know it’s Bush’s fault”

Barack Obama’s average job approval at RCP is an incredible 43.6% approve and 52.8% disapproval (-9.2%).

Recently Obama was given an all time low mark of 29% approval in a Rasmussen poll in handling the economy. Why is Obama’s numbers sinking faster than the Titanic, only 14% think the country is headed in the right direction. The rule of thumb for an incumbent is that they are in trouble if their polling numbers are under 50%. What does it mean when you’re approval rating is 38% and disapproval is 55%? That is hardly the polling numbers of a reelectable President.

Barack Obama has stated in the past that he realizes that he expects to be judged on the economy in the 2012 election. How then does The One expect to be nothing more than a failed One term President? At what point is the Democrat party going to build a fire line to try and save the Senate, knowing that the Presidency is gone?

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Says “I haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for” in 2012 Presidential Election

This morning on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’, Former Secretary of State Colin Powell stated that he had not “decided who he was going to vote for” in the 2012 Presidential election. It appears that Colin Powell has lost that Obama Luvin’ Feeling.After having crossed party lines and voting for Obama in 2008, Powell said that he was not necessarily going to support Obama for reelection in 2012. Really Colin? What was your first inkling to think this?

Discussion starts at the 7:15 mark of the above VIDEO

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who famously crossed party lines to vote for President Obama in 2008, said today that he’s not necessarily supporting the president for reelection in 2012.

“I haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for,” Powell said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Just as was the case in 2008, I am going to watch the campaign unfold. In the course of my life I have voted for Democrats, I have voted for Republicans, I have changed from one four-year cycle to another.

Powell stated that there are plenty of interesting Republican candidates and that he will take a look; however, did not commit nor state who he thought was the front runner. The question that should have been asked of Powell and for obvious reasons was not by CBS was … in the past Mr. Powell you praised Barack Obama’s leadership style in 2008 in endorsing him and stated that before the election that Obama “has a definite way of doing business that will serve us well.” Do you still stand by those comments?

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Onyango Obama, President Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Uncle Arrested … Almost hits Police Car

More Hope & Change courtesy of the Obama family … Does anything surprise us any more from these folks?

President Obama’s illegal immigrant uncle from Kenya, Onyango Obama was arrested last week for DUI and nearly crashing into a police car with his SUV. Where do we even start? Illegal immigrant, DUI and driving an SUV? I am guess that Barack Obama would be most concerned that his uncle was not being “green” and dare drive an SUV. Way to go liberal MSM, where is any of your coverage on this story, see Google search.

A number of media outlets have already reported that an illegal immigrant from Kenya by the name of Onyango Obama, 67, was arrested last week on Wednesday after he nearly rammed his SUV into a police car in Framingham, Massachusetts.

He was later charged with DUI among other violations. I spoke to Framingham Public Information Officer Lieutenant Delaney who told me that when Onyango Obama was asked at booking if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, the Kenyan immigrant replied: “I think I will call the White House.”

It should be noted that the Times of London, highlighted an Onyango Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign, when the British daily found President Barack Obama’s “Aunt Zeituni” living in Boston illegally.:

What are the adds the following occurs and he is deported. Don’t hold your breath. The Gateway Pundit reminds us of Obama’s last known illegal alien relative , African aunt Zeituni Onyango – was granted asylum in 2010. PJ Media asks a valid question, “did President Obama enacted his amnesty by fiat in order to keep his welfare queen aunt and drunk driving uncle from having to face deportation?” Seems perfectly fine to ask, wonder if the White House Press core will do so, waiting, waiting, still waiting.

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20 Year Old NJ Woman Missing, Confirmed Dead as Car Swept Away in Flood Waters from Hurricane Irene

A 20 year old Salem County, NJ woman was first considered missing and now is confirmed dead as her vehicle was swept away by flood waters from Hurricane Irene. Sadly, authorities would later find the Salem County woman in her vehicle dead. She is considered the first confirmed casualty of Hurricane Irene in New Jersey. The woman’s name has yet to be released.

A Salem County woman called 911 at around 1:40 a.m., saying her car was filling up with the water, State Police Superintendent Rick Fuentes said.

A State Police SWAT team later found the woman dead in her car at 9:30 a.m. at 849 Route 40 in Pislesgrove, Salem County, State Police Spokesman Brian Polite said.

The winds of Hurricane Irene may not have been the story of this storm, it most likely will be the heavy, continuous rains that have caused flooding and erosion of damns and sea walls. As per ABC News 6, heavy rains caused three nearby lakes to overflow. The dams that separated each lake broke during the storm, forcing large amounts of water onto Route 40 near Kings Highway.

N.J. storm update: One dead, thousands without power.

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