Barack Obama Flip Flops on the Second Amendment and Gun Control … Internet You Tube Fact Checking
What ever happened to politicians taking a stand on an issue and holding to that position? We are not talking about positions that may change due to economic or social changes within our society like whether to drill offshore or not due to the ever rising price of oil. We are talking about positions regarding the Constitution and Amendments, like a position on the right to bear arms.
The folks at Hot Air make a very good point in that Barack Obama has yet to figure out You Tube or the instant fact checking capability of the internet. Fact checking and discovering candidate flip-flopping is no longer just the job of the media but now the duty of the many on the web.
Now, with video on line and millions of fact-checkers scrutinizing every statement, any obviously false statement will get exposed in short order. Yesterday’s assertion by Barack Obama that he never said the DC gun ban overturned by the Supreme Court was constitutional or that he supported it became the latest in his flip-flops to be exposed by a simple review of the videotape record:
In February 2008 Obama provides an explanation of how the DC gun ban is part of a Constitutional effort at gun control. Fast forward to June 26, 2008 after the SCOTUS ruled in favor of upholding the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution and declared the DC ban was unconstitutional. However, once again as the Gateway Pundit points out, “Bang! Bang!… Bambi Gunned Down on YouTube.”
Obama has done a complete 180 on gun bans, attempting to paint himself as a moderate when the paltry record of Obama’s political stands shows just the opposite. (Ed Morrissey, Hot Air)
Doesn’t Barack Obama sound like yet another past Democratic Presidential wannbe, John Kerry, in that he was for it before he was against it.
Obama: I was for the D.C. handgun ban before I was against it
Posted June 28, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Internet, Main, Politics, Presidential Election 2008, Supreme Court, You Tube - VIDEO | 15 comments |
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15 Responses to “Barack Obama Flip Flops on the Second Amendment and Gun Control … Internet You Tube Fact Checking”
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I am so sick of this toothpick….there is a picture of him on CNN….he looks drunk or high….he is an arrogant SOB….and of coarse we get the victory hand signals again….
Barack Obama’s position on the issues is very elusive. However … the real Obama’s ideology is revealed when you consider the Marxist, anti-American, racist, anti-Israel individuals/ organizations he has associated with in the past twenty years.
Americans … please do not pull that lever prior to researching who you deem worthy of the highest office in the land … the President of the United States of America.
Obama supports supreme court reversal of gun ban
Friday, June 27, 2008
Barack Obama intensified his campaign to appeal to voters on the life-and-death issues of the American heartland yesterday by stepping away from his past support for gun control …
“He ran to the left to get nominated, and he is running back to the centre in the general election,” said Larry Sabato, a politics expert at the University of Virginia. “You can call it flipflopping, or you can call it readjusting, or you can call it determined to win.”
Transcript: Rev. Jeremiah Wright speech to National Press Club
April 28, 2008
REV. WRIGHT: … We both know that if Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected. Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability …,0,3593201.story?page=6
Obama: ‘I’m a Pretty Darned Good Politician’
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
… I’m a pretty darn good politician. And I can give a pretty good speech and I can connect and inspire the American people in ways that I think will become apparent.
I am against regulations of any kind of gun laws for citizens of no violent crimes record. Am more in favor of laws jailing cops, judges, law makers or anyone so much as attempting to restrict our rights to bare arms fully intended and explained by our founding fathers to not be impeded.
And any capasity harrassing, restricting, or kidnapping a citizen for using a firearm, knife or hands in a plain to be seen case of self defense, obviously stranger against stranger…let them be locked up first.
Told you several times, I have had a bazzar and eventfull life. I have been through such an event…shame shame on the system. I was found not guilty and self defense. And there was a girl with me, there were 5 thugs. Every cop that touched me and jerked me arounds hands should have burned.
Our gov has to answer to us as long as we bare arms, too often control freeks who want to cause authority to be its gang, or those too limp to defend themselves or others want to overpower, with laws those they envy. Outside gov and rogue religion cannot easily rule us while we have arms. Thugs cannot bust the thin shield of civilazation and run wild while we have a right to defend ourselves. Excuses do not have to be made for our rights to bare, it is all provided in our document and memtioned not to be tampered with. As a juror I would favor the self defender any time, no law can change it, and I would no t be so stupid to remove myself from the pool.
Obama is the most frieghtening thing I have seen for our nation. Worse than the cold war of the 60′s and 70′s, worse than polio, more to fear than of bird flu, his coming is cancer. He is so very against our rights, rights I just do not think Americans will give up without a fight. Already we have a situation of ‘just how many guns is a cashe’. Other countries did hand over the guns, yes, but perhaps not here. ANd that is frightening. Obama does not care about supporting our rights, he wants his power accompanied by his company he keeps to judge him by. HIs double speek on guns is the most eggregeous flag on him to date, though I think it will slip by most of the public.
Due to recent shootings — quite a few — of young people in Chicago over that last six months, there have been many protests against violence and for gun control. Obama’s advisor and long time associate, Father Pfleger, was on television earlier this week calling for stricter gun control laws after another shooting. Chicago has had a ban on handguns since the 80′s and within hours of the Supreme Court ruling, the Illinois Rifle Association and NRA filed to challenge Chicago’s law. I’d like to see Obama and Pfleger discuss this together on O’Reily or Larry King or Hannity and Colmes.
REV. WRIGHT: … We both know that if Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected. Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability …
Replace McCain with Obama to explain his flip flop on illegal alien amnesty when he speaks to Americans and then when he speaks to “La Raza” ?
dont ya just think all of these- well most of them are the scummiest bunch of pathetic losers
that couldnt hold down a real job if their lives
depended on it.
obama is dangerous to America
Obama is a big hypocrite and seriously dangerous to
I read in CNN where 60 cars were spray painted in Orlando with the words “Obama smokes crack”….
it think he said close to same thing in both clips.
he has to do a lot more flip-flopping to get even remotely close to the master of flip-floppery, John McCain.
Well if it spray painted on cars it must be true!
Just like the presentation of “reality” and “news” must be true as long as a person on cable TV is saying it.
Correction: The only way for it to be a “fact” is if the talking head on TV says it, in conjunction with a graphic text at the bottom of the screen spelling out what the talking head is saying. Then we know it is 100% true.
Obama 2008
“Well if it spray painted on cars it must be true!
Just like the presentation of “reality” and “news” must be true as long as a person on cable TV is saying it.
Correction: The only way for it to be a “fact” is if the talking head on TV says it, in conjunction with a graphic text at the bottom of the screen spelling out what the talking head is saying. Then we know it is 100% true.
Obama 2008″
What the H are you talking about? I think Brie was just pointing out a news story, not finding truth in what was spray painted. I maybe out of place but c’mon.
“Due to recent shootings — quite a few — of young people in Chicago over that last six months, there have been many protests against violence and for gun control. Obama’s advisor and long time associate, Father Pfleger, was on television earlier this week calling for stricter gun control laws after another shooting. Chicago has had a ban on handguns since the 80’s and within hours of the Supreme Court ruling, the Illinois Rifle Association and NRA filed to challenge Chicago’s law. I’d like to see Obama and Pfleger discuss this together on O’Reily or Larry King or Hannity and Colmes.”
Proof that “gun control” does not work. There is a “ban” on hand guns and yet people are getting shot. How does that happen?
“it think he said close to same thing in both clips.”
He always says the same thing “flipitty do da, flipitty day, my oh my what a wonderful day!”
More Republican flipfloporama. Someone put a “flip flop” label on this post and then juxtaposed two CONSISTENT statements by Obama.
In both, he said that individuals have a Second Amendment right to bear arms, but that right can be limited by reasonable regulations. That is the approach the Supreme Court adopted, and that’s why he said he largely agrees with it. The only difference is that in applying this approach to this particular case, the DC law appeared reasonable to Obama, but unreasonable to five of the Supreme Court justices.
These flip flop claims are becoming a joke.
SM: Spare us … Obama is beginning to make John Kerry looks like a stalwart on position. And the latest that has the LEFT up in arma … Obama’s flip-flop on immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Obama is a clown and will lie, cheat and steal to become President. That is far from what he claims he is. Seems to be he has become very comfortable with being a DC insider.
i think that gun control should always be imposed at all times to reduce violence.~-’