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April 16, 2014

Video Shows Large al Qaeda Meeting in Yemen and Some How No Obama Drones Could Be Found … Hmm, I Thought al Qaeda was On the Run?

Posted in: al-Qaeda,Barack Obama,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Home Land Security,Islamist,Jihad,Misleader,Obamanation,Predator drone,Terrorism,The Lying King,Transparency,US National Security,War on Terror,WTF,Yemen,You Tube - VIDEO

Don’t worry America … Barack Obama told us that al Qaeda is on the run.

Exactly how is it that al Qaeda can have a meeting of so many individuals, including al Qaeda’s crown prince Nasir al-Wuhayshi, out in the open and there was no knowledge of this by the CIA or the Pentagon? Where was the drone strike that would have decimated al Qaeda? How is it that the NSA can spy on all law abiding American’s emails, phone calls, tweets, etc. but no one knew about this very public open meeting? UNREAL!!! Instead, Obama goes after a cowboy in an over-reach of force.

As reported at The Politico, Rep. Mike Rogers said Tuesday that Al Qaeda is stronger than ever, and that they are doing all the things necessary to prepare a strike.

“The less pressure you put on them, the more they take that as a victory,” Rogers said. “The more that they believe they can get away with plotting, planning, organizing, as you saw there, finance training, all of the things that they would need to do to strike a Western target, they’re going through that process, including, by the way, bringing very sophisticated people to devise new devices that would try to get around security protocols at airports and other places.”

In a speech to the group, al-Wuhayshi makes it clear that he’s going after the United States, saying “We must eliminate the cross. … The bearer of the cross is America!”


A new video shows what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years. And the CIA and the Pentagon either didn’t know about it or couldn’t get a drone there in time to strike.

U.S. officials won’t comment on that, but every frame of the video is now being analyzed by the United States.

In the middle of the clip, the man known as al Qaeda’s crown prince, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, appears brazenly out in the open, greeting followers in Yemen. Al-Wuhayshi, the No. 2 leader of al Qaeda globally and the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has said he wants to attack the United States. But in the video, he looks unconcerned that he could be hit by an American drone.

Another Obama lie that got him reelected … al Qaeda is on the path to defeat

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