Sorry Charlie , No Draft For You

TunacharlieWell, this is going to be fun. The incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Charlie Rangel, Democrat from New York, wants the draft to be reinstated. He is even saying he will propose it next year as he has in the past. Originally the reasoning that Rangel used for reinstating the draft was because the poor and minorities were over represented in the Armed Services. Of course, once studies were done this was quickly disproved. Now the reasoning goes is that he thinks politicians will be less inclined to send their children to war if they have the chance to be drafted. But the truth is coming in this article:

He said having a draft would not necessarily mean everyone called to duty would have to serve. Instead, “young people (would) commit themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic, whether it’s our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals,” with a promise of educational benefits at the end of service.

Instead of having the military be the proud and eminently competent fighting force that it is now, which drives the liberals nuts by the way, Rangel wants to transform the military into a jobs program that can be deployed to whatever special interest needs free labor.

Now that will get the liberals all a twitter. Join the military and help register voters with ACORN. You too can join the military and never even think of having to fight. And the cool part is that we will never have to cut the budget because cutting the military’s spending is next to impossible.

Sorry, Charlie, this Army will do much better without your draft.

Update: Even those on the Left see that Charlie Rangel is deranged.

Posted November 19, 2006 by
Politics | 11 comments

Illegal Immigration – Has It Gone Too Far?

Illegal_mobImagine a company caught in a vice, on one side is the federal government telling them they face severe fines if they have illegal aliens at their plant. On the other side are union organizers that are motivating the workers to have walkouts if immigration status for employees continues to be checked. That is the pickle the Smithfield Packing Company of Tar Heel, North Carolina is facing.

The company is doing a review of their employees making sure that the social security numbers they were given match up with the records from the Social Security administration. If they do not, the employees have the right to explain why they do not. Simple enough.

Well, not really. Smithfield Packing Company is facing walkouts by its mainly Hispanic workforce because they think this is unfair. So a company that decides to follow the law is being accused by their workforce of being unfair. Don’t you get the feeling that the immigration debate has been turned upside down? I do.

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Contest: Name What’s on the back of the Rock Painter’s T-Shirt

So What’s the Pic on this Guy’s T-Shirt form the Rock Painting?



Posted November 18, 2006 by
Aruba, Bizarre | 39 comments

One Big Happy Family

We have been blessed to have Bud Vanderbilt doing cartoons for us the past year, but we also want to remind you of what a great cartoons our friends at Cox and Forkum are doing.


Go visit Cox and Forkum at their site. It is worth the price of admission.

Posted November 18, 2006 by
Politics | no comments

Coreen Wiese, Missing in Maine … Could She have Faked her Disappearance?

Coreen Wiese, a 15 year old Bonney Eagle High School student, as been missing since Coreen_Wiese22November 8, 2006. Originally the Saco River was searched for the missing teen in the Buxton, ME area. Heavy rain recently has made searching the rivers difficult. Then it was reported that suicide notes were found. Now some are thinking she may have faked her death.


Read the full story at Missing & Exploited, including links to her MySpace account, FBI involvement and previous posts of alleged suicide notes. Coreen Wiese is missing and needs to be located.

Posted November 18, 2006 by
Missing Persons | no comments

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