Obama Visits Troops in Iraq … “You have given Iraq the opportunity to Be a Democracy”, Even though Obama Opposed It


I was against the Iran Democracy before I was for it …

There is never a time, whether I voted or supported a president’s policies, that I would ever discourage any President from visiting US military troops. As a matter of fact, it should be a prerequisite that President visit our military at least 3 times a month to show thanks for what our brave men and women do for us and protect us every day. The full text of President Obama’s speech can be read here .

Ok all things previous said regarding Presidents visiting the troops to thank them, how exactly does Obama say the following with a straight face? This coming from the man who opposed the war and opposed the surge. A man who consistently said along with his part that the war in Iraq was a failure. In other words, had Obama been elected President in 2000, Iraq would still be under the rule of dictator Saddam, free elections would not have taken place and Iraq would not have been in the position to be a Democracy. This is head scratching.

Under enormous strain and under enormous sacrifice, through controversy and difficulty and politics, you’ve kept your eyes focused on just doing your job.  And because of that, every mission that’s been assigned — from getting rid of Saddam, to reducing violence, to stabilizing the country, to facilitating elections — you have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country.  That is an extraordinary achievement, and for that you have the thanks of the American people.  (Applause.)  That’s point number one.

Or you can read [with editor’s notes] can be read at Flopping Aces.

All those things they have to do. We can’t do it for them [oops, more Bush speech taken verbatim-hope no one notices]. But what we can do is make sure that we are a stalwart partner, that we are working alongside them, that we are committed to their success, that in terms of training their security forces, training their civilian forces in order to achieve a more effective government, they know that they have a steady partner with us. [WTF?! How much did we plagiarize from Bushitler?] And so just as we thank you for what [MISSIONS] you’ve already accomplished, I want to say thank you because you will be critical in terms of us being able to make sure that Iraq is stable, that it is not a safe haven for terrorists, that it is a good neighbor and a good ally, and we can start bringing our folks home [OMG, I think Rahm hired a Bush speech writer]. (Applause.) So now is not the time to lose focus. We have to be even more focused than we’ve been in order to achieve success [which I opposed, but now that I'm President...I damn well support!].

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  • Comments

    15 Responses to “Obama Visits Troops in Iraq … “You have given Iraq the opportunity to Be a Democracy”, Even though Obama Opposed It”

    1. Carpe on April 8th, 2009 12:28 pm

      Typical Obama double-speak.

      He says what he believes when he says it,
      and then changes it with the polls.

      Hey, who here is going to the gay, lesbian,
      and TRANSGENDER Easter Egg Roll coming up
      at the Whitehouse?

      Talk about irony! People that don’t have a
      prayer of producing eggs if their lives
      depended on it.

      Just what I want to see, Mrs. Doubtfire dry humpin’ the Easter Bunny. Yeee-hooooo

      Good times!

    2. SUPER DAVE on April 8th, 2009 2:09 pm

      i don’t believe that barry boy obama has ever served this country and probably would run like a chicken at the first skirmish.
      what a sad excuse for a president bowing and grabbing ankles to the muslims while dissing the Queen.
      goes to show where his loyalties lie !!

    3. HOPE on April 8th, 2009 2:58 pm

      One can only hope that his words are taken to heart. The sooner this occupation is over, the sooner our financial recovery. How much did that man-hunt cost us… but, more important than that, how many lives were lost? Eight years of George Bush, Jr. and what do we have to show for it? A bankrupt nation that served the interest of only ONE man… and his father.

      Live and learn…

    4. Michelle Smith on April 8th, 2009 10:03 pm


      I really wish you would stop with the Rhetoric that GWB bankrupted this country.It’s getting old. When Barack Obama has spent three times what Bush did and only in three months. All I’ve heard about is hope & change. So far I’ve seen nothing to be hopeful about and a socialist country is not the kind of change America needs. He’s a loser and will ruin this country.

      That’s all I’ve been hearing from the liberals is how Bush has destroyed this country. He had plenty to deal with in his 8 years with a war and 9/11, and lots of natural disasters that put a strain on the economy. Now the dems are in charge and what have they done? Spend even more money. It’s not okay for Bush to spend but it’s okay for Obama to spend? Yeah, that’s logic alright.

      Every time someone brings up something stupid that Barack Obama has done we have to listen to the same Bush bashing we’ve been hearing for the past 8 years and I’m really sick of it. Can you people come up with any new sayings or are you just going to keep repeating the same b.s. that the MSM feeds you? Can’t think for yourselves. Get it a rest already, the man is gone, he is no longer President. You should be happy, now move on.

    5. Michelle Smith on April 8th, 2009 10:05 pm

      #3 @Hope: “One can only hope that his words are taken to heart. The sooner this occupation is over, the sooner our financial recovery. How much did that man-hunt cost us… but, more important than that, how many lives were lost?”

      Seriously Hope, who takes anything that mans says seriously? He’s done nothing but lie. He says what he thinks you want to hear.

    6. HOPE on April 9th, 2009 1:21 am

      Is that it?

      Scared Monkeys has turned into a political nightmare for you? I don’t listen to anyone, including Obama, I read the news and comment on it… that’s all. From the looks of it… things are not going good. But, maybe we’ll get through the next four years or however long he’s in office and we won’t have to hear you whine.


      Are you aware of how many homeless people there are in this country? Do you have any idea of what this country is going through? I have worked my whole life and my work is not done. I live next door to a house that’s over financed and is owned by a bank. Would I be a socialist to prefer that someone give that home to one that needs it, or is that being kind? I am about to leave Scared Monkeys but I don’t need you or anyone else trying to boot me out the door… only for my spot on this blog to be taken over by racists and people who sleep with their guns to keep them warm at night.

      So… Michelle Smith, I wish peace upon you. That one day you will come to understand wisdom and realize that it’s not something you examine with a microscope or try to analyze, but something that you exercise.

      Good Night…

    7. Dolf on April 9th, 2009 1:39 am

      Michelle, he is a politician

      they all lie.

    8. ANewGirl on April 9th, 2009 5:27 am

      Michelle says,

      “Seriously, who takes anything that mans says seriously? He’s done nothing but lie. He says what he thinks you want to hear.”

      E X A C T L Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. scott on April 9th, 2009 6:26 am

      What is scary is that Obama really thinks he is GOD…seriously? How else could you say that you are going to shoot particles into the air to slow down a FICTIONAL global warming trend? How else could you say you can divert the rays of the sun? How else could you come off that you can change the direction of mother nature? The next thing we are going to hear is that he can divert hurricanes and tornadoes away! LOL!

      Welcome to the circus people!

    10. NY;r on April 9th, 2009 12:08 pm

      Obama is going to take the credit for what Bush has done.

    11. nurturer on April 9th, 2009 3:21 pm

      #7 – It’s not only the fact that he lies. Obambi lies in such a way that it insults the intelliegence of the electorate, by BLATANTLY saying one thing, and almost immediately doing the opposite, as if “we the people” are too stupid to notice.

      And that, my Little Liberals, is the definition of ARROGANCE.

    12. Michelle Smith on April 9th, 2009 9:18 pm

      @Hope “Are you aware of how many homeless people there are in this country? Do you have any idea of what this country is going through? I have worked my whole life and my work is not done. I live next door to a house that’s over financed and is owned by a bank. Would I be a socialist to prefer that someone give that home to one that needs it, or is that being kind? I am about to leave Scared Monkeys but I don’t need you or anyone else trying to boot me out the door… only for my spot on this blog to be taken over by racists and people who sleep with their guns to keep them warm at night.”

      What the hell does this have to do with the topic at hand?

    13. ANewGirl on April 10th, 2009 6:34 am

      #11, Hi, Nurturer. GREAT POST =)

      #7@ DOLF—Thanks for the newsflash that all Politicians lie- AS IF we really needed you to tell us that. DUH. So to you– and all other Ignoramus, Bleeding Liberal Heart Socialists Who Still Drink The Big “O” KoolAide:

      Do you get it? Will you EVER get it? Probably not, so we shouldn’t waste our time or keystrokes attempting to educate your feeble minds. Seriously, how many more mistakes can we watch OBUNGLE and his Administration make? They hosed millions of the mesmerized into voting for him—NOW WHAT? Like Nurturer points out—there are countless OTHER millions of Americans who are not as stupid as some of the general population apparently was….and now- maybe another couple million who are starting to catch on & wished they never voted for him. What does that get us all in the end? NOT MUCH !

      You heard it here, first on Scared Monkeys. We told you not to vote for that Empty Suit in front of a teleprompter—but you Libs just didn’t listen.

      How’s the first 90 days of this mess been for you? LOL What a Fricken’ joke!!! It’s a nightmare, and you can’t wake up from it or get out of it until 2012. Enjoy.

    14. SUPER DAVE on April 10th, 2009 10:14 am

      obammy baby mammy was sure blowing hard on this one !!

    15. boberton on April 11th, 2009 3:16 pm

      Obama is awesome no matter what anybody says. the end P.S. i hate whiteasses like you

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