The Remains of Missing California Teen Amber DuBois Have Been Found in Pala, CA … Connection to John Albert Gardner III?

The remains of 14 year old Amber DuBois from San Diego, CA have been found. Sadly, the human skeletal remains of missing Amber DuBois were found Saturday in Pala, CA. Amber DuBois had been missing since February 13, 2009. She was last seen at approximately 7:10 am walking to Escondido High School, Escondido, CA.


Rest in Peace, Amber DuBois

The remains of Amber DuBois, a 14-year-old San Diego, California-area girl who was missing for more than a year, have been found, police said Sunday.

Human skeletal remains found early Saturday in Pala — a rural, rugged area in northern Dan Diego County, California — have been positively identified as those of DuBois, Police Chief Jim Maher of Escondido, California, said at a news conference.

VIDEO of Amber DuBois Press Conference. Police could not tale questions as the press conference as it is an on going murder investigation.

The investigation into the disappearance and death of Amber DuBois is being handled by Escondido police, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, and the FBI.

Just last week authorities were investigating John Albert Gardner III, who pleaded not guilty Wednesday to raping and murdering Chelsea King.  She was another San Diego area teen who went missing and was found dead. So what might the connection be with John Albert Gardner III, a registered sex offender,  and any connection to the disappearance and death of  Amber DuBois? It seems rather coincidental that after one year and no leads then without notice  suddenly John Albert Gardner III is arrested and a link is developed, then a tip must have been provided to locate Amber DuBois.

UPDATE I: Here is some rather bizarre coincidences with addresses and telephone numbers, ‘Who is Kevin O’Reilly’? This story and the possible connection between Amber DuBois and Chelsea King might just be getting a lot more stranger, if possible.

Colorado Senate Election 2010: GOP’s Jane Norton Ahead of Dems Romanoff & Bennet

Jane Norton, the Republican challenger for the US Senate seat in Colorado is still ahead in the polls, but the race is tightening. Norton continues to have a wide lead in the polls over the incumbent Democrat CO  Senator Michael Bennet; however, one wonders whether Bennet will even win the Democrat primary over challenger Andrew Romanoff.

Colorado’s race for the U.S. Senate is considerably tighter this month, especially if Democratic incumbent Michael Bennet isn’t in the race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state finds Republican Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton in a virtual tie with former Democratic state House Speaker Andrew Romanoff. Norton earns 44% of the vote to Romanoff’s 42%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and nine percent (9%) are undecided.

In the end no matter who is the Democrat candidate, Obama care may be the deciding factor. 56% of Colorado voters oppose Obamacare, while only 43% are in favor. Just recently in February 2010 Barack Obama went to the Mile High state to campaign for Senator Bennet, it looks like it had little effect.  Obama won CO by 9 points in 2008, yet 2010, like so many other elections across America, will be an up hill battle for Democrats.

Forty-three percent (43%) of Colorado voters favor the health care plan currently working its way through Congress, while 56% oppose it. These numbers include 21% who strongly favor it versus 49% who are strongly opposed.

As in much of the country, this gives Republicans an edge in Colorado since those who strongly oppose the plan overwhelmingly support the GOP candidates while those who strongly favor the plan overwhelmingly support the Democrats.

Colorado will prove to be an all important state and needed pick up for Republicans if they wish to take back control of the Senate in 2010.

Adam Gadahn, the American Al Qaeda Terrorist, (Azzam the American) Captured in Pakistan (Update: Nope, Not Him)

Adam Gadhan, aka Azzam the American has been arrested in Pakistan. Adam Gadhan, the Californian Al Qaeda leader has long been sought and on Washington’s Most Wanted list has according to The Dawn captured in Karachi, Pakistan!

Pakistan Al-qaida Arrest

Adam Gadhan, aka Azzam the American captured!!!

Pakistani security forces along with help of US intelligence arrested Abu Yahya Mujahdeen Al- Adam, who is a close associate of Osama Bin Laden. Abu Yahya was arrested on Sunday from an area surrounding the super highway, on the outskirts of Karachi.

Sources confirmed that the arrested militant commander has been shifted to Islamabad for further investigation.

The story was initially sketchy as to whether Adam Gadhan, aka Azzam the American and the rest of his alias had been captured. Looks like the reports are being confirmed by news sources.

Pakistan Al-qaida Arrest

The CIA does not have a handy Top Ten list of wanted terrorists; hopefully, they want them all.  The FBI does have a list of its top wanted terrorists, though, and has this listing for Gadahn:

Aliases:    Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhail Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, Yayah, Azzam the American, Azzam Al-Amriki

Now please, please can we bring back waterboarding and make this treasonous bastard talk and give up everything he knows. Looks like we are not alone in our want for the return of waterboarding, the Astute Blogger is on the same page.

A note to President Barack Hussein Obama, this would be what we in the real world call a victory in the WAR ON TERROR not an overseas contingency plan.

Fantastic news as it is being confirmed HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. Looks like we finally got him.

An intelligence source confirmed the report to NBC News, adding that Gadahn was detained in Sohrab Goth, a suburb of Karachi, and was later moved to the capital Islamabad.

The arrest is a major victory in the U.S.-led battle against al-Qaida and will be taken as a sign that Pakistan is cooperating more fully with Washington. It follows the recent detentions of several Afghan Taliban commanders in Karachi.

UPDATE I: RUT-ROH, Looks like he may not have been arrested

It appears that the confirmed reports were not so confirmed, hold the champagne.  CBS is now reporting that the capture was not of Gadahn, but another important Taliban militant.

“In the light of our latest information, I can say, this is not looking like Gadahn. But it is still the arrest of an important Taliban militant,” said the Pakistani security official who spoke to CBS News late Sunday.

Although as per Hot Air, it seems to be all up in the air as to who was really arrested in Pakistan. Some media outlets are stilling going with Gadahan.

SNL Rips Reid, Pelosi, Obama & Unpopular Obamacare Bill … “really, really unpopular, angry mob unpopular”

Saturday Night Live once again rips President Obama and the Democrats as their health care reform skit last night went after the Obamasessiah, Pelosi and Reid regarding the failed and disastrous piece of legislation known as Obamacare.

When Democrats and Obama have to worry about skits from SNL making fun of their policies, they are in deep trouble.

Obama: Polls may show that the health care reform bill currently before Congress to be surprisingly unpopular.
Pelosi: They really don’t like it.
Reid: I thought it would be much more popular
Pelosi: I was stunned

The skit would later go on top have Barack Obama state the following:

“It’s a good bill that we perhaps have properly failed to explain. Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader  Reid have assured me that unpopular as the bill may be, in the days ahead this bill will be passed by the House and the Senate and will be sent to my desk for signature.

What is the key to sarcasm … the truth:

Finally after decades of effort we will have real health care reform, even though as I have said it may not be popular, or viewed favorably by Americans, or what the people wanted us to do.

Health care is “angry mob” unpopular in Nevada…

Obama: “Now Senator Reid I’ll admit is in a different situation, he’s up for re-election this fall where health care is especially unpopular. I’m not sure why but it is, really, really unpopular, angry mob unpopular. Lets be frank, Harry Reid could lose this November but let me make something clear, I don’t think he will or at least it won’t be because this unpopular bill.

Health care could poll at 100% and Harry Reid would still have problems, I think even Harry would agree he is not the most intelligenic or charismatic guy around. Plus he has been hurt by some of the sleazy deals he cut with other Senators in order to get health care passed, I mean you have to acknowledge they were sleazy, I mean the cornhusker kickback, it just smelled bad”

Harry Reid has not had time to campaign back in Nevada as he has been tied up in Washington, DC with this unpopular health care bill. But as the skit ends, Obama states that he is not running in 2010. He wishes he were, because unlike the unpopular health care bill … he is popular. Yep, real popular as seen by the most recent Rasmussen Daily Presidential tracking poll of -17.

Like Father, Like Son … Rory Reid Behind in Polls to GOP’s Sandoval & Montandon for Nevada Governor Race

Rory Reid, paying for the sins of his father with voters …

How much of the anti-incumbency and overall mood of Nevada voters against Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is rubbing off on his son Rory Reid’s election chances? Looks like a lot.  According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, Rory Reid trails both Republican hopefuls Brian Sandoval and Mike Montandon (R)

Republican front runner Brain Sandoval now has an 18-point lead over Democrat Rory Reid in Nevada’s gubernatorial race.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Nevada voters finds Reid, son of Senator Harry Reid, trailing Sandoval 53% to 35%. Seven percent (7%) prefer another candidate, while five percent (5%) are undecided.

Another GOP hopeful, North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon, posts a 42% to 37% lead over Reid. In the previous survey, Reid led Montandon 40% to 36%. Thirteen percent (13%) like some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) are undecided.

Reid is ahead of Nevada’s  unpopular incumbent Republican Governor Jim Gibbons by a 44% to 36% margin; however, there is little chance that Gibbons will be on the ballot in 2010. This shows that there is obviously an anti-incumbency mood in Nevada, yet expalin why Rory Reid trails Sandoval & Montandon? The answer … Harry Reid.

Rory Reid faces what will be an almost impossible task come this November and that is to separate himself from his most unpopular father, Harry Reid.  Presently, both GOP hopefuls for the Senate, Lowden and Tarkanian, are both polling over 50% while Harry Reid lags some 13% points behind. Harry Reid continues to champion the unpopular Obamcare bill in the Senate which will come back to haunt his son in the governors race.

The dilemma that Rory Reid faces is as follows, there is going to be a large amount of voter backlash against incumbent Senator Harry Reid during the midterm election and all of those same voters are hardly inclined to vote for Reid’s son. Rory can expect nothing more than the anti-Harry Reid coattails this November via proxy from the anti-Obama coattails.

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