If Democrats Lose, Pelosi Will Say Election Was Stolen

PelosiThe democratic party even if they win is working hard to undermine the concept of open and free elections. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, has already announced that if they lose it will be because the Republicans stole the election.

Pelosi cautioned that the number of Democratic House victories could be higher or lower and said her greatest concern is over the integrity of the count — from the reliability of electronic voting machines to her worries that Republicans will try to manipulate the outcome.

“That is the only variable in this,” Pelosi said. “Will we have an honest count?’’ via SFGate

So instead of the time honored tradition of fighting the good fight during the campaign, the Democratic Party as they have shown in 2000 and 2004 are not going to stop after the election is over. They will use every tool and every method at their disposal to cast dispersions on the results as long as they do not win.

And what is sad, this is much worse than sour grapes. It is undercutting an institution and I think that this is their ultimate goal. The democrats claim to be the party of the people, but when you see their leadership it is a collection of elitists that are amazed at their own reflection in the mirror (see John Kerry). And these elitists know what is best for you and your families.

If the Republicans win today, and we hope they do for many social, economic, and military reasons, we hope the Democrats are respectful and do not turn the country into turmoil as they have in past years.

But I doubt they will.

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 23 comments

Daily Commentary – Tuesday November 7th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Borat and Kazakhstan

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site to download or listen to the podcast here. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 2 comments

Danny R. Rouse, 51, Paroled Child Killer, Kills again … this time its Stephanie Wagner

One really needs to wonder sometimes what Parole Boards are thinking. How does a convicted child killer get released out into the public?

Danny R. Rousse was previously convicted of killing a 5 year old boy. 26 years later he was paroled and let out on to an unsuspecting public. Guess how long it took this dirt bag to kill again? Hint … its months not years. Read the full and tragic story at Missing & Exploited. We all need to be outraged at this case.

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Child Welfare, Crime, Murder | 5 comments

The PEW Report that Has Democrats Extremely Worried on the Eve of Midterms … Major Swing to Republicans

The Pew Research Center has published a poll that is more than eye opening. On the surface, it states that, “Republicans Cut Democratic Lead in Campaign’s Final Days; Democrats Hold 47%-43% Lead Among Likely Voters”. Why are Democrats panicking? One month ago Democrats were ahead by 13. More than a month ago the number was in the 20’s. Read the full report, or the all important cross-tabs.


The Captain Quarter’s has done a tremendous job on extracting some of the most important information from The Pew Report that has to have Democratic leaders and pundits perplexed.

The last Pew Research poll was taken in early October. In a month the following has occurred

  • The Democrats have lost non-minorities altogether. The gap among all whites went from +5 Democrats to +5 GOP, a ten-point swing.
  • White females had supported Democrats by a 15-point margin and a majority (55-40), but now give the GOP a 2-point lead.
  • The Democrats have also lost the middle class, a big problem in this election.
  • Households earning between $50K-$75K and $30K-$50K have both slipped to the GOP. The former switched from a 14-point margin for the Democrats to an eight-point Republican lead, while the latter has had an even more dramatic shift. Those earners had favored Democrats by 22 points, but now go Republican by 3.
  • The Democrats even lost the tie they had with earners above $75K, and now trail there by seven. They did extend their margin for earners below $30K from 25 points to 30.

One thing is for certain that momentum is on the side of Republicans heading into tomorrow’s midterm elections. The question is whether this momentum will continue to affect some vital close races in the House and Senate. The following Senate races have become interesting to say the least. The stated 6 to 8 seats that Democrats have boasted they would pick up, may turn into a last minute fizzle. Did the Democrats once again over play their hand and celebrate too early? Momentum is clearly on the side of the Republican party and a motivated base. Tomorrow will tell the real answers. Or at least after all the law suits and voter fraud allegations.

Memorandum From RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman: Another Poll Confirms GOP Momentum

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Politics, Polls | 2 comments

USS Intrepid No Match for the Hudson River Mud

For those familiar with NYC and the Hudson River, the fact that the USS Intrepid gut stuck in the mud comes as no surprise. To other it almost sounds like a stereotypical joke regarding the Hudson River. I am reminded of the movie, ‘National Treasure,’ when Nicolas Cage (Ben Gates) dives into The Hudson off the USS Intrepid. Harvey Kietel asks that memorable and comical question while receiving the all to honest answer:

Sadusky: Agent Dawes, do you have a visual? Do you see Gates in the water?
Agent Dawes: Sir? It’s the Hudson. Nothing is visible.

Such was the case for the USS Intrepid’s efforts to move her to dry dock in Bayonne, NJ,The USS Intrepid for a $60 million renovation. It would appear that 6 tug boats with a combined 30,000 hp were no match for the Hudson River mud and sludge as the tugs could only move the floating military museum 15 feet.

Six tugs pulled with a combined 30,000 horsepower but moved the Intrepid only about 15 feet. Not even an unusually high tide could free the 27,000-ton, 872-foot-long ship from the ooze.

“We had the sun, the moon and the stars in alignment, and it was just a very disappointing day for us,” said Bill White, president of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.

The Intrepid has been moored at a pier on Manhattan’s West Side for 24 years, during which time silt accumulated as deep as 17 feet around its keel. The decommissioned ship no longer has engines, but it does still have its four propellers, each about 15 feet across, and they got stuck in the mud. (AP)

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Bizarre, Fun, Military | 4 comments

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