Gray Lady Turning White? Fear of Hank Greenberg Running Rampant at New York Times

NytdayInsurance billionaire Hank Greenberg is in the midst of a power play aimed at taking over the New York Times, or at least forcing Pinch Sulzberger to give up some of the control he and his family have over the paper.

The New York Times has fallen from the paper of record into a liberal mess, losing circulation and profitability while getting ensconsed in scandals such as the Jason Blair affair. Greenberg is looking to turn around the fortunes of the paper if he succeeds in the take over.

Sources confirmed that the famously combative Greenberg has been buying hundreds of thousands of Times shares, but did not disclose the exact number or the size of the stake he wants to own.
Greenberg has both the assets – Forbes estimated his net worth at $3.2 billion – and the temperament to jump into a fight over the future of the stumbling newspaper giant.
A major stock position would put Greenberg in league with already angry Times’ shareholders, such as Morgan Stanley Investment Management, to battle the board over whether the founding Ochs-Sulzberger family should hold a powerful class of stock that accounts for a majority of the voting power at the company.   via the New York Post Online Edition:

Here is my question for the media? If Greenberg takes over the paper and turns it into a conservative newspaper, or even a moderate one, will the rest of the media still consider it the paper of record? Or will they quickly move on to another target that echos their world view?

Update: It looks like the folks over at Editors and Publishers are already worrying about Maurice Greenberg.

Posted November 29, 2006 by
Business, Media, Politics | 4 comments

How Desperate is the Aruban Government for Money? Aruban Government attaches Marriott Sales Proceeds

Think the island of Aruba and the government is not desperate for revenue? I guess this can Moneybe added to the many reason to do business in Aruba and that “ideal market for investment” that was floated. According to Amigoe, the Aruban government has requested that a “Court of First Instance” be attached to the proceeds of the recent Marriott sale. We will do as we please, even if we do not have the documents. Why does this story sound so familiar?

The buildings were sold for 237 million dollars last week to a Caribbean investor in real estate.  The petition is dated November 24th, but has been submitted before that date, because it mentions the urgent reason for the sale of the buildings.

Of course there are many details in such deal and disputed opinions, comments and facts. However, the following comment from Aruban Prime Minister Nelson Oduber rings so loud and so common as what we have all seen from Aruban officials during the past 18 months. Trust me, I am telling the truth. Conveniently they do not have the necessary documents, they vanished. Yet, people are Nelson Odubersupposed to take them at their word of the ones they do have that benefit their position.

These proceeds are for the Country of Aruba, after the Netherlands is paid in connection with the loan furnished at that time.”  Oduber admits that the government does no longer have all the documentation concerning the loan.  But from some other documents that he has, he concludes that only Aruba is entitle to the proceeds.

Read more

Posted November 29, 2006 by
Aruba, Bizarre, Business, Economy | 35 comments

Charles Schumer and Democrats Believe Their Own Press Clippings

Schumer_whoreInstead of recognizing the fact that conservatives abandoned the Republican Party this past midterm election, Democrats are thinking that they have vanquished core conservative principals and dominate the political landscape. Charles Schumer, Senator from New York and media whore, stopped by the Daily News office to proclaim Reaganomics dead. As Mr. T would say, “I pity the fool”.

“We’re in better shape than [Republicans] are, because they don’t realize that Reaganomics is dead, that the Reagan philosophy is dead,” he said. “We realize that New Deal democracy, which is still our paradigm, which is sort of appeal to each group … that doesn’t work any more.”
He had said a bit earlier, “The old Reagan theory which dominated — which is, ‘Government is bad, it’s out of touch, chop off its hands as soon as it moves.’ — is over.” via The Daily News

So let these Democrats continue to weave a path towards large government and classic liberal “we know whats best for you thought”. Let the Charles Schumer’s tell us that big government is best for the country. These same liberals did not run on this platform in 2006, maybe they will have the cajones to run on big government in 2008.

My bet is on Reaganomics carrying the day.

Posted November 29, 2006 by
Media, Politics | one comment

Daily Commentary – Wednesday November 29th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Looking Forward to the 2008 Presidential Elections

icon for podpress  Standard Podcast [2:10m]: Download

Posted November 29, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | one comment

Venezuela President Hugo Chavez … Call him Mr. Democracy … Hugo the Concerned

Who knew Hugo Chavez was concerned about the fair and democratic process of voting? Chavez CastroChavez has adopted safeguards to prevent tampering with the electronic voting machines in Sunday’s Presidential Election in Venezuela.

Unlike with most U.S. electronic voting machines, Venezuelans will get paper receipts that verify their choices were properly recorded, and must deposit them into boxes before leaving the polls. After Sunday’s vote, election officials monitored by representatives of each candidate will count millions of the paper receipts for comparison to the electronic totals.

Of course there is no mention of the threats, intimidation or they gun to their heads by Chavez when the people cast their E–Vote. But of course the MSM looks at Chavez as a Democratically elected President, not a Dictator. Wonder why Jimmy Carter is not monitoring the vote?

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