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April 21, 2014

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Says Politics Had Nothing to do With Obama’s Delay of Keystone XL Pipeline Until After 2014 Midterm Elections

Posted in: Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Canada,Chicago-Style Politics,collusion,Crony Capitalism,cronyism,Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL),Democrats,Divider in Chief,Economy,Energy,Epic Fail,Government,Gutter Politics,Jobs,Keystone XL Pipeline,Leading from Behind,Liars,Liberals,Media,Meet the Press,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Partisan hack,Politics,Progressives,Socialist in Chief,The Lying King,Transparency,Tyranny,United States,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) was on ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday spinning like a top. DWS told David Gregory that she does not believe that Barack Obama’s decision to delay the XL Keystone pipeline had nothing to do with politics. HAH! Seriously Debbie, the fact that it is referenced that a decision will be made at the earliest after the 2014 has nothing to do with politics? Sorry, but much like everything with Obama, it has everything to do with politics. This is just another example of Barack Obama kicking the political can of issues down the road and playing partisan politics and putting Democrats ahead of Americans. We know that the Keystone XL pipline construction will create primary jobs and secondary one’s from that. But that does not matter to the Food Stamp president.

DWS discusses Keystone XL Pipeline around the 4:00 mark

DWS went on to say, “It [Keyston XL pipeline] affects multiple states.  What’s also true is that incumbent senators like [Louisiana Democrat] Mary Landrieu understand the issues that are important on the ground in their states to their constituents.” Yes, they do and they do not appear to be happy.

XL_Keystone_Sen_Landrieu comments

This woman has the nerve to talk about Tea party extremists when Democrats and Barack Obama are pandering to the far-left wing environmental wackos in delaying the XL Keystone as even Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) stated, “Today’s decision by the administration amounts to nothing short of an indefinite delay of the Keystone pipeline. The decision’s irresponsible, unnecessary, and unacceptable. By making it clear that they will not move the process forward until there’s a resolution in a lawsuit in Nebraska, the administration is sending a signal that the small minority who oppose the pipeline can tie up the process in court forever.”

Meet the Press Transcript:

DAVID GREGORY: Are you worried, as the party chair, that this shouldn’t be resolved before the election because of the potential impact it could have on vulnerable Democrats?

REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: As a member of Congress who represents hundreds of thousands of people in south Florida, I want to make sure that the right decision is arrived at. And that the president makes that decision carefully and he doesn’t factor politics into his decision, which I don’t think he is.

DAVID GREGORY: Is the issue in the fall a referendum on President Obama?

REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: No, absolutely not. The–


I suppose the IRS targeting the Tea Party, blaming Benghazi on a video tape and delaying employee mandates for Obamacare were not political either.

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