Hmm … Mark Halperin Says Obamacare Contains “Death Panels” … Where Have We Heard that Before, Sarah Palin? (VIDEO)
Posted in: Barack Obama,Campaigner in Chief,Chicago-Style Politics,collusion,Community Agitator,Conspiracy,Cover-Up,Death Panels,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Ethics,Fraud,Gutter Politics,Healthcare,Liars,Liberals,Media,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamacare,Obamanation,Progressives,Sarah Palin,The Dodger in Chief,The Lying King,Transparency,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
Mark Halperin says the following on “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV, “It’s built into the plan. It’s not like a guess or like a judgment. That’s going to be part of how costs are controlled”.
More at TPM, one of the Beltway’s best-known pundits gave credence this week to perhaps the fringiest of all Obamacare conspiracy theories … death panels. But is it really a conspiracy theory? Didn’t Barack Obama also tell us that if you liked your healthcare plan, you could keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD! Didn’t Obama tell us we could keep our doctor and hospital as well? Didn’t Obama promise us that premiums would go down? ALL WERE LIES THAT OBAMA KNEW WERE LIES!!! So what would make anyone think now that the “death” panels, i.e. end of life healthcare rationing were not true as well? Barack Obama hardly has a track record of telling the truth. What was Obama and his minions going to do in getting this bogus law passed and prior to the 2012 presidential, tell the truth that bureaucrats would kill off grandma as they waged a war on the GOP that Republicans wanted to push her off the cliff? Hardly. Obamacare was passed on the intentional deceit of the White House and all that dare get in its way are say anything bad were attacked. How’s that “Hopey-Changey” death panels working out for you America?
“We do need to do some of that in this country, because we can’t afford to spend so much on end-of-life care. A very high percentage of our healthcare spending is for a very small number of people at the last stages of their life,” he said Monday.
“I’m not saying the system shouldn’t allow that, but there’s too much cost. There’re judgments have to be made.”
click on pic to listen to watch VIDEO (8:00)
Partial Transcript from Real Clear Politics:
MALZBERG, HOST: A lot of people said you weren’t going to be able to keep your health care, but also they focused on the death panels, which will be coming, call them what you will, rationing, is part of it…
HALPERIN: No, I agree, and that’s going to be a huge issue, and that’s something else on which the president was not fully forthcoming and straightforward.
MALZBERG: So, you believe there will be rationing, a.k.a. death panels?
HALPERIN: It’s built into the plan. It’s not like a guess or like a judgment. That’s going to be part of how costs are controlled.
Remember when Sarah Palin said there were death panels in Obamacare 4 years ago and was vilified? Now suddenly Democrats are admitting that Sarah Palin was right. Oh how that must pain liberals and Democrats. Suddenly 22 Dems and counting are agreeing with Sarahcuda. Think about that America, the woman that Democrats love to hate was right on “DEATH PANELS”. Just curious, is ‘Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS), covered under Obamacare?
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