Liberal Main Stream Media Bias Compares Bush to Ahmadinejad … CBS: “Meet Iran’s George W. Bush”
CBS should be ashamed of them self. Talk about your way over the top, liberal hate. CBS has compared Iran’s Holocaust denier, womens rights abuser, America-hating radical Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to George W. Bush … Meet Iran’s George W. Bush. Unreal. No wonder no one can take the MSM serious any more.
H/T: Gateway Pundit
From an article by The New Republic, “Meet Iran’s George W. Bush” they would actually compare Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to former President GWB. These people just do not stop with their hatred. If anything, people in America should be proud of their elections, even though they are not perfect, after watching what has occurred in Iran over the weekend. How lame, juvenile and armature must one’s research and mind be to actually compare a Jew-hating, genocidal nut job in Ahmadinejad to GWB? Really. Grow up and get some form of journalistic integrity.
The Leftist venom that was spewed during the 2000 and 2004 elections in making accusations against GWB can be used against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Grow up Libs and call hate for what it really is. People like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-Il and Hugo Chavez are evil people and enemies of the US, not GWB, Dick Cheney or the Republican party. However, sadly these days the LEFT cannot tell the difference.
It was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who had protesters arrested. It was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who silenced the media and cracked down of the information out of Iran regarding the elections.
As stated by the Gateway Pundit, CBS seems to have forgotten in their story the fact that Bush liberated over 50,000,000 Muslims from two of the most violent regimes in history and bringing democracy to the Middle East.
News Busters asks the question … “Will Bush Derangement Syndrome ever end?” It looks like the answer is no. Even after their Obamamessiah being elected, the LEFT is still inflicted with BDS.
Speaking of the Obamamessiah, why hasn’t he spoken out in favor of the Iranian reformers? Is it not supposed to be about change?
Posted June 15, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Government, Hypocrisy, Media, Media Bias, Middle East, Moonbats, Politics, War on Terror, World, WTF | 31 comments |
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31 Responses to “Liberal Main Stream Media Bias Compares Bush to Ahmadinejad … CBS: “Meet Iran’s George W. Bush””
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CBS,,,,,You suck!
Mahmoud I’m A Dinner Jacket—You suck! Complete box of Fruit Loops that man! Genocidal nut job is right. Some of us can’t pronounce his last name here in the US, but we know E V I L
when we see & hear it!
Excuse me for saying this, but he needs to be silenced completely. As in..with a bullet right in between the eyes, Thank you very much.
CBS Commie Broadcast Services. I won’t even turn on CBS for local news.
I think it was a typo, he meant to say Obama. Wait for when obama meets with ahmadinejad and gets the play book for the 2012 US election.
of course all the botswana barry owned media will report this and probably guided by none other than barry’s left nut robert gibbs.
they are trying to cover up the screw ups by botswana himself by blaming the previous administrations with these ridiculous accusations.
remember, on bush’s we never had terrorists walk up to military recruiting stations and murder innocent people. this is an obama trend with his weak ass policies and his muslim upbringing.
Where in the world could our current administration
possibly get a better deal on owning fantastic media
like CBS, NBC, etc. than in the good ole USA!
Obama gave the green light for Iran to go nuclear. Iran wants to drop a nuke on Israel. These are facts. Wake up! CBS is one of Obama’s sheep. CBS has given Letterman the green light to attack PAlIN! On June 8th 2009 Mr. Letterman “joked” that a female Governor of the United States is “slutty” this is what fascists do they call people names who do not agree with their agenda. They try to make them less human with their words. Discredit them. Letterman himself had a child out of wed lock. But he appoints himself as the morals police. CBS backed Letterman up with their silence. Watch another network, stop supporting fascists on TV.
tis truly tragic such a comparison was ever made
Besides that, the average American can’t help it if Floridian’s don’t know how to count…lol!
Seriously, don’t blame me when all hell breaks loose and da chit continues to hit da fan, time and time again…I voted for McCain
Anyone seen my reading glasses?
If only there had been away to take Ahmadinejad (along with the other hostage takers) OUT during the Iranian Hostage Crisis without causes harm to the hostages, the innocent Iranian people who want true reform and change wouldn’t have to be going through a living hell on earth right now!!
How disgusting.
How disgusting, let’s see how much they like Obama when he cuts their salary by 2/3rds., because they make too much money.
It’s called Obamaphobia.
Their brains are being turned to mush by the disease.
Read Daniel Estulin’s “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and also Leon Skousen’s “The Naked Capitalist.” Your world will be turned upsidedown because you represent the ignorant masses.
I quote Dave:”accusations.
remember, on bush’s we never had terrorists walk up to military recruiting stations and murder innocent people. this is an obama ”
you might tell those ppl in Iraq, it was a daily event
DOLF: i could sell you a clue, but i would be wasting my time. when you can tell us what you are talking about ( with some intelligence attached) please enlighten us.
The election reeks of the GWB and Gore ballot issue. They need to do a complete recount and let the Swiss tally up the votes. The only similarities that GWB and MA have in common are their beaty little eyes!
SUPER DAVE lost all credebility ages ago.Just take a look at his past racist, ignorant comments.Its like arguing with a drunk hillbilly.
well your statement that no terrorist walked up to a base and/or police a BIG BS.
that was happening on a daily basis
and still is
but to the point of this article……
the comparison between the 2…….I want the stuff that they were using writing this stuff
if your going to sell, I prefer to pay in USD
cheaper for me
can’t enlighten you, head is still full with the EU election BS
at least you have a president who is willing to act
we have a money slurping EU who can’t seem to handle anything except the usual bickering
dolf – all you do is spew BS and never back it up. NO SIR, OUR troops are not dying at the rate they were 8 years ago, not EVEN close. And no it’s not happening on a daily basis or the liberal media/NYT would be all over it. Get a clue and get a life of your own over there in WEEDVILLE!
What president is willing to act? Obama? On what? Dumping TRILLIONS INTO THE ECONOMY? Bush did that first, yet, Obama was the one who acted?!? Idiot!
Obama’s willing to act on North Korea? HAHAHA LOL! Obama’s willing to act on the Middle East? Yet GWB main foreign policy goal was to promote peace in the ME, yet Obama was the one to act?!? MORE IDIOTIC!
Obama has NOT acted on diddley squat except to make us look like pu$$ies in the eyes of the rest of the world. Success breeds jealously which is why liberal countries and towel head countries hate us, but Obama is sucking the success right out of the US.
Obama’s stimulus is a FAILURE! PERIOD! His dumbass VP said so himself in a round about way without making his boss out to be a typical spending liberal
Mainstream Media can’t be trusted, it’s dead. Get your news elsewhere!!
dolf: like i said ( with some sort of intelligence) and i’m still waiting ? can’t make heads or tails of your statements. they sound so foriegn.
SUPER DAVE on June 15th, 2009 12:50 pm
of course all the botswana barry owned media will report this and probably guided by none other than barry’s left nut robert gibbs.
they are trying to cover up the screw ups by botswana himself by blaming the previous administrations with these ridiculous accusations.
remember, on bush’s we never had terrorists walk up to military recruiting stations and murder innocent people. this is an obama trend with his weak ass policies and his muslim upbringing.
This part:
bush’s we never had terrorists walk up to military recruiting stations and murder innocent people.
I agree thankfully in the last periode of Bush it went down in Iraq, but before that……
so Obama is lucky with the Iraq situation, however the original problem (Afghanistan) is now escalating (all the muslim wacko are chased out of Iraq by the US armed forces), needless to say that they should have fixed problem (and directly linked with 9/11 attacks) no.1 first, before going after their favourite bad guy.
and with all respect to the militairy ppl, the Iraqy civvies were the ones who paid very very dearly.
Scott, are you shouting at your monitor when you type your replies?
You must do, cause you not reading what it says.
Does it say north Korea, does it say ME, did I mention Bush. Yes he is willing to act, it may not be how you want him to act, but he is acting nonetheless. I also noticed that that you scorn Obama both on North Korea and the Middle East, while you praise Bush on ME and forgot to scorn him about North Korea (or did you think you can make and plan the test of an atomic bomb in about 150 days?) and the accomplishments in the Middle East? He destroyed a country, didn’t do much to improve ties with Iran (granted, that Iranian president made that impossible), did nothing about the Israel situation, it even escalated.
ohyeah, the insulting of the muslim population also didn’t much good propably
the point of the acting remark was that I was wishing that the EU would finaly clean up its act (hell, create an act) and do something usefull
and we don’t think your pussies and I pitty the fool who does
and I rather have a VP who says something honest that he shouldn’t have, then a secretive dark guy who think the law and constitution shouldn’t aply to him.
but Dave, to me you are foreign too.
Folks, just look at these pictures and then read the comments of many Iranians begging for help from the USA.
Unfortunately, we have to tell them that it took three days of pressure to get our empty suit to utter a word. The American people can pray for Iranians but it’s not realistic to expect our empty suit to actually DO something to help them.
Today the news media was locked in their offices and told they would be arrested if found on the streets filming. Since then, it’s been reported via Twitter that 7 Iranians have been killed and the army has been turned loose on protesters. We can only watch as people aspire for freedom in a way that puts tea parties to total shame.
#26: the fact that i am an American is all you need to know. our country is heading in an un American direction.
peoples’ worship of obama is nothing more than skin color and a little popularity right now but it is slowly changing daily.
he bought his way into the presidency with no experience, illegal funding,illegal voting practices. and to top it off, spent a million dollars to hide his true identity. every thing about his presidency was bought , not earned.
Dave, that how you become US president, you buy it. The things you mentioned also aplied to GW Bush.
I do agree that the media is hyping Obama, but is that his fault or is it the media that just wants to hype every damn thing
nah, didn’t happen dolf. good try to blame the other guy but that’s obama’s trademark trick. al gore was the one doing the buying. even after the recount gore still lost.
obama’s presidency was paid for with illegal contributions from : stolen credit cards, phishing scasms run by the obama camp, illegal contributions from family, bullying voters at the polls.
Dave, you can’t be seriously buy that crap. You live in the USA not some African banana republic.