Thank You Fox News as Geraldo Rivera Gets a Thrill Up His Leg After Democrats Vote to Nationalize Health Care

Are you kidding me?

Did anyone catch FOX News last night following the HOUSE Democrats ramming Obamacare down the throats of Americans against the Will of the People? If not, Geraldo Rivera did his best imitation of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and got a thrill up his leg as House Democrats passed the nationalization of health care.


Geraldo, its time for you to Move On to MSNBC

Hey FOX News, why didn’t you just bring back Alan Colmes to host the time slot when the vote passed the HOUSE?

President Obama said that the government take over of health care is what change looked like. Thanks to Fox News, Geraldo Rivera is what a village idiot look like.

Transcript from Geraldo Rivera:

“Thanks Bret. Don’t go away for a second. I think that listening to his soaring words, rhetorical flourishes though they may be, isn’t there a possibility that some of the commentators tonight are way too gloomy? That maybe we have turned the corner in an unsupportable, untenetable system? Maybe by doing something revolutionary like Social Security, like Medicaid, that we have, that this president has, that this Congress has finally taken a step to fix something that we have been complaining so bitterly about?”

Are you kidding? One party just rammed a bill down the throats of Americans against their will in an attempt to socialize health care in the United States. The Democrat party just compelled and forced ever American to purchase a good under threat of the IRS. Geraldo thinks we should be applauding this?

This has never been about health care Geraldo. Then again, a liberal like yourself would never understand that.

Thanks FOX, want to just rub a little more salt in that Un-Constitutional wound. And FOX News is supposed to be the conservative channel, huh? So much for that accusation.

Funny that during Geraldo’s time on the air he never mentioned that all the bribes and kickback used to buy votes by Democrat Majority leader Harry Reid were still in the bill.

Hey Geraldo, why don’t you make yourself useful and try and find another gansta’s vault. You did such a good time the last time out. FOX, are you telling me that you have no other individual who can fill his time slot?

Daily Commentary – Monday, March 22nd, 2010 – Michael Baden Comments on the Casey/Caylee Anthony Case

  • His comments on the forensics in the Anthony case seem off-base.

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Posted March 22, 2010 by
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US Rep Bart Stupak (D-MI) “I Voted For The Unborn Before I Voted Against Them”

US REP Bart Stupak voted for the unborn before he sold his soul to the devil and voted against them.

Simply incredible … After the so-called right to life Democrat US Rep Bart Stupak defended the rights of the unborn up until he made a deal to sell his soul, Stupak then slams Republicans for introducing his own “Stupak” amendment.

This is the disgusting and shameless manner that Stupak conducted himself. He then went even further and slammed the Republicans and his fellow Democrats who voted for the “Stupak” amendment in the final House bill.

Pro-abortion Dem Rep Bart Stupak via the Gateway Pundit:

“Thank you. The motion to recommit purports to be a right to life motion in the spirit of the Stupak Amendment. But as the author of the Stupak Amendment, this motion is nothing more than an opportunity to continue to deny 32 million Americans health care. The motion… The motion is really a last ditch effort of 98 years of denying Americans health care. It is the democrats who have stood up for the principle of no funding for abortion. It is the democrats through the president’s executive order that ensures the sanctity of life is protected.”

For Stupak, Obama’s Presidency was more important than the lives of the unborn that he claimed to care about.

So what was completely unacceptable 12 hours earlier by Stupak is suddenly not. What a principled man of character you are not Bart Stupak. I have more respect for those that openly admit they are pro-choice, than some one who hides behind a lie. You are a disgrace.

In the face of the American people who overwhelmingly did not support Obamacare, you helped pass it any how. Your treachery will cost the Democrat Party dearly in 2010, 2012 and thereafter.

The Susan B. Anthony List Rescinds Pro-Life Judas Bart Stupak’s Award

Lessons is character … Bart Stupak is not it.

US Representative Bart Stupak from Michigan is already feeling the consequences to his actions.  Especially actions where you sell your soul and principles for a political deal instead of protecting the unborn.

The Susan B. Anthony List has revoked an award that was previously given to US Rep Bart Stupak for his Judas-like reversal yesterday in supporting Obamacare after he had claimed for a year that the bill did not defend the rights of the unborn.

An anti-abortion rights organization is withdrawing an award it planned to present Rep. Bart Stupak, after the Michigan Democrat announced Sunday he would support health care reform legislation.

The Susan B. Anthony List had chosen Stupak to receive the “Defender of Life” award at the “Campaign for Life Gala” Wednesday here in the nation’s capital. Stupak and several Democrats said that they would vote for the health care bill after President Obama assured them that no federal funding would be allowed to pay for abortion. Obama released an executive order that emphasized abortions would not be paid for with federal dollars.

“By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement shortly before the House was set to vote on the controversial bill.

Stupak had claimed all along that the Obamacare bill was unacceptable because it did not protect the rights of the unborn after the bill had passed the Senate and his anti-abortion language had been taken out. Suddenly Supak accepts a deal with the President that the most pro-abortion President would write an executive order that in essence was useless. That made Stupak flip. Every one knows that an executive order does not reverse law. Stupak still decided to change his vote knowing this.

For one year Bart Stupak was a principled pro-life Democrat until it came time to decide between Party or the unborn. These are the points in life where character is revealed and Stupak folded like a cheap suit.

You have to wonder what else Obama/Pelosi promised Stupak for his treacherous decisions to flip his vote.


The House Democrats with their fearless leads Nancy Pelosi have rammed through Obamacare against the will of the people 219-212.

The tyranny that was perpetrated upon the American people today will not be soon or ever forgotten. Not one Republican voted for the government take over of health care and the trillion dollar budget busting boondoggle.

You might celebrate your treachery tonight Dems, you will be crying in 2010, 2012 and every two years thereafter. Your insolence and complete disregard against the will of the American people will never be forgotten.

Obama hope and change.

Say goodbye to bipartisan politics in DC forever. All brought to you by the President who claimed to be a moderate and would reach across the aisle. Obama is the most partisan President ever and has done harm to Washington, DC for decades to come.

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