Larry Garrison to the rescue as Spokesman for Jacque Hollander in the James Brown Rape Appeal Suit: Pipe Dream or Brown’s Worst Nightmare

According to reports, Larry Garrison of SilverCreek Entertainment is the spokesperson for James-BrownJacque Hollander in her rape law suit against James Brown. Hollander claims that in 1988 James Brown raped her at gun point. She is presently appealing the ruling of a lower court that stated the statute of limitations expired.

The opposing council, Debra Opri, has called Jacque Hollander’s attempt for her day in court, “a pipe dream.” One would ask Ms Opri if the many clients she has defended, if their cases were pipe dreams as well? One would also beg the question that appeals and legal precedents that are made at the Supreme Court level were all pipe dreams by an individual at one point. That’s why they are brought in front of the Supreme Court, to over turn what is perceived to be bad existing law. One may also want to ask Debra Opri took look at the big picture rather than just the defense of her one client, James Brown, who is being accused of rape by Jacque Hollander. Would attorney Opri feel differently regarding the matter if say the victim was some one she knew or a loved one, rather than the defendant being her paying client? Jacque Hollander forges forward in her appeal in the rape suit.


The Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit by attorney Donald Rosen is actually an extremely well written and thought out argument. Far from a “pipe dream”.  It may just become a dream come true for Jacque Hollander. Woman’s rights groups should applaud Rosen’s petition and get behind it in droves.

The Appeal is based on the fact that a two year statue of limitations time limit is unfair toward victims, particularly woman who need equal protection under the law. Attorney Donald Rosen also references the Violence Against Woman Act as well.

Whether the State of Illinois’ two-year statute of limitations that includes sexual assault as a personal injury subject to the same limitations as other personal injuries, fails to provide due process of law, and fails to provide equal protection to women, and so violates the Fourteenth Amendment and 42 USCS § 13981.


(Click on doc to enlarge)

Read the full petition below, there are some tremendous points made. This is truly an interesting case and an Appeal that could very easily win. One thing is for certain, one should never call an individual’s attempt to get justice in the courts a “pipe dream”. Especially an officer of the court and a lawyer.

Defense attorney Debra Opri’s “pipe dream” may just become a bad dream and James Brown’s worst nightmare if this appeal is heard and won by Jacque Hollander.

The Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit

Doc 1     Doc 2     Doc 3     Doc 4     Doc 5     Doc 6

Doc 7     Doc 8     Doc 9     Doc 10     Doc 11


Posted November 28, 2006 by
Crime, Judicial, Media | 4 comments

OJ Simpson … The Thing that Will Not Leave … The media, the thing that will not let it

Who is more pathetic, OJ Simpson, his lawyer or the Networks? OJ’s book, interview and OJglove2TV deal crashed and burned due to public outcry and common decency. Now OJ’s lawyer tells us that news execs are begging to talk with the man some of them denounced last week. You all deserve one another.   

What’s the matter, OJ and his attorney need spending money for the holidays? If its even true whether they are getting offers. What is still true is that Simpson attorney is crazy if he thinks he is pious.

Despite those come-ons, Galanter says, “Right now, we don’t plan to do any interview. We think it’s a dead story. I think the whole thing is in poor taste.” (Daily News)

No, what’s in poor taste is your wording calling it a “dead story” and the fact that you people just won’t go away but instead continue your attempt in the lime-light to spite the family of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. If an interview is in such poor taste, why did OJ agree to do one in the first place with NewsCorp. Do us all a favor and go, far …  far away.

Posted November 28, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Media | 7 comments

Taking Christ out of Christmas Continues … In Chicago the movie “The Nativity Story” dropped from a Christmas Festival

The insanity continues. Actually the intolerance and war on Christmas continues by those that Nativity_storythat are anti-Christian who conduct these asinine attacks on Christianity in the name of tolerance and guise not to offend people. How about the tolerance of non-Christians for others? How about the tolerance of the secular crowd to allow people to celebrate this time of year the way they wish to? Who is it offending?

Some how in the year 2006 it is deemed unacceptable and offensive to non-Christians to have the story of Christmas, “The Nativity Story,” (movie trailer can be seen here) to be played at a public Christmas festival. Can anyone find the logic in this? The name of the event is … “Christkindlmarket”.

 CHICAGO (AP) – A public Christmas festival is no place for the Christmas story, the city says. Officials have asked organizers of a downtown Christmas festival, the German Christkindlmarket, to reconsider using a movie studio as a sponsor because it is worried ads for its film “The Nativity Story” might offend non-Christians.

New Line Cinema, which said it was dropped, had planned to play a loop of the new film on televisions at the event. The decision had both the studio and a prominent Christian group shaking their heads.

Could anyone explain why non-Christians are going to what is promoted as a Christmas event? If a non-Christian is offended, don’t go. Read the facts regarding Christkindlmarket Chicago  and what part of this event promote “Christ”mas?

Read more

Posted November 28, 2006 by
Bizarre, Religion | 14 comments

Daily Commentary – Tuesday November 28th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Peter R. de Vries on Natalee Holloway

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Posted November 28, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 4 comments

So Why Does an Innocent Man Pay for a Fauxtograph of Joran Van der Sloot with Natalee Holloway?

Welcome Fox News viewers, for those that wish to read the witness and suspect statements, go here or here

The answer is … an innocent person wouldn’t.

Exactly what type of person does this? What would possess someone to pay another to have their picture inserted into an existing picture of a girl who is presumed dead? One that you have been accused of killing.

How warped and sick must someone actually be to do this with a person who all believe to have passed? How disturbed and cruel an individual must one be? Joran Van der Sloot you are truly twisted and have much explaining to do. There is nothing remotely funny about this, but it certainly says much about your character and mental make up. What would your parents have to say about their little “sporter” now?


(Real photo above)



(Fauxtograph of Joran Van der Sloot & Natalee Holloway)


Email to Kees requesting that his picture be fauxto-shopped into an existing picture with Natalee Holloway.

Of course we remember who Kees is …

Girls Come and Go, Joran Van der Sloot.blogspot

Kees say:


Joran replies:


Tonight at 10:00 PM EDT Greta Van Susteren will be interviewing Peter de Vries and Beth Twitty regarding the recent de Vries show.

Gee Greta, you have done so much to help the family lately and keep the story in the news. Not to mention that “soft ball” interview with Joran.  I guess there must have been a recent big event. Scared Monkeys has one question for Greta van Susteren …


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