Virgina Senate Race: (R) George Allen vs. (D) Jim Webb

How close can this race get? A must win Senate seat for either party if they wish to gain control of the Senate.

Precincts Reporting: 2376 of 2443 (97.26%)

  • George Allen (R)  1,112,169 49.55%
  • Jim Webb (D) 1,105,270 49.24%

Get updated results here … Commonwealth of VA

UPDATE I: WOW. Looks like this one will go to a recount and maybe more.

Precincts Reporting: 2423 of 2443 (99.18%)

  • George Allen (R) 1,141,753 49.44%
  • Jim Webb (D) 1,139,885 49.36%

UPDATE II: (From Llama Butchers)12:10 AM Wednesday 1865 vote spread for Allen on the state’s website. Cue Twilight Zone music..

UPDATE III: 12:28am And here comes the late counting precincts for Webb … arg …

Precincts Reporting: 2425 of 2443 (99.26%)

  • Allen (R) 1,146,952
  • Webb (D) 1,148,750

UPDATE IV: It appears that this will go to a recount with 99.8% of precincts reporting, (D) Webb has a 6859 vote advantage. Barring some unforeseen situation, Webb will win this seat and another pick up for Democrats.

UPDATE V (11/8/06): Jim Webb’s victory over Sen. George Allen in Virginia assured Democrats of 51 seats

Jim Webb’s victory over Sen. George Allen in Virginia assured Democrats of 51 seats when the Senate convenes in January. That marked a gain of six in midterm elections in which the war in Iraq and President Bush were major issues. (Breitbart)


Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 8 comments

TN Senate Race: (R) Bob Corker vs (D)Harold Ford Jr.

With 71% of the precincts reporting, Republican Bob Corker has a 52 – 47 lead of Bob CorkerDemocratic Harold Ford Jr. This is a must win for the Republican party if they plan on retaining control of the US Senate. Bob Corker has lead from the early going in the vote count.

The last Rasmussen poll prior to the election gave Corker a 51 – 47 lead. It appears that the election is following very true to that poll.

UPDATE I: TN – U.S. Senate
71% Precincts Reporting
  Bob Corker Republican 730,356 (52%)
  Harold Ford Democrat 666,216 (47%)
  Ed Choate Independent 8,069 (1%)
  David Gatchell Independent 2,830 (0%)
  Bo Heyward Independent 2,689 (0%)
  Gary Keplinger Independent 2,328 (0%)
  Chris Lugo Independent 1,849 (0%)

(Fox News)

UPDATE II: TN – U.S. Senate
86% Precincts Reporting

  Bob Corker Republican 821,553 (51%)
  Harold Ford Democrat 763,300 (48%)
  Ed Choate Independent 9,191 (1%)
  David Gatchell Independent 3,198 (0%)
  Bo Heyward Independent 3,074 (0%)
  Gary Keplinger Independent 2,640 (0%)
  Chris Lugo Independent 2,025 (0%)

UPDATE III: If there is one consolation to this night, looks like Corker has won Tennessee. Isn’t that a blessing in so many ways that cannot be explained in mere words. Thank god.

 Republican Corker wins Tenn. Senate seat

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 2 comments

MD Senate Race: Ben Cardin (D) declared victor over Michael Steele (R) … NOT SO FAST

With only a small percentage of the vote counted, Cardin is declared the victor in the Maryland US Senate race over Republican challenger Michael Steele. This was the wild card race as many thought that Steele might pull off the upset.

One think is for certain, Michael Steele showed himself to be a great candidate and will be on the national stage for some time to come. He ran one of the best campaigns of all of the Republican candidates this year. In a state that is 2 to 1 Democrats to Republicans, Steele did himself proud. He will be back.

We agree with Lorie Byrd at WIZBANG, this loss was “the heartbreak of the night”.

With the Republican Senate losses of Rick Santorum in PA, Lincoln Chafee in RI and DeWine in OH the Republican control of the US Senate is looking bleak. Conventional wisdom was that Democrats would most likely gain control of the House, but Republicans would keep control of the Senate, even if a slim majority. Now that is not looking good. Republican control of the Senate hinges on four races: (Democrats need to win 3 of 4)

Keep up to date with the CNN Senate tracking

  • (R) Corker vs (D) Ford Jr in Tennessee (As of 10:10 EDT Corker leads 52–47)
  • (R) Talent vs (D) McCaskill in Missouri (Talent leads 53–43)
  • (R) Allen vs (D) Webb in Virginia (Allen leads 50–49)
  • (R) Burns vs. Tester in Montana (no precincts reporting yet)

UPDATE I: Not so fast says NRO. This is rather interesting, hope its not just wishful thinking. TKS of National Review is not buying the Michael Steele loss. Hmmm. That would make my night. We shall see, love to see it when a network has to pull back a prediction. Especially when they make the call from exit polling.

They don’t buy the CNN and ABC call on Cardin. The early numbers have Steele up, and they have a lot of absentees that won’t get counted for a while. That’s based entirely on exit polls, which are wrong. (NRO)

UPDATE II: As Michelle Malkin states, “Michael Steele not conceding”

“The Steele campaign is not conceding. Every vote must be counted.” (NRO)

UPDATE III: MD – U.S. Senate
48% Precincts Reporting
Michael Steele  Republican 348,232 (50%)
Ben Cardin Democrat 331,924 (48%)
Kevin Zeese    Green 11,242 (2%)

UPDATE IV: MD – U.S. Senate
57% Precincts Reporting

Ben Cardin Democrat 391,027 (50%)
  Michael Steele Republican 374,807 (48%)
  Kevin Zeese Green 12,832 (2%)
Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 3 comments

Joementum prevails … Joe Lieberman (I) defeats Ned Lamont (D) for CT US Senate seat

Joe Liberman (I) defeats far left Democratic opponent Ned Lamont in Connecticut US Senate race.

Branded a traitor and rejected by the Democratic Party, Sen. Joe Lieberman completed a dramatic political comeback Tuesday by defeating anti-war challenger Ned Lamont to win a fourth term. (FOX News)

A rather interesting victory in that the far left candidate was defeated. Which begs the question. If the Democrats pick up the necessary seats to win the Senate majority back tonight, what will the make up look like? Far left? Or very moderate? The extreme left of the Senate may have some opposition within their own party. After all, Lieberman voted for and supports the war in Iraq.

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Politics | 5 comments

Bill Clinton’s Legacy … Its all about his Legacy …24/7/365 … No matter what the joke is about

The Bill Clinton Legacy … He should have been a Stand Up Comedian


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

Bill Clinton is an amazing man who works incredibly hard on so many
things at once. Twenty-four-seven defending his Legacy, helping the
Mrs. determine the real source of her first name, stumping for Prop 87,
soliciting funds for well intentioned world-saving initiatives, making speeches, offering advice, and personally feeling all our pain. What a guy!  His wife may be running for a couple of jobs herself.

Bill Clinton’s legacy will always be remembered for his one liners of jokes and being the brunt of many jokes himself. What is most amazing is that in a post 9–11 world, former President Bill Clinton can make light of terrorism and illegal immigration as he did while campaigning for Senate candidate Ben Cardin in MD. How terrorism and illegal immigration can be made a joke just makes one wonder about the Democratic Party. Do they really take these issues seriously? Obviously not, stand up comedian Bill Clinton thinks the issues and positions that Democrats take are laughing matters.


(Watch Bill Clinton’s comedy routine … is it really a joking matter?)

Posted November 7, 2006 by
Bizarre, Fun, Politics | 15 comments

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