Beth Holloway Twitty to Speak About Spiritual Journey at Samford University

Beth Twitty will speak at Samford University in Birmingham, AL Monday November 13 at Sanford7:30 p.m. in Reid Chapel. Beth will talk about her spiritual journey from the disappearance of her daughter, Natalee Holloway, though the ordeal of dealing with Aruba and offer safe travel tips.

Beth Holloway Twitty, mother of disappeared Mountain Brook, Alabama, teenager Natalee Holloway, will speak at Samford on Monday November 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Reid Chapel. Twitty, who became the focus of intense international attention after the still-unexplained disappearance of her daughter from a school trip to Aruba in 2005, will speak about her spiritual journey through the ordeal and offer travel safety tips.

The event is free of charge and open to the public. For event information, direct email to

Come to Samford University and listen to Natalee’s mom.

Saddam Hussein’s Hanging Coming Soon To a Theatre Near You?

Saddam’s execution coming soon to a theater near you. Well, not unless you live in Kolkata, GallowsIndia. They are expecting huge profits from “Saddam at the Gallows” in the “jatras”. Wow, Saddam’s hanging and a puppet show all in the same matinee … fine family entertainment.

The play opens in a high-security prison where Saddam is being held, with a debate about whether hanging him is the right thing to do. The curtain falls with Saddam being led away to the gallows.

“We are deliberating whether to enact Saddam’s hanging live on stage because many people may not like it,” Roy said. (Reuters)

Go figure, many people may not like a “live hanging”. Who knew? I bet many Kurds would beg to differ with you. With all the recent success of Borat in the United States and movie companies trying to buy into its success; would it be out of the question to have Saddam’s hanging on pay-per-view? I bet that would help pay for the war in Iraq. (That was sarcasm)

Posted November 10, 2006 by
Bizarre, War on Terror, World | 5 comments

Elections Have Consequences … You Have got to be Kidding? War advice from Mc Govern to Congress

File this one under …  don’t ask for things, they might come true.McGovern

So we have the UN happy over the Democratic take over of the House and Senate. Then we have Dictators, Islamofascists Celebrate Democratic Gains. So how does it get worse?

George McGovern is to meet with Congress to recommend a strategy to remove US troops from Iraq. Good God, you have got to be kidding. I have to agree with Red State, I am at a complete and total loss for words. Um, George … what drew the Islamofascists to kill nearly 3000 people on 9–11? McGovern? Didn’t the American people already voice their opinion on McGovern back in 1972?

“The best way to reduce this insurgency is to get the American forces out of there,” McGovern said. “That’s what’s driving this insurgency.”

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Daily Commentary – Friday November 10th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

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Posted November 10, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

Its Already Beginning … Democratic Post Election Comments … What Democratic Civility?

In the spirit of Democratic bipartisanship and post election good will, we are presented with the following comment from one of the most senior, Democratic members of the House and the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee … Elections have consequences and they do matter.

“Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?” (Charlie Rangel D-NY)

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Posted November 10, 2006 by
Politics, WTF | 11 comments

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