Air Traffic Controller Falls Asleep in Miami, FAA to Change Work Schedules


Didn’t Obama’s Transportation Secretary say that they “would not sleep” until this problem was solved? I am guess ing that Ray Lahood has had some zzz’s since Wenesday.

Another day, or should we say night, and another air traffic controller falls asleep … Why am I getting the feeling that the band Queen needs to do a remake of their 1980′s song and change it to “Another One Falls Asleep”.

Steve sits warily at his seat,
With his head slumped way down low
Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet,
Radar dispalys ready to go
Are you ready, Are you ready for this
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat
Out of the tower the snoring rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one falls asleep
Another one falls asleep
And another one naps, and another one naps
Another one falls asleep
Hey, I’m gonna fall asleep on the job too
Another one falls alseep.

Yet another air traffic controller has fallen asleep, this time it’s Moonlight over Miami. The Federal Aviation Administration has stated that it has happened again,  an air traffic controller at a radar facility in Miami that handles high altitude air traffic fell asleep while on duty early Saturday morning. Add this one to the one earlier this week in Reno, NV and the numerous others reported before that.

It appears that finally the FAA will make changes in the scheduling of the controllers. FAA chief Randy Babbitt stated that changes will be made to work schedule for controllers that have been identified as most likely to cause fatigue. It’s about time. We had reported earlier this week that just adding air traffic controllers to an overnight shift was not the answer. It would not solve the root cause problem and just be yet another wasteful and ineffective solution by the government.

The FAA says 12 other controllers and two managers were working at the time.

The sleeping controller has been suspended.

FAA chief Randy Babbitt says changes will be made to work schedule that have been identified as most likely to cause fatigue within 72 hours.

Posted April 16, 2011 by
FAA, Government, Travel, WTF | 4 comments

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “Air Traffic Controller Falls Asleep in Miami, FAA to Change Work Schedules”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on April 16th, 2011 4:37 pm

      Maybe it is time to start over like Reagan did.

      Just fire them all and make them reapply using their work record as one of the criteria in the rehire process. This goes for management types too.

    2. dennisintn on April 17th, 2011 2:38 pm

      how about trying something cheaper first. like attaching the tower phone ringer to a recorder that plays the l8l2 overture at maximum volume. i know that would certainly wake up this tax poor citizen.

    3. Dolf on April 18th, 2011 1:28 am

      why did he fall asleep?

      to much work pressure

      or he just didn’t get enough sleep

    4. Air Traffic Controller Error Causes Plane Carring First Lady Michelle Obama to Abort Landing | Scared Monkeys on April 20th, 2011 7:17 am

      [...] many incidents of air traffic controllers errors, sleeping and watching movies are going to have to occur before the FAA really does something about safety of [...]

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