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March 19, 2014

Barack Obama, the Liar in Chief Strikes Again … Health Industry Officials say ObamaCare Related Premiums Will Double in Parts of the Country,

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But I thought Obama said under Obamacare our premiums would go down … Not so says  Health Industry Officials.

What would the day be like without out another Barack Obama lie regarding Obamacare? The Hill is reporting that healthcare industry officials are saying that O-care related premiums will double in some parts of the country. This is in direct contrast to what Obama promised and (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius continually spins. As one industry official said, “It’s pretty shortsighted because I think everybody knows that the way the exchange has rolled out … is going to lead to higher costs.” Gee, ya think? Let alone they have missed their mark badly on the number of enrollees, and more importantly, the number of young, healthy, non-subsidy seeking enrollees.


Don’t worry Barack, they won’t find out the truth until it’s too late, Hope & Change, Hope & Change, lower premiums …  ah-ha-ha-ha!!!

Health industry officials say ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country, countering claims recently made by the administration.

The expected rate hikes will be announced in the coming months amid an intense election year, when control of the Senate is up for grabs. The sticker shock would likely bolster the GOP’s prospects in November and hamper ObamaCare insurance enrollment efforts in 2015.

The industry complaints come less than a week after Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sought to downplay concerns about rising premiums in the healthcare sector. She told lawmakers rates would increase in 2015 but grow more slowly than in the past.

“The increases are far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act,” the secretary said in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee.

Her comment baffled insurance officials, who said it runs counter to the industry’s consensus about next year.

“It’s pretty shortsighted because I think everybody knows that the way the exchange has rolled out … is going to lead to higher costs,” said one senior insurance executive who requested anonymity.

Will some benefit from Obama, certainly. But it does not even come close the the amount of people that will be adversely affected. It just goes to show you that if a lie is told long enough and loud  enough, and not questioned in any responsible manner, it can become the truth by an apathetic people. Oh yea, and if you like your healthcare plan and doctor, you will be able to keep them too.

Obama promises the applauding lemmings that their premiums will go down under Obamacare

Remember when Obama said that for those who get their healthcare insurance through their workplace, that through Obamacare your employers would see their premiums decrease by 3000% and would be able to give you a raise? Buying that American? Why do you think Obama has delayed the employer mandate for Obamacare, maybe because that is where an overwhelming majority of Americans receive their healthcare and the premiums would escalate, not go down? Or because your employer would toss you off the plan and onto Obamacare? And maybe, just maybe to get by the 2014 and 2014 elections.

Now Obama is promising saving families an average of $2500 a year per family

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