Atlanta Neighborhood Group Warning Residents of a John Mark Karr Sighting

Although John Mark Karr has been convicted of no crime that would have made him register as a sex offender, the attention he has brought upon himself and his actions have basically given people the willies.

Karr has not been convicted of any crime that would require him to register as a sex JohnMarkKarrLKLoffender or restrict where he can live or work.

“I understand he is a free man, but everything I’ve read about him seems a little unbalanced,” said Kim Berry, a mother of three teenagers who lives several houses away from the elder Karr. “It’s not a good situation.”

A local neighborhood group, The Chastain Park Civic Association, have sent thousands of emails out to home owners announcing that John Mark Karr was now living in their community into his fathers home. A home close to a play ground and a well to do Atlanta area. There go the property values.


The Chastain Park Civic Association sent an e-mail Thursday to its 2,000 member homeowners announcing that John Mark Karr had moved into his father’s home in the well-to-do Atlanta neighborhood where houses sell for more than $600,000.

The e-mail noted that Wex Karr’s house is about three blocks from a playground. (AP)

George Michaels On Drugs … George, Just Say GO

George Michaels admits smoking pot because it keeps him “sane & happy”. George, you mayJust_say_no want to rethink the sane part in that sentence. Here are some words of wisdom from the George “my career is up in smoke” Michaels. George, just say no. Better than that … just go.

“This stuff keeps me sane and happy. I could write without it…if I were sane and happy. I’d say it’s a great drug – but obviously it’s not very healthy. You can’t afford to smoke it if you’ve got anything to do. Anything at all would be foolish.”

Puffing away, George said dope was “very good for creative people”. But he added: “It can be a terrible, terrible drug.

“You’ve got to be in the right position in life to take it. You’ve got to have achieved most of your ambitions because it chills you out to such a degree you could lose your ambitions.” (The Mirror)

Posted October 20, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity | 14 comments

Lieberman has the “Joementum”. So Much for the Democratic Primaries in CT and Ned Lamont

Ned Lamont meet Joementum … Anyone who actually thought that Ned Lamont had a snowballs chance of winning the CT Senate seat was either delusional Joementumor part of the left wing blogosphere who attacked Joe Lieberman unmercifully during the Democratic Primaries. After losing to Lamont in the primaries, Independent Joe Lieberman has been ahead in the polls and has never looked back. Now some polls show that he has a 17 point lead at 52–35%. Lieberman has pretty much a commanding lead in ever poll.

The poll suggested that Lieberman’s support among Republicans and independent voters was substantial.

Lieberman leads Lamont 70 percent to 9 percent among likely Republican voters, with 18 percent for Schlesinger, and 58-36 among likely independent voters. Likely Democratic voters back Lamont, 55 percent to 36 percent.

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Posted October 20, 2006 by
Politics | 5 comments

London Police Search for Serial Rapist in the Caribbean

The London police are on the hunt for a serial rapists who has attacked nearly 100 men and women in Britain.

According to a police profile pieced together from interviews with victims, the suspect is an Afro-Caribbean man in his late 30s. He is tall, athletic, and has lived in south London or the south coast city of Brighton for some time, Morgan said.

Police say the suspect has sexually assaulted 88 elderly women and 10 elderly men in southeast London since 1990. The attacks have often been separated by several years, said London police Detective Superintendent Simon Morgan.

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Posted October 20, 2006 by
Crime, Sex Offender, Travel | 5 comments

Daily Commentary -Dana Pretzer Friday October 20th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Police Funding
  • Video Games 

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time – 2 minutes 20 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Posted October 20, 2006 by
Podcast | one comment

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