National Enquirer article on Natalee Holloway … Is it Natalee?

NE, nice story … hardly an exclusive.


(National Enquirer)

Ah, NE … this is hardly an exclusive picture. Those that follow this case on the internet have been analyzing this picture for months. Among many others.


Many have had this picture saved in their photo bucket for months

Let’s not forget the 100’s of pictures that Carpe has done as well.

Web sleuths began started seriously looking at the white plastic bag in June 2006, let alone the Arubay videos had been scrutinized long before that. Like many things that wind up in the MSM, they originated from the internet long before.

Posted November 16, 2006 by
Bizarre, Media, Natalee Holloway | 133 comments

Is this the sign of the Apocalypse? Michael Jackson & OJ Simpson attempting Comebacks.

The apocalypse or the sign that the media has totally lost touch with reality? Why can’t the media let these people go away into the abyss where they belong? Listen to the following commentary regarding OJ.

Its a simple question,  is the end near? Is it the sign of the apocalypse? Michael Jackson and JacksonOJ Simpson both back in the spotlight. Why is the media giving them the time of day?

 Michael “whacko” Jackson attempts a comeback, even though most reports say it was no Thriller, in fact it was more frightening.

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Posted November 16, 2006 by
Bizarre, Crime, Media, Murder, WTF | 5 comments

Nancy Pelosi: Wins 0 Loss 1, House Democrats Defy Pelosi and Elect Steny Hoyer … Pelosi’s Mandate?

Nancy Pelosi suffers a major defeat right off the bat.  Ã‚  MadameSteny_Hoyer Speaker, maybe you haven’t a clue why the midterm elections went the way they did. If you bet on Pelosi backed John Murtha as the next Democratic House Majority leader, you lose.

Spin it anyway you want Madame Speaker Pelosi, you just lost some major street cred. House Democrats defied Nancy Pelosi and named Maryland Representative Stenny Hoyer as House Majority leader. This after Nancy Pelosi openly backed and stumped for John Murtha.

Steny Hoyer was elected 149 -86 over Murtha. That’s going to leave a mark. This has to be one of the most foolish moves ever by a Speaker-elect. Nancy Pelosi’s boy got 37% of the House Democrat’s vote after Pelosi vigorously backed him. Nancy, can we say you have no mandate?

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Posted November 16, 2006 by
Nancy Pelosi, Politics | 7 comments

Aruban Minister accused of assault … Will Aruba take this crime Seriously?

So will Aruba take this alleged crime seriously? According to Amigoe, a woman has filed an assault complaint against a minister of the Oduber cabinet, “It is not clear whether the charge is assault, sexual intimidation, or even rape”. It is being reported that the minister being accused of assault has left the island for Miami. Funny how the rats always flee the ship. Just another blemish on “One Happy Island”.

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Nancy Pelosi … Madame Speaker … Are you really “ready to govern?”

Nancy Pelosi, for my first act I will show a lack of judgment and enter into  a no win situation

All is not well in Democratville … Can’t they all just get along?


(Vanderbilt — ’06)

Plans change over time to suit circumstances. The new speaker is ‘ready to govern’.
What is the plan to ‘win the war on terror’? Let’s hope that the ‘GREEN PLAN’ is not the only plan on the minds of those who are
sworn to give a NEW DIRECTION to the American People!

Why would anyone make their first order of business and damage their credibility and power as speaker back someone like Murtha where Nancy Pelosi railed during the midterm elections about political   and lobbyist scandals? It would seem Nancy Pelosi cares little about political scandal, only if its Republican. Is that what people voted for?

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Posted November 16, 2006 by
Bizarre, Nancy Pelosi, Politics | 6 comments

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