Brian Rooney Pleads Not Guilty in the Strangulation of Michelle Gardner-Quinn

Why does this come as no shock to anyone?  Brian Rooney pleads not guilty in the strangulation and murder of Michelle Gardner-Quinn. With all the evidence piling up against him, including DNA … the process of innocent until proven guilty goes forward.

Why do this cases begin to sound familiar? Who does this remind one of? I wondered if he walked home or got a ride from a friend in a silver car that night he last saw Michelle Gardner-Quinn?

1. Brian Rooney was the last person known to be with Michelle Gardner-Quinn as it was taped by a surveillance camera.

2. The use and blame of alcohol within the act of a potential crime.

Rooney, who told police he was intoxicated the night he met Gardner-Quinn, said when he was arrested on unrelated sex charges that he didn’t remember what happened that night and must have blacked out, according to the affidavit released Wednesday.

“I honestly don’t know what I did that night. If I did it I deserve to die,”

That comment by Rooney sounds a little like this one.

I don’t blame them for that at all. I mean, like I said, if I was… if I was looking at this from the outside, I’d think I had something to do with it because, you know, a lot of stuff happened that’s just weird, that just doesn’t make sense, either. (JVDS interview with Greta, March 1 & 2, 2006)

Read the rest at Missing and Exploited.

Posted October 27, 2006 by
Crime, Missing Persons | 2 comments

Daily Commentary – Friday October 27th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Micheal J. Fox and Politics

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time – 1 minutes 33 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Posted October 27, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 3 comments

VA Senate Race … James Webb May Have Some Explaining to do Regarding his Novels

The Virginia Senate race just hit one of those WTH moments. In this day and age when one Makeyougohmmruns for political office, they best be ready to explain things from the past. Everything is under a microscope.  Does it make the campaigns productive, no. But, unfortunately that is the political environment of today facing both sides. This one might need some explaining.

From The Drudge Report, Senator George Allen, R-VA, unleashed a press release late Thursday that exposed his rival’s fiction writing, which includes graphic underage sex scenes. I realize these books are works of fiction, but you know there are certain limits. I really have to question how in the hell someone would run for office knowing that such “over the top” writing was in his past. With the close scrutiny and vetting that takes place in choosing a candidate, especially for the Senate one really has to wonder why no one in the Democratic Party did not think this may be an issue. Virginia is far from a liberal, blue state.  There is a big difference between authoring books and running for office. What one does and gets away with in the private sector is much different than the public one.  Never was it more evident.

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Posted October 27, 2006 by
Bizarre, Media, Politics, WTF | 7 comments

Nicole Richy Checks into Treatment Center for “Lack of Weight” issue, Say it isn’t So

Who could have seen this one coming? Nicole Richie checks into treatment center for her eating disorder. She seemed so healthy in all the photos, eesh.

Richie, the 25-year-old daughter of singer Lionel Richie, has publicly acknowledged her obvious loss of weight in recent months, telling Vanity Fair magazine: “I know I’m too thin right now. … I’m not happy with the way I look.” (MSNBC)

Forget about how you look Nicole, deal with your health and the way you feel.  All kidding aside, these conditions are serious and we truly hope Nicole Richie is sincere and gets the help she needs.

Posted October 27, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity | 4 comments

Muslim Cleric Compares Woman to “Uncovered Meat” … and they rioted over cartoons?

Isn’t this special? We have seem Muslims riot over cartoons that cause them to burn cars, SheiktajdinalhilaliGhomes and businesses. But when some of the most eye popping comments are made about woman, that’s perfectly normal. Gee Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, how do you really feel? Don’t beat around the bush or anything.

A Muslim cleric’s claim that women who do not wear the veil are like ‘uncovered meat’ who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia yesterday.

Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation’s most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.

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Posted October 26, 2006 by
Bizarre, Religion, World | 26 comments

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