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May 17, 2014

70% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws, Including 51% of Blacks … Why Are Democrats Lawmakers & Obama Against the Will of the American People and Preventing Voter Fraud?

Posted in: 2014 Elections,2016 Elections,Amnesty,Barack Obama,Blacks,Conspiracy,Corruption,Crime,cronyism,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Ethics,Fox News Opinion Dynamic,Government,Gutter Politics,Illegal Immigration,Independents,Latinos/Hispanic,Liberals,Minorities,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamanation,Open Borders - Border Security,Polls,Progressives,Race Card,Racism,Restoring America,Voter Fraud,Voter ID Card,We the People,WTF

So I guess Democrat law makers and co-called Black leaders would tell you that 70% of Americans are racist.

According to a recent Fox News Poll, 70% of Americans polled agree that there should be voter ID laws passed that required an valid state or federal photo identification in order to be allowed to vote. The survey found that a majority of every demographic supported such a law, including 91% of Republicans, 66% of Independents and even 55% of Democrats. However, many Democratic lawmakers, Black activists and organizations are opposed to strict voter identification laws, claiming they are largely unnecessary and discourage minority voting. They even claim those that would want such a law are hateful, racist and only looking to suppress the minority vote. Of course one needs a valid state or federal ID to cash a check, board an airplane, buy alcohol, obtain a driver’s license at the DMV, any banking transaction including opening an account, obtain SSI disability, buy a gun, donating blood, buy cigarettes, get a US passport, attain unemployment benefits, obtaining a carry gun permit, adopt a child and even buy Sudafed from your local pharmacy. But some how requiring one to do something as important as vote is a burden to minorities. Here is the money line to the poll, 51% of African Americans support voter ID laws, while 46% oppose the laws. Does this mean that the 51% of blacks are racist?


Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

The 70 percent who support voter ID laws remains largely unchanged in the past few years. Another 27 percent believe the laws are unnecessary.

The issue has resurfaced recently as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Republicans should not go too crazy over the law because they are offending people, African-Americans in particular.

He later clarified he believes the laws should not be a defining issue for Republicans, and they should be left up to the states to decide. A total of 31 states have active voter identification laws, while a handful of others have recently been struck down in state courts.

The survey found majorities of every demographic support the law. Ninety-one percent of Republicans offer support, and 66 percent of independents feel the same.

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Doesn’t make one wonder why when pretty much everything in this country requires a photo ID, including to buy, own and carry a gun (a right protected in the US Constitution) that making sure that there are fair elections with no fraud would be opposed by Democrats? So are they pro-voter fraud? But then again, this is coming from the party that is perfectly fine with letting illegals into the United States and then letting them out of jail after committing crimes. If individuals think that minorities cannot some how get a photo ID, maybe something needs to be looked into that as a problem, rather than calling voter ID laws racist.

As stated at TPPN, “All in all, the case against voter ID laws is not only flimsy, it’s downright laughable in its ridiculousness.”

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