Anthony Weiner’s “Weinergate Tweets” is a Throbbing Headache & Sign of Terrible Damage Control and Story Falling Apart Fast


A note to politicians, if you want to play on the net, you better be prepared to answer to those in the new media …

What are politicians thinking these days? Do they really believe that a lame attempt at damage control and lack of answers is going to suffice in the Internet age?  If you live by the Tweet you will die by it as well. If a politician wants to delve into the Internet world, you best be prepared to answer questions and be prepared for a new type of damage control. As stated by the NY Daily News,  Anthony Weiner’s bulging controversy a classic example of abysmal damage control.

Pic Hat Tip: Vanderbilt ’11

Weinergate ain’t Watergate, not even close.

But they’re both classic examples of abysmal damage control.

For such a savvy practitioner of the political game, Anthony Weiner has violated the cardinal rule of Washington crisis management: If you don’t have anything to hide, don’t behave like you do.

His less-than-forthcoming answers to the frenzy over a lewd photo have made matters worse for the congressman who aspires to be New York City’s next mayor, raising fresh questions and fueling even more media scrutiny.

When a reporter asks if you’ve ever taken photos of your nether regions like the one purportedly hacked from Weiner’s Twitter account, there’s only one acceptable answer.

But Weiner didn’t just say no – he just ducked.

He also couldn’t say “with certitude” the offending photo wasn’t him, an unfortunate non-denial denial.

The controversy continues for Weiner. It would be really hard top believe that Weiner will survive this this scandal. Even if he does, Red State says he will be such damaged goods, Weiner will be irrelevant and a forever “weiner” joke. Even the liberal MSM would not touch the once “rabid” Democrat attack dog with a 10 foot pole.  As posted at The Daily, WEINER’S TALE UNRAVELING. Weasil Zippers provides the following analysis from the story, as much as the LEFT wants to believe the Weiner excuses and explanations, Weasel Zippers states, “actual experts have analyzed the sequence of events and it is proves beyond doubt he is guilty as charged.”

It’s all too easy to make “Weiner” jokes about Antony Weiner and use double entendre, but when the damn US Congressman does it about himself and his own shameless behavior, WTF? With much tongue and cheek we link to the Lonely Conservative … lol, glad she referenced to disgusting and pathetic comments of Weinerboy, because I would not have touched that with a 10 foot pole . Sorry, could not resist.

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Anthony Weiner’s “Weinergate Tweets” is a Throbbing Headache & Sign of Terrible Damage Control and Story Falling Apart Fast”

    1. It’s Not Every Day You Hear a US Congressman Cracking Penis Jokes | The Lonely Conservative on June 5th, 2011 3:08 pm

      [...] him appearing before the media to tell crotch jokes. What an embarrassment! And creepy, too. Ick.Scared Monkeys linked – thanks!google_ad_client = "pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ [...]

    2. Greg the Great on June 5th, 2011 6:25 pm

      Weiner is a pervert!

    3. rightknight on June 6th, 2011 12:17 am

      Tho there is nothing special about his physical
      (or mental) personage, the little man is under
      the spell of assumed greatness and control…
      sort of ‘untouchable’ you might say. Giving the
      keys to our future and finances to him or his
      ilk is a giant mistake. Delusional at best, one
      wonders just what contributions he can make
      to our society.

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