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July 28, 2014

Sarah Palin’s Challenge to the WAPO to Engage in the Same Aggressive Investigative Journalism as They Did with Richard Nixon and Watergate

Posted in: 2012 Elections,America - United States,Barack Obama,Benghazi-Gate,Chicago-Style Politics,collusion,Community Agitator,Conspiracy,Corruption,Cover-Up,Crime,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Ethics,Fast & Furious,Gutter Politics,Impeachment,Imperial President,IRS-gate,Liberals,Lois Lerner,Misleader,Obama in Wonderland,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obstruction of Justice,Phony Scandals,Progressives,Restoring America,Sarah Palin,Scandal,The Lying King,Transparency,United States,US Constitution,VA Scandal,We the People

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin challenges the Washington Post to cover Obama’s proclamation that absolutely no wrongdoing occurred at the IRS, “not even a smidgen,” in the same manner that they did in their tireless and aggressive manner they did President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal.

Sorry, I am not sure if MSM, integrity and good journalism can be used in the same sentence anymore.


Sarah Palin’s Facebook Challenge to the Washington Post:

To reclaim your credibility (and the mainstream media’s, at large), I challenge you to engage in the same aggressive investigative journalism you courageously employed 42 years ago covering President Nixon. The public knows of our current president’s incompetence, denials, and cover-ups, but would be well served if we could count on your resources to dig deep for truth in all matters pertaining to Team Obama.

One example: your reporters kept tracking an obscure break-in story and that led to revealing a grave problem in the White House. The Washington Post’s reputation soared as the model of good journalism. Today, you’ve fallen like a lead balloon. Whereas you once doggedly covered the 18.5 minute gap in Nixon’s White House communications, you’ve virtually ignored the Obama Administration’s 1.2 million minutes of deleted communications by just one of the agencies under Obama’s executive branch. I’m speaking of the Lois Lerner IRS harassment-of-conservatives scandal wherein Lerner “lost” pertinent email communications. You’ve allowed Obama to skate with his proclamation that absolutely no wrongdoing occurred at the IRS, “not even a smidgen.”

The list of Obama abuses and impeachable offenses is long. I challenge you to lift a finger and help protect democracy, allow justice for all, and ensure domestic tranquility by doing your job reporting current corrupt events fairly. If not, you prove yourselves incompetent and in bed with Obama, not caring one iota about media integrity.

Those running the Washington Post’s show now, compared to those during the Nixon era, are too afraid of being uninvited to the permanent political class’ cocktail parties and petty gossip fests, making you all a bunch of wusses. I challenge you to get to work.

- Sarah Palin

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